Stomach cramps & pain

FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
So I've been paleo for a week or so now and for the past couple days it seems after I eat (mainly dinner) I'm getting bad bloating and cramps. Is this normal when you go high fat and I'm assuming it goes away? I'm really in pain right now and (TMI) last night I was having this issue and I had to run to the toilet several times.
Last night for dinner I had mixed veggies and stir fried pork. I thought maybe it was the coconut aminos I tried for the first time. Then today for lunch it was the banana which has never given me issues before.


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Any change in WOE will create these issues. If it's temporary, no problem. But if it persists then your body is not liking some thing (s) you are still eating. Some people are sensitive to many "allowed" Paleo foods. Basically all plants have proven to be problematic for me, but originally I thought it was only nightshades. Fibre especially causes me digestive distress... and dairy.

    You may just be adjusting so give it a little more time.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    I don't think it is normal to have those symptoms. Those are some of the very symptoms that led me to this WOE. Are you used to eating mixed vegetables? Sometimes veggies in the brassica family (kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) could be very gas producing. Eating them cooked helps and also cooking them and the meat with a carminative, such as fennel or cumin seeds.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    I don't think it is normal to have those symptoms. Those are some of the very symptoms that led me to this WOE. Are you used to eating mixed vegetables? Sometimes veggies in the brassica family (kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) could be very gas producing. Eating them cooked helps and also cooking them and the meat with a carminative, such as fennel or cumin seeds.

    yeah I am, been eating brassica veggies for years actually. :( and ironically I ate them cooked with pork that had ground fennel seeds :lol:

    part of dr google tells me it's my stomach adjusting to paleo but I dunno. I'm willing to give it more time, was just hoping maybe someone else has experienced this and "lived to tell the tale" so to speak.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    An increase in raw veggies does this to me. Try eating only cooked ones. Then if that doesn' help look at Specific Carbohydrate Diet That really helped me reset and know what was causing it. BTW the info I am telling you to look for IS free...its in the free quickstart!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, I had huge issues with adjusting to Paleo. It took me more than a few days. That said, a diet that high in plant foods was not beneficial for me so.... But I did think I was doing well for almost 2 years and most digestive issues happened after dairy during that time. Any change in WOE and I have digestive issues while adjusting. Maybe I'm just strange. lol
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    After nearly three years on paleo/primal (I think?), I have suddenly developed cramps and digestive upset when I eat butter. *sigh* But there are so many other things out there to eat, I'm managing. Still, there's nothing quite like eating an artichoke with about 1/4 cup of butter, slowly dipping the leaves one by one... (not that I did it every day, but it was a treat I really enjoyed). Next time we have artichoke, I'm going to try dipping the leaves in ghee. If that doesn't work, I'll just have to sprinkle them with lemon juice, I guess.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    Today I didn't have any issues and was able to eat 2,000 calories which is something I haven't done in lord knows how long. I also didn't eat any vegetables or fruits, I was partly afraid the cramps would come back. I DID take a bite of a banana but it didn't taste great.
    So who knows?
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    I just have started Paleo two days ago and had a really bad G.I. issues but I've probably taken more nuts and I should've. I'm not sure what your food plan is but I found this link. maybe to be helpful for you. and I'm glad that you're able to have a day without any issues yay.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Did a little "experiment" and ate wheat again last night, mainly because I was being a big baby and throwing a tantrum. (Hey I'll totally admit it)
    Anyways, I ate like 3 noodles and then some meat that had flour mixed in and within probably 30 minutes I looked pregnant from all the bloating and I woke up feeling sore and my toes and fingers swollen. Weighed myself and gained almost 2lbs and I feel like crap. Guess my body is trying to tell me something. Felt much better after my coconut pancakes lol
  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    how do you make your coconut pancakes? i wasnt sure if coconut flours were ok, i have heard different things. thanks!
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    edited May 2015
    qkcam wrote: »
    how do you make your coconut pancakes? i wasnt sure if coconut flours were ok, i have heard different things. thanks!

    I modified the recipe on marks daily apple. The original recipe is great though! original recipe

    Here is my version though:
    3 eggs
    3/4 cup full fat coconut milk
    1 tablespoon raw honey
    1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    60g coconut flour (I use Trader Joes brand)
    65g tapioca starch
    1/2 teaspoon aluminum free baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    150g (about 1 cup) frozen blueberries that I quickly rinsed off
    I also use about 1 tablespoon total of coconut oil to fry the pancakes in.

    Mix well, and let set for about 3 minutes. If the batter is really thick add 1-2 tablespoon more milk or water. It'll be really thick but you want it scoop-able. I use 1/4c scoop per pancake and get about 5 pancakes. I cook them over medium-low (my stove runs hot) and it takes about 2 min 30 sec first side and 90 seconds on the second side. (about 4 mins total per pancake). I also just mix in the blueberries instead of doing what they suggest, although this morning I made it without the blueberries and It was probably better. ( I ran out) So maybe put the berries in with the maple syrup.

    I've eaten this almost every morning and they are satisfying and I can go like 6 hours without being hungry. :smiley:
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    ^sounds good. Is tapioca starch the same as tapioca flour?
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    ^sounds good. Is tapioca starch the same as tapioca flour?

    yep! depending on where you live it might also be cassava flour or fufu flour.

  • qkcam
    qkcam Posts: 67 Member
    love it! thank you! will give it a try.. i already have the trader joe's coconut flour!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Ok you were talking about GI problems... Paleo substitutes for baked goods isn't likely to be helpful with that at ALL. It's not whether they are ok as Paleo or not but how they work for YOU.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Try taking some digestive bitters. They will help your body break down the fats so the transition is easier.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    qkcam, I'd like to offer advice that worked for me:

    Start out with plain food. Protein, vegetables, and maybe some low-carb fruits in limited quantities (berries, grapefruit, avocado come to mind). Don't try to replace your usual pancakes, bread, brownies, cake, ice cream, etc with "paleo" versions (except maybe things like cauliflower rice -- it's just grated cauliflower, maybe some chopped onion and carrot, sauteed in coconut oil, so it's not in the same ballpark as brownies and pancakes).

    It's like playing with fire. If you're after weight loss and/or health improvement, those paleo-ized treats can cause you to "fail" and then cross paleo off your list as yet another fad diet failure, when you haven't really given it a chance.

    Try a Whole30, or eat off the "auto-immune paleo" list of foods for a month. Eat as much as you want. Be sure to include LOTS of good, healthy fats (I'm talking a whole avocado, or a dozen olives, or 1-2 TBS of coconut or olive oil at one meal, multiplied by however many meals you eat), a fair amount of protein, lots of lower carb veggies (the list is amazing!) and a serving or two of starchy carbs (beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips) in one day. Avoid sugar, even "natural" sugars like honey or maple syrup during that time. DEFINITELY avoid anything with chemicals you can't pronounce (this includes artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors). Avoid "paleo" packaged snack foods and convenience mixes.

    Edited to add: Oh, and you might want to track your calories when you do this. I say this only because when I'm fully eating paleo, and 50-60% of my calories in fat, I am never hungry. I am eating what feels like enormous quantities of food, and yet I can get to the end of the day with fewer than 1000 calories under my belt, and have to add a quick, high-calorie snack to finish the day. And if my day gets insanely busy, and I don't have time to cook, or if I'm out and about and have no food handy, it doesn't seem to matter. I've gone more than 24 hours without eating, with no light-headedness or shaky feeling. It's not something I choose to do, but it has happened because of circumstances. In the old days, I would have felt light-headed just two or three hours after a meal, and would have to eat something to continue to function.

    After 30 days, you will have broken some of your food addictions and unhealthy interactions with food. You can then add an occasional treat (like a paleo-ized brownie), and "listen" to your body to see how it reacts.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    Ok you were talking about GI problems... Paleo substitutes for baked goods isn't likely to be helpful with that at ALL. It's not whether they are ok as Paleo or not but how they work for YOU.

    I'm actually doing great now :) I dunno if I was just adjusting or what but the only time I've had stomach issues is eating bananas so I think I'll just stop eating them. (that's okay I tried to do a banana girl diet 2 years ago and I lost my love of them ever since :lol: ) I feel amazing after my paleoized pancakes, they help me get in the fat.

    I even went to the gym tonight and was rocking it pretty hard and didn't feel sick and light headed like I normally do, hell I feel amazing right now. Maybe there is something to this "fad diet" hahaha love it :wink: