Why is it so hard to give up Carbs :-(



  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    I guess what each one of us are asking is.... How bad do you want what low carb will get you.... If you want it enough you will find a way to make it work. If you do not you will find excuses... I agree with going all in from the beginning. This killed my sweets craving the fastest. No hunger is a great inducement.

    I wish there were a "like" button.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    For myself it was easy if you do it in one step. I only experience keto-flu the first week and no carb craving or hunger after the 3rd day. I went to 50 carbs, no bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. After 3 months I can eat a bit of this stuff within my macros without a return of cravings or hunger.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Donnah781 wrote: »
    How do you control your carb craving and what snack ideas can you share with me. Thank you in advance for the input.

    Like others said, don't eat carbs. Seriously, for most people, the less you eat them, the less you want them. Whether you do it cold turkey or step-down approach is up to you.

    Favor fat over carbs. So yes, trading your cream for milk was the wrong direction. That's okay, though. Live and learn. Get your cream back next time.

    Start your day with fat. A lot of people here swear by Bulletproof Coffee or some variation of it. It's coffee with butter and coconut oil blended into it (for the base recipe). Some people add other stuff, like cinnamon, cocoa powder, and even eggs (no, it doesn't get eggy tasting, no there's no risk of salmonella as long as your coffee isn't tepid; it makes it custard like). You can also just go with the old standby of bacon (or sausage) and eggs. The common denominator in all of these though is that they're a good hit of fat and maybe some protein. This is far less likely to set you up for hunger and cravings later in the day.

    Cheese makes a great snack. As does jerky and beef sticks (watch the ingredients, though). Some would argue on here, though, that the best snack is no snack at all. If you find yourself wanting to snack, make sure you're eating large enough meals. Yes, it's okay if your meal is 800 calories or something that seems really high, especially when it means that you're not snacking between meals.

    After the first few weeks, the carb cravings should take care of themselves. If you're finding you're still having them, make sure you're getting sufficient fat, sufficient food in general, and then try lowering your carbs even more. Some people have a carb tolerance that's so low that any significant amount of carbs (and in some cases, carbs from any source) still trigger cravings. Keep working your way down (and, as a result, your fat up) until you find the point where you no longer get those cravings.

    In the meantime, don't think about it in terms of what you can't have. Instead, think about all the awesome stuff you can have. For example, I had eggs cooked in butter and topped with cheese and sour cream for breakfast, then cream cheese wrapped in ham slices for lunch. Talk about an AHA follower's nightmare!

    Also, think about it in terms of choosing these things, instead of what's "allowed" or "not allowed." I choose to eat this way, because I choose to no eat things that make me bloated or give me a headache. These sorts of things will come as your little ailments -- be they clinical or subclinical -- start fading away, and you learn what it feels like to actually feel healthy.
  • Donnah781
    Donnah781 Posts: 37 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wow rhank you everyone for all the responses. Im overwhelmed with all the support. Lowering carbs is such an adjustment. I am trying so hard. Im so hungry but i know my body is adjusting. Then to no carbs. :-)
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I've found that cutting back at first is a big help... to go cold turkey and net around 20 seemed impossible, but I am going to agree with some that breads, bagels, mashed potatoes, white rice, cut those suckers out. Fat is our friend, so you might be used to having mashed potatoes with your dinner, go with the ribeye, and then sub a veggie, and if it's a carb-ish veggie like zuchinnni or oh god, I love brussel sprouts!!!! So what. Find those really good foods, with high protien/fat to fill you up more. I used to believe that those were magic words "full" "feel full" and with l-erchf (lower carb, high fat :wink: ) really it does.
    Beef jerky yum yum.... cheese oh my lord....loooooove!

    You got this doll!!!

  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    If it's easier for you mentally, cut out anything white for at least two weeks. No flour, sugar, rice, pasta potatos.

    I found that is easier for people to adjust to than "OMG, that cup of broccoli is .05 over my carb limit"

    and then the rest just seems to follow
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I was a Carb addict for sure in my case and the only thing that finally worked for me was to quit carbs cold turkey. It was hellish for two then the cravings just faded.

    My joint and total body pain was so high I was ready to give into taking Enbrel knowing it could lead to me getting cancer. That was to happen on my Nov 2014 doctor visit. Oct 2014 I decided I was going to be off sugar/most all carbs for 30 days before my appoint to see if with diet I could side step taking Enbrel injections. Within that 30 days the carb craving left and my pain dropped from 7-8 to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale. It actually ticked the Docs off when I said no to Enbrel.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Well done on your choice to go low carb in the first place! With so many people being 'anti' that in itself is a big step! It's hard to get rid of all the years of conditioning about fat is bad etc etc but literally throw all those ideas to the wind and embrace the new you! Don't cut out cream, don't cut the bacon!!!! Add more and then add butter! You say you are so hungry....no way should you be if you are eating enough fat! Go bath in it and drink the bath water,lolol.
    Most of all......enjoy having the cream, butter,oil, meat and cheese that will become your best friends....and wave goodbye to the things poisoning you....carbs!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    kuranda10 wrote: »
    If it's easier for you mentally, cut out anything white for at least two weeks. No flour, sugar, rice, pasta potatos.

    I found that is easier for people to adjust to than "OMG, that cup of broccoli is .05 over my carb limit"

    and then the rest just seems to follow

    Yep; aka "lazy keto" and some people make it work for many months,