Beginner Qs: 5X5 vs 3x5, accessory lifts etc? Help!



  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks ladies for the tips! I'll try no gloves or maybe different gloves. I just don't want to hurt my wrists because it's been hurting, only the right one, since Friday and the right elbow feels like something is pulling it.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    If your wrist is bothering you, you can try wearing just a wrist wrap and not a full glove. I have a structural issue with my one wrist and wear a wrap for support, but I don't like gloves. If it persists even after a few days of rest, go see a dr and get it checked out. It could be just some tendinitis (like tennis elbow).
  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    I'll look into wrist wraps. Thank you! I increased both my bench and barbell row today and the wrist isn't acting up as much. Yay!