Revive Up your metabolism

momhealthac Posts: 100 Member
How do you revive up your metabolism to help you loose weight? Suggestions?


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    The weight seems to come off easier for me when I avoid processed foods (especially with ingredients that can't be pronounced), simple sugars, and I spend time outside gardening. The combination of healthy, whole foods (including healthy fats) and exercise that I enjoy seems to make a huge difference in my weight, attitude and energy levels.

    Have you found things that work for you as well?
  • momhealthac
    momhealthac Posts: 100 Member
    I love walking and this is what I am doing for my cardio. I recently started a garden for exercise and to provide vegetables we can enjoy all summer long. I enjoy swimming too and will start that after local pool opens and then in the fall I plan on joining a local facility that has a pool in doors. I am trying to eat only real food and nothing processed. It works most of the time except when I don't want to cook and we eat out or order pizza. I will have to start making my own pizza again.