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Any ladies in their 50s on this board?



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    57 here. I'm not really trying to lose as much as I am trying to change my body composition. I want to get back to a 15-20% body fat composition. I think when I do that I'll be about 10 pounds lighter than I am now, but I don't weigh myself that much so it's just a guess.
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    edited May 2015
    Early 60s here. I am 5'5" and about 115lbs. I'd mostly like to change my body composition: less "fat" tissue (with waning skin elasticity it just hangs...ugh) and more muscle tissue (geesh the good stuff just disintegrates after 50!). I've given up the idea of getting to the gym regularly because of family commitments so I keep trying to come up with a home exercise program using dumb bells. I've done a lot of research (thanks Google) so I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what to include in the routine but I think I've been designing too long a routine so I never find to do it! I've done my current incarnation twice (striving for every other day) and while I may tweak it a bit, it seems to be the best I've come up with.

    I've been trying to find other women of the 50+ age group who don't have to lose a lot of weight but are looking for ways to get a better body. Feel free to send a friend request if you want to trade ideas and support. I will warn you though that I'm not a "daily" participant. :)
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    I am one of those. I have always been on the thinner side and have always worked out. I used to box until I had an injury. It seems no matter WHAT I do .. I feel flabby..LOL. I do what my ex (a Marine) used to call the Military workout. Jumping jacks, squats, lunges, push ups..etc. in addition to cardio and weight training. I'm hoping this works.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    @Resolve2B, I had a trainer that had us do things like "24 Hours of Swing" where we'd carry around a Kettlebell and every time we thought of it, we'd swing it 5-25 times. (Just short of getting sweaty.) By the end of the day, most of us had swung that thing 200-300 times which is the equivalent of a 1 hour workout. You could the same with free weights. Or anything actually.
  • rojechdu716
    rojechdu716 Posts: 1 Member
    I will be 51 in a few months, I've always been fairly fit until 5 years ago when one of my children passed, I tried to keep working out until the depression got the best of me. I've put on about 20 lbs. I hired a fitness trainer almost 5 weeks ago and I personally have struggled, she helped with a healthy eating plan and her workouts are crossfit based, I've only lost a few pounds so far but doing good on loosing inches and my pants are looser. I can not believe how hard it is to move those extra pounds..... lol . My goal weight is to be at a healthy 130 lbs. I'm 5'5" started out at 153 lbs now at 148.
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    Gosh, I'm so sorry to know of your loss, rojechdu. I can't even imagine the pain you carry. Hugs for you and good luck with your goal. Sounds like you have a really good start. Keep us posted with your progress. Feel free to friend me too!

    Thanks to Mac for the kettleball idea. I did have to giggle at the thought of carrying the kettleball around all day! I already carry a toddler around (my 3 year old grand-darling for whom we care)....maybe I ought to swing her a little more often. She'd love it! LOL

    Yup, Speed, I think those who've responded to this discussion are all feeling that "more flabby than fit" feeling even though we are not necessarily feeling "overweight".

    One MFP friend talked about what she called "vanity fat". She said she has to stay really lean in order to keep as much fat tissue off her body as she can...not as a health thing but for vanity. I SO get that! My skin has gotten so thin that it no longer really "girdles" the fat tissue so any fat tissue that's on my body just "hangs". I really notice this on my inner thighs and knees. The more I can reduce the layer of fat, the less there is to hang. Of course "skin and bone" isn't attractive either so my goal at this tender time of life is to try to build up some muscle. I can't believe how the muscle tissue disintegrates in that decade from 50 to 60!!

    I've tried and tried to get to the gym. Last summer I even paid for a year of membership to a 24 hour club IN ADVANCE. My key card is still "virgin" and I think my membership has expired. So about 6 months ago I just decided that doing home exercises is better than the "nothing" I have been doing so I've been on the search for a routine that works for me. Here's what doesn't: exercise videos. I tried Jillian Michaels DVDs. I tried various YouTube videos like Fitness Blender. Nope. I guess I just don't like being bossed around! LOL Sooooo I've done a bunch of research and came up with a routine that I THINK I like using dumb bells. The current routine is one of several I've put together. The earlier ones looked good on paper but usually turned out to be too ambitious given the time I realistically have available. Hopefully this one will work better. I'm shooting for an every other day of this whole body workout with an extra shot of arm-exercises.

    I've read that at this point in life there are 2 biggies: lift weights and eat enough protein. Ok. Seems simple enough even for a lazy bummette like me! Actually the thought that "running" is no longer a supremely beneficial exercise at this age is something of a relief! :wink: I know from personal experience that for me to really get rid of those "last pounds" it takes WEIGHT LIFTING and LOW GLYCEMIC food choices. I can eat 1200 calories of really nutritious food (including a lot of protein) if I cut way down on the "white stuff": grains (and grain products like bread, pasta, rice), starchy veggies and fruits (potatoes and bananas), and sugar. When I've been off that wagon for awhile it takes a couple of frustrating weeks of disciplined eating for the craving for those carbs to diminish..but they always do.

    I'm typing this over coffee....it's a "day off" from toddler care. It is my exercise day though so I better get off these glutes and get 'em working!

  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    MacMadame wrote: »
    @Resolve2B, I had a trainer that had us do things like "24 Hours of Swing" where we'd carry around a Kettlebell and every time we thought of it, we'd swing it 5-25 times. (Just short of getting sweaty.) By the end of the day, most of us had swung that thing 200-300 times which is the equivalent of a 1 hour workout. You could the same with free weights. Or anything actually.

    I DO love my 10 pound kettle bell and 5 pound bar bell. They seem to work the best for me.
  • DebzNuDa
    DebzNuDa Posts: 252 Member
    edited May 2015
    I will be 51 in a few months, I've always been fairly fit until 5 years ago when one of my children passed, I tried to keep working out until the depression got the best of me. I've put on about 20 lbs. I hired a fitness trainer almost 5 weeks ago and I personally have struggled, she helped with a healthy eating plan and her workouts are crossfit based, I've only lost a few pounds so far but doing good on loosing inches and my pants are looser. I can not believe how hard it is to move those extra pounds..... lol . My goal weight is to be at a healthy 130 lbs. I'm 5'5" started out at 153 lbs now at 148.

    I am so sorry. No child should pass before a parent. I am so proud for you to keep on keeping and I know it sound cliché but, time will help. It will never pass but our brains help us go through. Blesses hon.

    On an other note, it does seems there a few more of us in the 50-60's but there are a LOT more young. Guess it's good because I wish I had started earlier....MUCH.
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    I like that idea of 24 hours of Swing. I don't have a lot of big chunks of time to fit in workouts and every little bit helps.
  • starfish235
    starfish235 Posts: 129 Member
    My pants from 8 years ago are some what tight and I am 5 lb under the weight I use to be. About a month ago I started realizing that in deed even I had been losing muscle mass. I lost an inch in height. I have worked out enough now that gain that inch in height back but my pants are not lose. They are a little less tight. I also realized about visceral fat. The fat on the organs. This has made me want to thin down some more. I wonder also how long I can keep this up. I wonder if I want lose a couple more as well.
  • kathyrain
    kathyrain Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 52, 5'2" and have just dropped 10 lbs. Another 10 would be great. I stayed away from the scale for almost a year but was still surprised when I finally got on it and saw 147 lbs. I've been logging onto MFP daily for the past 10 weeks along with my husband. Really helps to go through this with others.
  • NancyB422
    NancyB422 Posts: 7 Member
    I was 55 last month; I'm 4'11"-ish and I'd like to work my way down to 120. My high point is usually 132 (haven't seen that in a couple of years luckily); last year I was down to 123 but it's been creeping back on and I'm currently at 127 but it feels like my hips and thighs keep spreading!
    But I haven't been sticking to eating right, getting my veggies etc. and my workouts are on and off week to week.
    A friend and I plan to help motivate each other and we're hoping that will get us both results.
  • bikerbabewannab2015
    bikerbabewannab2015 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all..im 51 and have the last 6-7lbs left..ughh..started the 21 Day Fix and as soon as school is done..i plan on starting to exercise
  • JamieIveyMahaffey
    JamieIveyMahaffey Posts: 19 Member
    edited May 2015
    I will be 51 in a few months, I've always been fairly fit until 5 years ago when one of my children passed, I tried to keep working out until the depression got the best of me. I've put on about 20 lbs. I hired a fitness trainer almost 5 weeks ago and I personally have struggled, she helped with a healthy eating plan and her workouts are crossfit based, I've only lost a few pounds so far but doing good on loosing inches and my pants are looser. I can not believe how hard it is to move those extra pounds..... lol . My goal weight is to be at a healthy 130 lbs. I'm 5'5" started out at 153 lbs now at 148.

    Good going! I wish I had time for a trainer. Sounds like your making your goal. Hang in there I lost both my parents, my 14 yeo Golden Ginger, and then just went through a divorce. Stress and depression is our number one contributor to unhealthy body weight.
  • MiMiLuv2b
    MiMiLuv2b Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all...I'm 54, lost weight last year with nutrisystem and now would like to carve off 10 more pounds in time for my daughter's wedding in August! I tried a couple of rounds of the 21 day fix...felt great but the scale didn't budge much...I'm only 5'2" and BMI 22 so I think it was just too many calories...plus my old knees did not like all the squats and lunges :| i would love to connect with some other 50 something's going through similar struggles!
  • elledee1960
    elledee1960 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am 55 and battling the "spare tire" that comes with middle age. I have thyroid and other autoimmune issues which makes it challenging. I am grateful that I don't have a lot of weight to lose.
  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    57 here...lost 15 lbs on MFP a couple years a go and 10 have creeped back on so I'm back to logging. It's amazing how easy it is when you actually do it. 5 days in and all is well, so far so good!
  • bikerbabewannab2015
    bikerbabewannab2015 Posts: 11 Member
    Yup..sounds like we r in the same boat..but we r motivated!!!!!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Hi all, I'm 55 and my goal is to lose 10 pounds to get down to 130, the weight I was pretty much through my '30s and most of my '40s. I am also hoping the little pockets of jiggly fat I have on my back, thighs, upper arms and belly will go away or at least decline. I do resistance, bodyweight and high intensity interval training and know I should start lifting, but I have back issues as well as periodic flare-ups of elbow and shoulder bursitis so I'm afraid.
  • margoinchicago
    margoinchicago Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 55, 5'4", and CW 129ish. I might try and lose a few more pounds but am really looking to tone up a bit more. I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago with WW mobile (where I lost my first 20) and joined MFP in January and am now at my lowest since the 1980s! I am loving the new me! I am pretty active in chatting with my friends on the news feed. Love the comraderie on MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend (and don't be surprised if I ask you first!).