Maintenance Macros?

asiodels39 Posts: 4 Member
Hey everybody. I was wondering whether anyone could either agree or set me on the right path regarding my caloric intake, bearing in mind I am now at a weight I am comfortable with.

I've been keto-ing for 2 months with good results averaging the loss of a lb a week, give or take a stall or two and I'm now at 133lbs (9 and a half stone) I'm 5`6-7. I think this is a good, healthy weight for me and something I can keep up for the long haul.

I should add that this is the second time around low-carbing and this time it's more than dipping a toe in the water. Last year I didn't really know what I was doing to be honest and I went a little too far, (a little background, was over 260lbs and lost 100lbs doing the traditional low-fat, exercising diet) and lost another 40ish doing a low-sugar, and then low-carb diet. I got down to 119lbs not really knowing how I should eat or how much I should weigh or how I should look or be,.. I was confused and in a bad place mentally. Nor did I meet my proteins or nutrient goals. I ended up binging on a load of carbs and in the end, for my mental health I had to just let my body do its thing for a few months. I ended up gaining a good 20lbs.

Flash forward this year, I'm in a much better place and I'm able to keep myself in shape: either by straight exerting myself doing household chores etc and or some yoga and walking. I eat regularly and I have knowledge of what veggies/meats/nuts/fats I need to get in to take in certain vitamins and minerals, and I'm starting to learn what protein/fibre/fat combo fills me up, makes me happy and gives me the right amount of energy for what I'm to be doing during any given day.

My goal was 1590 calories and now that I'm where I want to be, I'd like to know how I go about maintaining my weight/muscles. I have been to the doctor's and I asked about my body fat percentage but they were as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I've tape-measured and it works out at 16% body fat but I don't think this is correct so I'm guessing it is somewhere in the region of 16 - 25 percent. Until I see the nurse and maybe if she has some callipers I'm a little lost on my protein demands.

I've been going for 80-90g protein, 25-30g fibre, fat to satiety (anywhere between 90-140g) and I mean I've set it for 20g net carbs but it's usually between 8 and 15g.

I'm going to up my calories by 100ish, anybody have any ideas or should I just play around with what's right for me. I'm not going to freak if I put on a lb or drop a lb but it'd be great to have a better idea of how to go about maintaining my weight.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I think that it might not be only calories you want to raise, but carbs, if you think long term you might want to include more veggies and such.

    My recommendation would be to add on each Monday (or whatever day you choose of the week) and adjust once, use those numbers for an entire week:

    Monday, add 100 calories and 5 net grams carbs.
    next Monday, add another 100 cal, 5 NGC

    Keep doing this until you stop losing weight.

    Then bump back one set of numbers and see how to that works as a maintenance number. Changing slowly lets your metabolism keep up, and lets you adjust as needed. You can make the chances more slowly, if you need time to adjust, to change once every 2-4 weeks, etc. But I think this will be adjusting as you go...

    If you start to gain, you can bump things back down, or if you start losing more, bump back up, etc. Either way, good luck, as these changes require as much patience as finding your good loss threshold.

    Remember, too, that your body composition will continue changing... Best thing you can do for a good solid number is go into a bod-pod. I don't know if you have those there by that term, but google can explain. Also, I think that based on your body fat percentage estimates that your protein range is pretty are your other macros (beyond fiber...I don't personally have a need to track fiber in any regard as I don't need it for ... waste processing. The fats do that for me)....
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    You might want to reference the Atkins Maintenance Phase in a web search-should be applicable.