New here

ChristyParadee Posts: 32 Member
Hi everyone...I am new to this site and am recovering from a major adrenal surgery 4/27/2015 I was diagnosed with Cushing at the end of 2014. I had gained almost 100 lbs in a year. Before my surgery I had to go on a liquid fast for 3 days and do a bowel prep that cleaned my whole system.

I have been slowly weeding out bad stuff such as processed foods over the past 6 months. Once I went through the cleanse for the surgery I thought it was as good as time as any to make the change 100%. I have stuck to my guns 100% for the past 6 days and had a follow up visit yesterday with my doc and am down 3 lbs and feeling better everyday.

Oddly enough I have not even wanted the bad stuff and that is a good thing. I am running out of meal ideas. I had cut out all meat because every time I eat a lot of protein it raises my liver levels sky high, but I am thinking of adding back fish and lean organic chicken in small amounts and avoiding beef and pork.

I just wanted to say hello and happy to see a clean eating group!
