
ljpark Posts: 21 Member
Does anyone else out there use yoga to help with:
- coping with thyca
- strength training
- flexibility
- counter balance to cardio such as running and cycling
I have been practicing since Aug 2013, and it has made such a difference in my life. I have found that my ability to cope with the thyca has improved significantly :)
And just so that I do not take myself too seriously, I also enjoy DJ Dave's latest "Yoga Girl" :D


  • melissafiesty
    melissafiesty Posts: 9 Member
    Hi LJP,
    Thanks for the tip of DJ Dave's. On my way to work out and I'll look it up. I suffered carpal tunnel this past year due to being hypo and had the surgery. Suffered nerve ending loss that is just starting to come back. I have added yoga moves since. What a difference!
  • Kmanr
    Kmanr Posts: 16 Member
    I used to pre thyca and thought it was awesome. Excellent advice, thanks!
  • ljpark
    ljpark Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Kamnr
    I hope you enjoyed DJ Dave? His "Wholefoods Store" rap is equally funny! I lived in Vancouver, Canada for 3.5 years and used to shop at one of them, so can fully relate :D Most Aussies wouldn't know what he is on about!
    On a Yoga note, the studio I am a member at is having a 2h workshop for athletes this weekend, which I am looking forward to. The instructor is one I go to regularly. I generally go to Vinyasa hot and moderate temperature classes, with the occasional Yin (fascia stretch) class thrown in. I also do the basics (not quite beginners) classes when I really want to slow the Vinyasa down and focus on an asana.
    My dog is looking at me like it is time to go out :)