chinese food is my weakness!!!

melissafiesty Posts: 9 Member
Hi guys! Kmanr...thanks for the thyca weight discussion How to lose weight,period. I just had to reread it and motivate myself. Its simple.....BUT HERES THE BUT!! HARD!!!!! Binged on Chinese food and of course leftovers. I love my zero waters and know to cut out sugar. I'm at the part in your discussion where it says don't get caught hungry. I know to do that but don't!!! Rrrrrrrrr.....I am restarting this again more seriously.


  • ljpark
    ljpark Posts: 21 Member
    Hi melissa! I definitely have my weakness for food full stop :D ! Do you find that if you are tired, that it is much harder to control/manage the cravings? I know that yesterday was a ridiculously long day for me, as I started early and had meetings which did not finish until 9pm. I planned my food, but still managed to consume an addiitonal 500 calories, because I had zero resistance by 6pm :( I think the idea is not beat yourself up, but that is hard when I am also in the grip of a hypo weight gain (over which I presently have no control). The food guidelines kmanr put together are very practical and I have followed something similar for YEARS!! Complete with times when I binge!!!
  • Kmanr
    Kmanr Posts: 16 Member
    That is so true, none of us are perfect and we all binge at some point. Just don't let a binge keep you down. Move on! I always try to psychologically program myself to avoid / learn from mistakes like binges. But most importantly is to think in long run, weight is a marathon, not a sprint, incremental improvements and setbacks, just more improvements instead of setbacks over time.