Friday May 8, 2015

maureli Posts: 722 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member

    Another weekend is upon us! Where did the week go? Looks like its going to be a mostly cloudy weekend, not a lot of sun to be found. Oh well, can't complain too much - its been a beautiful week.

    I ended up trying out a run yesterday, leg felt fine. I am very happy. Did 5K, very slow....and phew did I ever feel like I'd run 10K or more. I guess I haven't run a lot lately, I've mostly been doing the strength workouts and my cardio needs to be improved. My plan is to alternate running with the Chalean videos.

    Marla - oh no! That is not what you wanted to hear. What will happen now? Glad you got to meet up with a friend for a much needed drink :)

    Sherry - I do not even know how you function on that much sleep! holy I hope you got more shut-eye last night! were totally right about the water weight from my pizza last weekend. It is all gone, plus 1.5 more! I am extremely happy about that. You just have to keep on what your doing and have faith i guess.

    Val - you are one busy gal! Lots going on for sure, you'll get the training in when things slow down - hopefully soon!

    Laura - so sorry that you are still going through all this leg stuff. I was gone when it started I guess, so I'm not sure if it was a running injury? I'm guessing it was? I do hope it clears up soon, I know its so frustrating.

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Marla - Such frustrating news to hear! Why is it being delayed? I'm hoping you at least get some more sleep in the meantime!

    Sherry - Time to take a deep breath and survive huh? I don't think I could function on such a small amount of sleep! Hoping you get some decent sleep tonight as well!

    Laura - I'm praying your leg heals quickly! To have all your workouts hindered is so frustrating. But at least you know what's going on, although it's not much of a comfort while you're going through this.

    Maureen - A 5K is still a good amount of distance to get in! It's been taking me a while to build up my stamina for longer distances after taking so much time off. It is weird to remember running 2-3 times the distance I'm able to run now. Patience will be my friend I guess.

    I think that if I still had my womenly parts, this would be my TOM. My emotions have been haywire! I'm trying to track when this happens, so I can start to prepare myself for the emotional swings I get. (I still have my ovaries, which means no hormone therapy stuff...but I still have the hormone swings once a month). It's hard to track it without an actual TOM to alert me to what's really going on. Not that I'm complaining really. ;). It's also been crazy stressful this week. But I've survived! I didn't get nearly the training in I would have liked, but my family remained relatively peaceful, so I'll take that as a win. Next week I'm hoping to start fresh. only one appointment next week, but all our yearly activities except two have ended. I suddenly have a lot more free time to get everything done! Phew! Two more weeks and school will be out as well!

    Today will end up being another rest day, merely because I don't have time to get a workout in. But tomorrow I'm hoping to get a bike ride in, and on Sunday a nice long run! Or maybe I'll swap them. I may even try to take a quick jog tonight after the kids are in bed. We'll see how I'm feeling at the end of the day.

    Have a great start to your weekend everyone!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Marla, you just have to trust, trust, trust. Life will show you that if its meant to be, it'll happen...and if it doesn't happen, then something better is coming your way. Have a nice outing with your friend, relax, and exhale. :-)

    Laura, so sorry you're still having so much trouble with your leg. I think I'd be a little worried like your trainer, that there might be something muscular too. But if the doctor says it's a side effect, then it's all just part of the same waiting game I guess. :-(

    Today's threadstarter is so good!

    Maureen, glad your leg feels better. Keep it up, you're on fire lately!

    val, you're so lucky to have the end of school in sight and a break in activities. We still have another month and it usually starts to get crazier, although this year my son won't be testing in taekwondo because he's missed so much, and he might even miss the schools year end show that they do for the parents every year, because I had to go ahead and make travel plans without knowing when it will be (there's no such thing as a school calendar and they usually only give a day or two warning for anything, ugh, so disorganized that American parents would riot the school if they had to deal with this "system"/non-system).

    Well after being so tired yesterday evening, as soon as the kids went to bed and I started making lunch sandwiches, my stupid second wind that's been torturing me for years kicked-in and I ended up not falling asleep until I only had 3hours til my alarm. I vaguely remember taking son to school and coming home and ugly sleeping (knocked out, sweating and drooling, lol) for a few hours. Oh yeah, t.o.m. showed up too and my insides started churning. Luckily I was feeling better by afternoon and tried to run but it was so hot and I was dehydrated. I got to the sea and said "nope." because there's just no shade along the coast so I turned to return. Ended up getting juice and later water and basically walking most of the way back because of drinking so much. So, at least I learned to try to hydrate befor I set out so I won't be drinking too much, but the heat is still a problem and I think my leggings have got to go and I'm going to have to search for some shorts that are okay. I know I can't wear the running shorts in the store window of the sports store, they are skimpier than boxer shorts. I need a more modest solution!!

    Well, anyway......TGIF, yay!!!!!!!!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi all, i am better today. Started the day with a mini hike.

    Had a wonderful 3 hrs with my friend yesterday, few glasses of wine, some fish and dates. We were at a tapas place.

    Just got back from a nice massage.

    Laura sorry your pain isnt going away, hope it gets better soon.

    Sherry i know its hard n you when hubby takes off, hang in there!

    Val, i had to laugh since i had menopause early in my late 30's haven't had a period forever but from 35-45 my moods were all over the place. It eventually settles down, just don't take youself too seriously for awhile.

    Maureli love your thread starters they always get me, like today a reminder not to give up.