May 2015 Challenge ~ May 25th - May 31st



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Lynnette I cried until she moved back home! She was going to UC Santa Cruz...way too many drugs and too much partying and not enough studying by her fellow classmates she said. I was so glad!

    I like my peanut butter slathered on buttered sour dough toast!

    Walked w/DDD this morning, brought Bean home and walked w/DH and Bean then went to the store and then made salad and fruit for dinner w/the kids while DH BBQ'd chunks of beef. It was a fun evening!

    I managed 10.90 miles for 23,802 steps. I'm happy.

    New month tomorrow, and DDD only has four more teaching days!!!!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Paula I so did not know we could comment under Kathy's inspirational posts! But you did you stinker. :p

    Yes, but they don't show if someone posted later, so it's hard to know if there is more to go back and read. Just like saying how they make me feel. Some of them are so right for the time! [Thanks, Kathy!]