Anyone have a fit bit?

Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
Considering treating myself if i complete the programme! Tell me about it pros/cons...?

How accurate is it at recording calories burnt during runs etc? Can you enter that your starting a run to record the calories burnt?

Would i need a HRM as well :/ ?


  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    I am not all that familiar with fitbits but my understanding is that they can be/are worn all day to monitor your total calorie burn for the entire day. An HRM is used just for intentional exercise. I have a Polar FT4 and I start it at the beginning of my C25K session and it monitors my heart rate and calorie burn throughout the season and when I end it, it displays all that info for me. I love it. Just depends whether you want an all day activity tracker (fitbit) or an exercise tracker (HRM). I think either would be a great reward :)
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    I've only had my Fitbit Flex for a week but I love it. I'd suggest you join the Fitbit group here where you'll get lots of information.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I have a Fitbit Flex that I totally love. I had a FitBit Classic (as in, the super old model that came before the Ultra), which I killed with sweat. LOL The company sent me an Ultra, free of charge, even though I was totally honest that I killed it with sweat and that it was super old at the time. I got the Flex a few weeks ago with a saved Amazon gift certificate from my birthday (couldn't justify the cost when my Ultra works just fine).

    I love it so much. It is convenient and comfortable. I never forget to wear it or leave it attached to the "wrong" bra. It seems fairly accurate. I love the ease of logging my sleep, and I am a huge fan of the fact that it syncs wirelessly to my phone (iPhone 4S). I love having all of the data right there and accessible.

    I haven't ever regretted my decision to get my first FitBit and don't regret getting the Flex.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    I have had my Fitbit One since December. Actually, I'm on my second one as I lost my first one during a night on the town (loved it so much I immediately bought another). I feel like it does an accurate job of measuring steps and calories. I really like the sleep tracking feature and the silent alarm on the One. I have looked at the Flex and while the concept is nice, I'm not a fan of wearing things on my wrist any longer than I have to.

    That being said, I use a Polar FT4 for all of my "deliberate" exercise activities. The Polar and the Fitbit don't "talk" to each other directly, but my Fitbit does adjust based on the calories burned that I enter into my MFP log.
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member
    How do you guys log your C25K sessions with fitbit?xx
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    I don't log it. I just let it count my steps and it gives me credit for "very active minutes" which has always been accurate.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't log it. I just let it count my steps and it gives me credit for "very active minutes" which has always been accurate.

    I have the Flex and I do the same.

    If you have the One you can turn on the activity tracker during your C25K & it will give you your exact step count, time, miles, etc. just for your run. (It also includes it in your daily count.)
  • whirlybirdknits
    whirlybirdknits Posts: 23 Member
    I have a fitbit one, and I don't log anything extra. That said, I usually put the one in timer mode to get a record of my speed/pace. With the one, push and hold the button until the timer starts, then do your exercise. Push and hold again to end the timer mode. You'll get a nice summary of your workout on the fitbit dashboard.