Weight loss stalls



  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I was advised to keep my weight more or less consistent so as not to rock any insurance boats. That said, I had to do a 5-day clear liquid diet right before surgery to shrink my liver for the procedure. So I still ended up 15 lbs. lighter than I was 5 days prior. One of my friends who had the surgery at a different hospital had to do a two-week full liquid diet prior to his.
  • Cronniss
    Cronniss Posts: 108 Member
    Ouch. That's horrid.

    I only had to have liquids 24 hours prior to the procedure, and then nothing 8 hours before that. But then, I just has the sleeve done.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    In my program, we were told right at the beginning that the start weight was the weight used for insurance. I lost 100 pounds pre-surgery and spent some time struggling with the decision to continue on with the surgery. I continued on because I realized that all of my weight loss efforts in the past came with a surge of high motivation and then 'something' happened and the behaviors that felt so permanent at the time slipped.

    As I develop a plan for maintenance, I am very vigilant for signs of past behaviors and see the VSG as a support that will limit the damage until I get control again. I am very happy I had the surgery and very happy I approached the pre-surgery time the way I did. Had I worried about losing too much, I am sure I would not be at goal today!
