Travel Advise

Azercord Posts: 573 Member
I will be traveling to the DRC for work and living in a camp for 2 months at a time. This will be the first time I've traveled overseas let along stayed for an extended period of time. Does anyone have any advise to help keep my diet and exercise on track while I travel and while exposed to new foods/work schedules? (There will be a gym there so I should be able to get my lifting in)


  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    As in, Democratic Republic of Congo? Wow. That's pretty cool! What are you doing there? As far as staying on track, sounds like your fitness will be fine, it's the diet that will be hard to control. I'd probably try some sort of an IF thing, and just concentrate on portion control. I'm assuming it will be very difficult to guess calorie estimates of the foreign food you'll be eating? If you're camping, you'll probably be pretty active too. I wouldn't worry too much about the eating. Just be smart about it.