Giving this a go again

beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
Hey all! I've already met some fantastic people from this group. I tried this out before last year, saw a gain on the scale and immediately dropped my calories back down to 1300-1600. Sure I saw some pounds lost but didn't see inches gone all that much. Been doing some heavy lifting in the process with little cardio.

After talking with a few people from this group i have been convinced to try increasing my calories. I have it set to 1900 for this week. I'm 5'8, and 155lbs with about 23-24% body fat. I'm almost where I want to be at minus my midsection of course.

I've been the type to rely on the numbers on the scale and it would of course reflect my mood. Slowly i'm breaking away from that, and just concentrating on feeling good.

But at the same time, i'm scared, worried and nervous of increasing my calories to 1900. My TDEE is about 2600 or so, and im doing a -15% cut from that. So hopefully I can start getting some inches moving!


  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Good luck, trust the process and keep lifting!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I'm going to try my hardest to trust it. I'm still up a bit on the scale, but its only temporary :)
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    Honestly, my weight over the past month has been plus or minus the same 4lbs, but part of that is me not being consistent with my diet; HOWEVER, i do feel a difference in how i feel, especially compared to how i felt and my gym performance when my calories were lower!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Honestly, my weight over the past month has been plus or minus the same 4lbs, but part of that is me not being consistent with my diet; HOWEVER, i do feel a difference in how i feel, especially compared to how i felt and my gym performance when my calories were lower!

    My weight has done the same kind of thing. I really need inches gone.
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    Honestly, my weight over the past month has been plus or minus the same 4lbs, but part of that is me not being consistent with my diet; HOWEVER, i do feel a difference in how i feel, especially compared to how i felt and my gym performance when my calories were lower!

    My weight has done the same kind of thing. I really need inches gone.

    even though my weight has stayed relatively the same, i am finding i am still losing inches. my clothes definitely fit better than they did, even when i was 10 lbs lighter. hang in there!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I put the scale away for now and im not bringing it back out again for another week. GOnna trust eating 1900 calories and lets see where that will take me :)
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    I put the scale away for now and im not bringing it back out again for another week. GOnna trust eating 1900 calories and lets see where that will take me :)

    just remember the scale is only a measure of gravity at a particular point in time, and it can fluxuate based on TOM, hydration levels, etc.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I put the scale away for now and im not bringing it back out again for another week. GOnna trust eating 1900 calories and lets see where that will take me :)

    just remember the scale is only a measure of gravity at a particular point in time, and it can fluxuate based on TOM, hydration levels, etc.

    And according to some comments I've seen - their scales are so accurate that it detects differences in gravity depending on where they put it in the house.

    Meaning they weigh different amounts when they move it.

    Or they have a local gravity phenomenon, and stepping right back on the scale it is different!

  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    edited May 2015
    heybales wrote: »
    I put the scale away for now and im not bringing it back out again for another week. GOnna trust eating 1900 calories and lets see where that will take me :)

    just remember the scale is only a measure of gravity at a particular point in time, and it can fluxuate based on TOM, hydration levels, etc.

    And according to some comments I've seen - their scales are so accurate that it detects differences in gravity depending on where they put it in the house.

    Meaning they weigh different amounts when they move it.

    Or they have a local gravity phenomenon, and stepping right back on the scale it is different!


    I wish MFP had a "like" button like Facebook does:smiley:

    In all seriousness, scales are never going to be 100% accurate, im willing to bet if i weighed myself on one scale then another one, in the exact same spot, i wouldn't get the same reading!

    That's why it's best to measure and go on how you're feeling/clothes are fitting!

  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    I put the scale away for now and im not bringing it back out again for another week. GOnna trust eating 1900 calories and lets see where that will take me :)

    just remember the scale is only a measure of gravity at a particular point in time, and it can fluxuate based on TOM, hydration levels, etc.

    And according to some comments I've seen - their scales are so accurate that it detects differences in gravity depending on where they put it in the house.

    Meaning they weigh different amounts when they move it.

    Or they have a local gravity phenomenon, and stepping right back on the scale it is different!


    I wish MFP had a "like" button like Facebook does:smiley:

    In all seriousness, scales are never going to be 100% accurate, im willing to bet if i weighed myself on one scale then another one, in the exact same spot, i wouldn't get the same reading!

    That's why it's best to measure and go on how you're feeling/clothes are fitting!

    This morning I got a happy surprise. I stepped on the scale and discovered a 6 lb loss! Overnight!! I'll bet I got off and on that scale 15 times and it still showed a loss. Happy dance because I was at goal!!!

    Then I changed the battery and got back on. Oh well. At least it had still moved a few ounces in the right direction! Gotta be careful!

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    i'm sorry, but that is just too funny. Ok, maybe not. Yeah, it is.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    I'm so sorry, hahahaha, really, hahahahaha, it's not funny!
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    Good luck to you! I just started this a few days ago and it's amazing what an effort it is to each this much, especially when you concentrate on protein. It keeps me full for so long I'm not even hungry for the next snack or meal!

    @tigerblue - love it!!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Good luck to you! I just started this a few days ago and it's amazing what an effort it is to each this much, especially when you concentrate on protein. It keeps me full for so long I'm not even hungry for the next snack or meal!

    @tigerblue - love it!!

    Yup, I found i'm not that ravenous for food at all. I try to keep protein around 140-150g a day. Sucks for having gas though.....but its all worth it!