July 4th Challenge Goals

barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
1. Lose 8lbs
2. No eating while watching TV
3. Walk/jog 50 outside miles
4. Core exercises 4x week
5. Work on decreasing calories



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I just would like to get started losing again.

    My goals for the challenge are:

    (1) Restart tracking and stick to my calories (I'm trying a new lower level during the week with higher days on Friday and Saturday, as I routinely go over on those days lately).
    (2) Experiment with different macro breakdowns to see what works best.
    (3) Stick to my tri training schedule. (I will be doing a sprint and an olympic distance during June.)
    (4) Participate more fully here.
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    1.Lose weight, no number just want to head in the right direction
    2.Limit the amount of chips that I Buy
    3. Exercise 4+ Times a week
    4. Turn the TV off sometimes and be mindful and peaceful
  • 2014june
    2014june Posts: 115 Member
    My goals for this challenge are
    1. Fill in my food tracker even when i know i have gone over my daily cals.
    2. To cut down on the cider & wine.
    3. Get on my exercise bike everyday.
    4. Stop eating biscuits.
  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member
    My goals for this challenge are:
    1) Stick to my daily calories
    2) Exercise at least 4 days a week / 40 mins
    3) Drink 10 oz of water
    5) Try and stay away from Sugars & Bad Carbs/Starches
    6) Smile more - be more positive

    Good luck everyone! B)
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I also want to start losing again. So my goals for this challenge will be:

    1) Pre-log everything (within reason)
    2) Strength train at least 2x/week
    3) Log my sleep and do what I can to be in bed/lights & sound off by midnight at the latest
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    My goals for this challenge are
    1) lose 5 pounds,
    2) do the couch to 5 k workouts
    3) Ride my bike
    4) drink more
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    1. Lose another 5#.
    2. Ride my bike 4-5 days every week.
    3. Declutter and clean the heck out of my house so we can list it For Sale. (We put an offer in on a house near my boys' school!)
    4. Get more sleep.
  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    My goals for this challenge is to not fall back into my old habits which I see myself slowly starting to do. So I for this

    1. log everything! Just because I don't log it doesn't mean it doesn't count
    2. cut back on my junk food
    3. actually make my protein goals
    4. run or walk at least 10 miles a week
    5. lose 7 pounds
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    I'm going to work on:
    1. Logging daily.
    2. Getting to the gym at least 5 X week.
    3. Weaning off of Quest bars.
    4. Be more social by getting out of the house and being around people 5 days/week.
  • cma51709
    cma51709 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone, my goals are
    1. Lose 15 lbs by 4th of July
    2. Pack my lunches for work
    3. Exercise at least 3 times a week
    4. Log my food everyday
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    My goals for this challenge will be :

    1. Drink enough water (64oz+p/day)
    2. Stay within my calories
    3. Lose 3-5lbs
    4. Do core exercises 3-5 days p/week
    5. Continue my C25K as scheduled
  • LessIsMore44
    LessIsMore44 Posts: 113 Member
    Hello everyone! My goals for this challenge are:

    i) Log every day as accurately as I can
    ii) Get 8 hours of sleep each night
    iii) Finish the 30 day plank challenge
    iv) Spend less time on my phone
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    I guess I'll set a goal: (or two)

    1) log every day (even bad days)
    2) lose some weight (does there REALLY have to be a number???)
    3) Exercise EVERY day, (and walking the dog for 10 minutes doesn't count, I'm talking SWEAT production here)
    4) Get to the gym at LEAST 3 times per week. (because my *kitten* isn't getting any smaller without it)
    5) check in to MFP community daily. (cuz of cool peeps working toward a common goal have a better chance at success than I do alone eating ice cream in my closet with the wifi turned off)

    I guess it's on...
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Goals for this challenge:

    1. Lose 5 lbs
    2. Follow my exercise plan -- NO SKIPPING WORKOUT DAYS (only leads to not doing anything at all)
    3. DRINK MORE WATER!!! - Not sure why I make that so difficult
  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    July 4th is also my 19th anniversary weekend. The 6th is my actual anniversary so this challenge is also for that point . Anyway My goals for this challenge include
    1) lose 5-6 lbs.
    2) run/walk 18-20 miles a week
    3) get on my bike or the indoor bike a couple times a week
    4) drink lots of water
    5) log all food
    6)Support my daughter in her goals. She has a friend in college and that friend and her roommates are doing their own "iron man challenge" and she invited my daughter to do it as well. They want to do a marathon walking/running in June, ride 100 miles throughout june and swim 2 miles.
  • cma51709
    cma51709 Posts: 18 Member
    Happy anniversary freyjac
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    barbhat13 wrote: »
    1. Lose 8lbs
    2. No eating while watching TV
    3. Walk/jog 50 outside miles
    4. Core exercises 4x week
    5. Work on decreasing calories


    Hmmm.... Not a good week.
    Ate large amounts of mindless calories after work in front of TV. Junk food from fast food for comfort after heavy emotional day with college daughter( thought I was past emotional eating)
    ... Good thing that I was not able to eat all of it...
    Good 40 mile bike ride and one mile water swim... Sooo.... Clean slate and forward to week two.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    weather was finally better on Sunday although we did have 2 downpours. I have been watching my grandkids while my daughter has been moving and or working, so my exercise plans have been off. I did have fun going on walks with grandkids and playing at the park with them so not too bad. Still recovering from Arm surgery and can't workout as hard as I was, next week I can add more activity. No weight lifting though for 5 more weeks.

    Goals this week are to:
    Get to gym 3 times
    drink that water.
    walk/jog and work on the Couch to 5k
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've had a week of basically being off-plan/not caring and overreacting to stress in the rest of my life, so I hope to really re-focus this week and also (as I said initially) participate more here.

    Goals this week are to really be serious about calories and to focus on enjoying my workouts.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    My goal will simply be to recommit to healthy habits. I've been very lax in logging and getting in daily cardio exercise. Life has been extra busy and I have been putting in a good bit of work in the garden and around the house, as well as hustling to keep up with customers in our little local cafe on Fri and Sat. But, eating with abandon and consuming too many high sugar/ high fat calories has done some damage. So... Back to logging all food, drinking lots of water (aiming for 3/4 gal per day), and getting back to cycling and the elliptical every day but cafe days.
    Best of luck to everyone in achieving your goals!