New and definitely in need of the group!

Hiya everyone!

I'm relatively new to MFP but not to weight loss. I've lost 60lbs in the past but gained a bunch back so I'm back in the boat of wanting to lose weight. I've started with a goal of 30lbs but am finding that my emotional eating and loneliness is definitely getting in the way.
Looking forward to learning and growing with the group :)


  • lampshade_z
    lampshade_z Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am in a similar place. New to MFP. I have successfully lost weight elsewhere but can relate to putting weight back on through compulsive eating. Now I am trying to focus on building a richer life that supports my overall emotional health so I don't have to go to food for things it wasn't meant to do ( keep me company, lift my mood etc.) I wish you good luck and if you want support, I'm here.
  • kaydeelayne
    kaydeelayne Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in the same boat.
  • pdenoyes
    pdenoyes Posts: 9 Member
    Please add me in too! I am on the same ride.
  • HealthyGuerita
    HealthyGuerita Posts: 15 Member
    Would love to be added. Roller coaster ride as well but needing to really lose some weight for health reasons. Sugar is my double edge friend one minute and my enemy the next!
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm with you, too! I'm so happy I found this group! I'm not new to MFP, just back again. :wink:
  • snowy_sk
    snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
    I'm here too! Lost heaps of weight and regained most of it. Stay at home mum..... Lonely, a bit bored (used to be a busy analyst) and eating to cheer me up! Definitely need to beat this x
  • JenUSUK
    JenUSUK Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a stay at home Mum with a 3 year old and 5 year old and a husband who insists on a spotless house! My first proper day was yesterday and I'm loving this app. Determined to lose 36 pounds at least, so I can feel good about myself again. Biscuits are my worst craving....well, anything sweet to be honest. When I am stressed or upset (or hormonal!) that is when I eat and often I don't even know I am eating! Children's food and treats are the worst! Looking forward to making friends and finding support (and being able to offer it if I can) on my way to the weight loss! Thanks everyone! Jen :)
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome.. fell free to add me if you like. been here for 70 days :) feel like an old pro.. lol NOT!
  • katie56513
    katie56513 Posts: 4 Member
    I would also love to be added, I'm so glad I found this group! I had two babies in 18 mo but I also really struggle with binge and emotional eating. I have about 60# to lose and would love to motivate and support other people in similar situations!!
  • hunnyb333
    hunnyb333 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the group but not new to MFP (yo-yo emotional/binge-eating). I've been working on this again for the past few months and I am finally getting to work... if anyone wants support add me!