Need some IF help!

mongoosealamode Posts: 112 Member
So I have been looking into IF and I keep reading different things.

I had BPC this morning and now don't know what to do. can I have more BPC or just water/tea?
And what to do for dinner?


  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I was just going to ask the same thing! I've been having BPC each morning and then drinking water until noon. I eat lunch and a late dinner, and then I'm done. But my BPC has almost 500 calories in it! So does that count as fasting or not? Information and opinions vary widely... I'm about to do a bit more research.
  • mongoosealamode
    mongoosealamode Posts: 112 Member
    My BPC is only 285 cal. I just cant figure out if I should eat all my macros in one meal, only the morning or only the evening? or just consume stuff like bacon and sausage? Everywhere I look says different things
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Call me crazy, but when I fast, I don't eat anything. :)

    OK, so let's assume your last meal was dinner. That time between dinner and waking is a fast. Just about everybody burns fat and even makes some ketones during the night. You get a little squirt of cortisol in the morning to wake you up and that also raises your blood sugar level.

    So coffee in the morning probably isn't ideal as it just adds to that cortisol level. The added fat is probably OK -- that'll probably enhance your ketone levels. But if you didn't eat any fat, it would all come from your body. :)
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    The way I understand IF is that you can only drink non-caloric drinks while fasting, which could include broth, unsweetened tea or coffee. IMO, BPC technically breaks the fast.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Broth has cals though, does a thresHold exist?
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Depends on your goals. Just call your fast a "fat fast" and you can have your BPC.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    My BPC is only 285 cal. I just cant figure out if I should eat all my macros in one meal, only the morning or only the evening? or just consume stuff like bacon and sausage? Everywhere I look says different things

    There are several different versions of IF, which is why you're seeing seemingly conflicting information. You need to pick just one protocol and run it for a few weeks to see how it works for you. That could be a weekly 24hr fast, a daily shortened eating window of 10-1 hours, a fat-only eating period followed by a shortened eating window, alternating low- and high-calorie days, etc.
    Broth has cals though, does a threshold exist?

    50 cals is a rule of thumb that's commonly used. It's meant to be used as a "catch" though, for the calories in coffee with perhaps a small splash of cream, the incidental calories in diet soda, etc. It's not meant to be used as a target to eat up against.