Observations, lessons learnt and current issues.

Daisy253 Posts: 42 Member
Hi all,

So as per my previous thread for advise, I have been upping my calories from 1600 to 2000 for the last few months.

I am AMAZED that I can actually eat this much food and have not gained any weight aside from water, glycogen increases periodically through out this learning journey. WOW is all I can say. I have also seen much more muscle definition in this time. I have also been hungry as hell which I wasn't at 1600 cals.

I have not increased my activity level at all so I have learnt that my maintenance is WAY more than I previously thought, suffice to say I will never be eating below 1900'cals ever again!!!! Makes me wonder how many other women are slogging away at the gym on too low calories getting nowhere.

Now, while I am feeling great in general and energy levels are at a peak right now, my lifts are suffering?? The last 2 weeks I have had to keep dropping down in weights ( like 10kg) on some lifts!! I was just struggling to complete what I had been managing relatively easily up to this point. Why does this happen??

I decided to look at it as a kind of a deload the first week but when it continued the second week and I couldn't add back any weight I started thinking it didn't seem quite right.

So, any pearls of wisdom from all you experienced lifters?? Advice will all be appreciated :)


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Are you maintaining your weight now?

    How long was it before you took a deload?
  • Daisy253
    Daisy253 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes it still looks like I am maintaining at this stage so I am still upping cals to see how far I can really go and i am actually finding it really nice that I will find my proper tdee and bulk numbers finally!!

    I didn't take a planned deload, my body just seemed to decide now is the time. I suppose I just don't know how long and should I be concerned that I can't seem to get back up just yet??
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Daisy253 wrote: »
    Yes it still looks like I am maintaining at this stage so I am still upping cals to see how far I can really go and i am actually finding it really nice that I will find my proper tdee and bulk numbers finally!!

    I didn't take a planned deload, my body just seemed to decide now is the time. I suppose I just don't know how long and should I be concerned that I can't seem to get back up just yet??

    What routine are you doing?
  • Daisy253
    Daisy253 Posts: 42 Member
    Still the same as before with strong curves 4 days a week, but i split the exercises into upper and lower days because it helps my recovery. I walk between 85 and 100k steps per week in general life and do a boot camp class once a week.

    I usually take 4 days consecutive rest once every 3-4 months just to recharge.