Weigh in

beksinLondon Posts: 30 Member
OK, two days down and 1kg lost although I am starting to doubt the accuracy of my scales...
First attempt told me I'd put on 1kg, then next I'd lost nearly 20! It finally settled on a 1kg loss (after getting on and off about 6 times).
Any recommendations on decent, and not too expensive, scales?


  • aniicam
    aniicam Posts: 15 Member
    Haha my scales are the same!! May need to change the battery! Maybe try Argos they're pretty decent price! Well done on the 1 kg!!
  • beksinLondon
    beksinLondon Posts: 30 Member
    Only another 0.6kg at the 1.5 week mark. I definitely won't hit 5kg but if I can lose another 1kg by Tuesday (the 2 weeks), I'll be happy with that - especially as I've been uber slack on going to the gym ie, only been once... oops.