I completed C25K this morning!

izalac Posts: 20 Member
This morning I did my W9D3. C25K done, and it's a strange feeling. OK, it's done... now what? I think I'll keep running and try to go for half marathon distance. I'm a 189 cm (6'2") tall guy, slightly overweight - but I lost a lot of weight by running (and eating less, and also a bit of lifting), and MFP has been instrumental in that.

Some notes from my training, and how it went for me:
  • pre-C25k - I ran a bit last year (no program), and successfuly finished a 5k in October, timing at 0:33:26 with minimal training (it hurt a lot though). My weight at the time: 101 kg (223 lbs)
  • W1D1 (March 9) - ok, this was an awakening. Although I dropped some weight in the meantime (99 kg / 218 lbs) my lack of training deteriorated my performance. W1D1 was tough, but I did it and it made me feel I could finish the program. Rest of W1, W2 and W3 went like a breeze.
  • W4 was a challenge. W4D1 was way tougher than anything before. It was a huge ramp up in the difficulty. W4D2 went OK, but I actually skipped W4D3. Instead of it, I actually ran a 5k, timing at 0:32:11. It was tough. It hurt a lot. But I finished it and improved my time. My weight at the time was 94 kg / 207 lbs. It really felt like losing some weight helped a lot with my time.
  • W5 was problematic because of my schedule. So instead in breaking it up over 2 weeks, I ran it 3 days in a row, no rest days. It was tough but doable (especially W5D3, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be)
  • W6, W7 and W8 went like a breeze. Full runs since W6D3 were awesome once you can do them, much more fun than intervals. W8D3 was harder than the rest of the week, but then I looked better and found out that the app I was using (Zen Labs c25k) actually lengthens W8D3 to W9 lengths.
  • W9 was hard, due to several factors. First, the outdoor temperature increased significantly. Second, I got too impatient and upped my pace on W9D1 which made a lot of difference both in my pace and how much it tired me. Third, I ran W9D2 with very little sleep and it's probably my worst run so far (be sure to rest well). W9D3 ended on a high note, it was the one run from this week which went the way it should have. And it was the final run. I'm ending my C25K program weighing 91 kg / 200 lbs, and feeling the healthiest and fittest that I felt in last 20 years!

The fact that the same distance that destroyed me a month ago nowadays I can run for fun and 3 times a week is something that I find hard to believe myself :)


  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    great job! IM only on w1d3 but loving it so far. i am losing my last 10/12 lbs and cant wait to see/feel the difference when jogging
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great work on completing the program. If you want to keep building, look into one of the Bridge 2 10k programs. Most of the build from the end of the c25k, although going back to intervals is hard for some people.
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    Woooohooo way to go! I start W2D1 tmrw. I'm alittle nervous, I live in the country n my route has several hills that kick my butt. BUT I WILL get through this! :) Again congrats.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job! It is an awesome feeling to be able to run, isn't it?!

    I'm with taeliesyn- you might consider a Bridge to 10k program to build your distance. Get a good running base, then training for a half will be a piece of cake!

    There is a Bridge to 10k Group for added support and information.