Correctly calculating Activity level...

Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
I have been working on my reset. Harder to get up to the amount of calories daily, but I am doing much better.

5'7" 47yrs old this month. Weight as of Jan 31st of this year 209. It went up to 211 within three weeks and stayed there until this week. I am not perfect at logging food on the weekends. so my diary isn't complete.

However, my question is this. I do three days of weights for approx. 30 minutes and 2 days cardio for 45 minutes. I do have a desk job, but do get up and down and move a round here and there and I after work I am doing another job, but little consistent movement. I seem to get in almost 3 hours just on the excercise alone. Do I still say 1-3 hours on scooby? what about days where I move more or do yardwork or go dancing for a couple hours will this affect my TDEE?

Also not sure why my weight went up again, I didn't get in alot of calories last week due to the schedule, but find it a challenge to get in the 2200 calories daily. I will say that my clothes feel like they fit the same and I have not measured at all. Some say they think they see a change, but I see none.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Try this for actual time you spend, and be honest for daily activity outside job and exercise.

    Because the cardio depends - walking or running?
    Running burns 2 x as much as walking if decent clip, so the TDEE wouldn't be the same for 90 min of either.

    Yard work is pretty fat burning low key stuff, but if you know 30 min weekly is done, or 45 min mowing, then count as half the time walking in that chart.

    Dancing or even yard work, if easier to leave out until done - you log it and eat it back, with same 15% deficit when you take deficit. Or all of it during reset.