Moving the goal line

Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
I've been improving my fitness level, but my focus has lapsed a bit, resulting in a one step forward, one step back result on the scale over the last few months. Fact is, I'm eating at a "comfortable" level to maintain current body weight. I really don't "Need" to lose more weight to look healthy (heck, I bought new suits for work last year after dropping 30lbs, then had to buy smaller ones again this year, OUCH!).

I've been using road races, etc, as target events on the calendar to help me push myself in training. I've made solid improvements in running times over the last six weeks and it has also helped to reduce my waist size by 1" (34 to 33") even though my body weight has only gone down a few lbs.

The reality is that I'm very competitive and I think I can reach another level of fitness with about a 10-15lb weight reduction. For example, I finished in the top 50% of last Sunday's road race, but I'm seeing a bunch of 50yr +guys who finished ahead of me and I believe I can catch up to them.

I know that with a sustained strong focus on eating to the plan and training, I can get there. The questions I'm asking myself are: 1) Do I have the discipline, and 2) Why do I want to get there and 3) Is it sustainable for me at 55 years old? (At 168-170lbs, I'd be at my high school/college age weight).

So my question to this group is: Does anyone else use athletic events to set training targets as a way to drive weight loss?
Is it a successful strategy for you?

Appreciate any feedback..... Dave