


  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Ooo, I forgot another thing I was going to say. I learned from Carbohydrate Addicts Diet that you can minimize the impact of carbs on your insulin response if you cram the majority of carbs ingested in a 24-hour period, into less than one hour, and then make the next meal super low-carb to get your body back on track. The idea was that your body produces insulin for the current meal based on the amount of insulin the previous meal required.

    A friend who's been doing paleo a lot longer than I have used this method to minimize the effect of cheats. She told me, though, that it usually re-ignited her cravings for a few days or even weeks after, and she eventually decided it wasn't worth it.

    Anyhow, it might minimize the damage you do with your pizza. Just a thought. Not encouraging anybody to make a practice of it. I did Carbohydrate Addicts for years but could never stick to it because the cravings never went away.
  • brenbrenm
    brenbrenm Posts: 81
    Just out of curiosity.....what would happen if for whatever reason, you switched back to eating a non-Paleo diet? Would you gain a TON of weight because your body would have switched to fat burning instead of sugar burning? I'm talking about even if you only eat moderate carbs...not going overboard. Is this maybe why I've heard people who fall off of Atkin's gain a TON of weight back?
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Just out of curiosity.....what would happen if for whatever reason, you switched back to eating a non-Paleo diet? Would you gain a TON of weight because your body would have switched to fat burning instead of sugar burning? I'm talking about even if you only eat moderate carbs...not going overboard. Is this maybe why I've heard people who fall off of Atkin's gain a TON of weight back?


    If you overate after switching from Paleo, yes, you would get fat very quickly due to the caloric density of most processed foods and baked goods.
    Caloric surplus = weight gain. Deficit = weight loss.

    That, or they were chronically undereating on their diets and suffered metabolic damage. Something like that.
  • brenbrenm
    brenbrenm Posts: 81
    Ok, thanks! Some of these posts made me a little nervous!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Just out of curiosity.....what would happen if for whatever reason, you switched back to eating a non-Paleo diet? Would you gain a TON of weight because your body would have switched to fat burning instead of sugar burning? I'm talking about even if you only eat moderate carbs...not going overboard. Is this maybe why I've heard people who fall off of Atkin's gain a TON of weight back?

    From what I'm reading in Primal Blueprint, there are ranges of carbs -- for example, under 50 (daily) is fast-burning weight loss, good in short bursts but not in the long run because you're missing the nutrients in the fruits and veggies you're not eating. 50-100 is what Mark Sisson calls the weight-loss "sweet spot" where he says you'll lose an average of 1-2 lbs a week, slow, steady and healthy. Then I think he says 100-150 is maintenance? That doesn't stick in my brain so well as I was more interested in weight loss when I read his carb chart. You can find it at Mark's Daily Apple website. Over a certain point (150? 200?) is what he calls something like the danger zone, where you'll get weight gain.

    He says himself that he's prey to the occasional scoop of ultra ice cream, but it certainly doesn't look like he makes a habit of it, from the photos I've seen. I guess it's a matter of balance. Don't know, I'm not there yet and even if I stick closely to this way of eating (and I'm very motivated at the moment, though my knees are infinitesimally better this morning), I have months to go before I need to think about maintenance.
  • DesdemonaRose
    I cheat, probably too much to really call myself "primal", but as long as I don't go crazy it doesn't knock me out. Granted, my cheating is in small amounts. I don't eat half a pizza or anything like that.

    You might get mad carb cravings, however. If I eat too many carbs I can get them bad and they are pretty unpleasant. That is one of many reasons I try to stay lower carb. It does seem to depend on what carbs though. A sweet potato doesn't give me carb cravings, but bad/processed food does.