Why so much negativity towards keto on mfp?

jessica22222 Posts: 374 Member
Why so much negativity about keto on mfp?


  • gemberly
    gemberly Posts: 67 Member
    The same reason that an alcoholic will defend the bottle. Sugar is their master it's hard to give that up.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I agree with Gemberly to a point, but will replace the word "sugar" with "Carbs". Some people, not all, have big problems with carbs. I am such a person. I am done with them, they have caused so much trouble with me that I can't eat them anymore.

    I know several people that are morbidly obese and the shudder and shake when I tell them what they can't eat. They look at me like I'm crazy and think I don't know what I'm talking about. The truth, sometimes, is stranger than fiction and they can't handle it. On a weekly basis, when I tell someone I lost 82 pounds, they ask how, I tell them and they are stunned. If the person is a fat person ~ they'll start circling the wagons and defend carbs down to their last diabetic breath.

    LCHF is the XXXX (A funny animated explantion of the Keto WOE)

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    The more realistic answer - they don't understand it, and they have been exposed to a lot of people who have just started doing it, but don't actually understand what they're doing or how it works, yet still feel the need to proselytize. The biggest problem the keto community has, is itself. On one hand, it's a brilliant support structure for people looking for advice, but on the other, it doesn't do enough to remind people that the first rule of keto is don't talk about keto. When people run around preaching keto like a religion, it gets treated like a religion, rather than a set of scientific truths.
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    I don't preach keto unless I see a genuine interest from someone with a problem. But people keep asking me what I did to lose so much weight so I tell them I'm controlling my diabetes by not eating any high sugar content foods or refined flours. This is enough to get comments like "You're so brave, I never could give up sugar/bread/pasta/fruit/icecream..." and "How can you not eat ...(their own favourite carbage)?" I think most people are addicted to carbs and can't imagine not eating them. Plus, if someone's lost a lot of weight, they must be punishing themselves somehow... they truly can't imagine a different solution.

    If the question is a serious one, I explain that this way of eating has benefitted me enormously, with many other positive changes besides the weight loss, including hunger control and the ability to control cravings (anyone who's been on a diet is interested in those). I then suggest they read Gary Taube's "Why we get fat" and search online for LCHF.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    I agree with Gemberly to a point, but will replace the word "sugar" with "Carbs". Some people, not all, have big problems with carbs. I am such a person. I am done with them, they have caused so much trouble with me that I can't eat them anymore.

    I know several people that are morbidly obese and the shudder and shake when I tell them what they can't eat. They look at me like I'm crazy and think I don't know what I'm talking about. The truth, sometimes, is stranger than fiction and they can't handle it. On a weekly basis, when I tell someone I lost 82 pounds, they ask how, I tell them and they are stunned. If the person is a fat person ~ they'll start circling the wagons and defend carbs down to their last diabetic breath.

    LCHF is the XXXX (A funny animated explantion of the Keto WOE)

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    Good video Dan!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    In the US as a child of the 60s, we were raised on the pyramid. Also, Weight Watches, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, advertising promoting low-fat this and that. We were brainwashed. What? Eat more bacon and lose weight, you must be nuts, it was counter to all the training I had been taught. Bacon and eggs cooked in butter? I was taught I'd die of high cholesterol clogging my arteries. I've tried every diet imaginable and taken every pill and drank every shake, However, I threw caution to the wind and gave myself 1 month to see if LC might work, and so glad I did. This has been the easiest WOE, I've ever tried. And yea, I don't preach to anyone, I'm keeping it a secret, so while I'm feeling full and losing weight, I can enjoy watching the other folks in my weight loss club suffer being "hangry" all day.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The more realistic answer - they don't understand it, and they have been exposed to a lot of people who have just started doing it, but don't actually understand what they're doing or how it works, yet still feel the need to proselytize. The biggest problem the keto community has, is itself. On one hand, it's a brilliant support structure for people looking for advice, but on the other, it doesn't do enough to remind people that the first rule of keto is don't talk about keto. When people run around preaching keto like a religion, it gets treated like a religion, rather than a set of scientific truths.

    I completely agree. Though there should be no issue talking about it in the forums. The issue I see a lot is people who don't really understand it and make broad statements that aren't supported by facts, for some people they want hard facts, not generalizations.

    Some of the people that are newer to keto, including myself, don't know all the science behind it so when statements like "carbs make you fat" or "sugar is killing you" and the proof used to back those statements up is obscure newspaper articles from 2007 etc. it makes the whole lot of us look like we don't understand how it all works.

    It's not complicated @jpw1990 you do an outstanding job stating the facts without emotion on the subject, and I find you are usually well received. It's some of the other statements that make it look semi cult like and naturally draws questioning from others. To some extent I think it should, now some people go overboard and are nasty about it, those people need to be reported, but some are just questioning the statements to prevent further misinformation from spreading.

    I think many times that some of the most hateful are people who tried it and didn't understand what they were doing and had negative results in the beginning resulting in them now saying "keto doesn't work" or "your body can't live without carbs, you won't be able to exercise or walk up the stairs" etc.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    My fiance personally still can't buy in to my way of eating since he's been told by doctors that due to his high platelet counts and RH factor that he must eat sugar. Even though he's seen my results. He keeps telling me I'm going to give myself a heart attack even though all my bloodwork shows the opposite.... LOL
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 374 Member
    I'm just amazed at my lack of hunger! I'm reactive hypoglycaemic as well and don't feel crashy like I used to eating carbs. I've noticed posts about keto and there's some people that just start attacking it...it's so far from being supportive to the op...they can be down right nasty and a matter of factly. Just my observations. I haven't wanted to post anything in the general forums because my general question gets hijacked by negativity. I'll just post here with like minded people. I've been on this diet for a week and already can feel it's amazing an works very well for me :)
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I think a lot of the problems people have with it stem from ideas around atkins. On that plan you slowly reintroduce carbs to find your threshold, but so many people can't control themselves once they bring carbs back into their diet and end up gaining all the weight they lost back. So when we say "keto is low carb" people hear "keto is a new brand of atkins" when it's really quite different(permanent induction levels essentially). Atkins's reputation for weight loss followed by regaining and then some transfers onto us, even though we're not doing atkins.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Well first off it takes guts and determination and a Strong Will to follow a ketogenic diet/lifestyle (carbs and sugar is so addictive). This right here rules out many from even trying. Lets admit this is no easy road but most of us have bought into the idea and have read, research and made up our mines to give it a try. Even if we slip up we have proven results that it works!!!! (so we keep at it)

    As with anything "everything is not for everybody" I tell the nay-sayers as I glance at their belly, swollen ankles, and inflamed bodies....You are eating a boat load of carbs and sugar...still got high blood pressure and taking way too many meds so "how's that working for you" :open_mouth:

    Lets Keto on and stick with what we know!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The more realistic answer - they don't understand it, and they have been exposed to a lot of people who have just started doing it, but don't actually understand what they're doing or how it works, yet still feel the need to proselytize. The biggest problem the keto community has, is itself. On one hand, it's a brilliant support structure for people looking for advice, but on the other, it doesn't do enough to remind people that the first rule of keto is don't talk about keto. When people run around preaching keto like a religion, it gets treated like a religion, rather than a set of scientific truths.

    I'll have to disagree somewhat. Or modify your statement. I don't give unsolicited advise. If someone asks me, I tell them. So far, I have three of my friends doing Keto now, and two doing lo-carb. They see my results and like it. I coached/teach all of them. And Google is our friend. And I am starting to help two more people. None of them are on these forums. They are getting it from me, mostly. And reading books and websites I give them.

    Count me as a "rule breaker". I tell people the truth, when they ask me.....

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The more realistic answer - they don't understand it, and they have been exposed to a lot of people who have just started doing it, but don't actually understand what they're doing or how it works, yet still feel the need to proselytize. The biggest problem the keto community has, is itself. On one hand, it's a brilliant support structure for people looking for advice, but on the other, it doesn't do enough to remind people that the first rule of keto is don't talk about keto. When people run around preaching keto like a religion, it gets treated like a religion, rather than a set of scientific truths.

    I'll have to disagree somewhat. Or modify your statement. I don't give unsolicited advise. If someone asks me, I tell them. So far, I have three of my friends doing Keto now, and two doing lo-carb. They see my results and like it. I coached/teach all of them. And Google is our friend. And I am starting to help two more people. None of them are on these forums. They are getting it from me, mostly. And reading books and websites I give them.

    Count me as a "rule breaker". I tell people the truth, when they ask me.....

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites

    That has nothing to do with the people who run to the main forums and post about how CICO "doesn't apply" to them since they cut sugar, or talk about how everyone should watch Fed Up immediately and start doing keto. That is what "first rule of keto is don't talk about keto" means. It's why the religious comparison exists. Your diet, like your religion and politics, should be kept to yourself, and people who volunteer it should not be surprised when it's not well received.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    My nephew has Cerebral Palsy, he's about 30 and his specialist has been telling my sister that his prognosis is getting worse. One of his symptoms is seizures. They have pretty much controlled by medication until this past year. He was averaging 1 or 2 petit mal seizures a year, however he has experienced 7 in the past year one of them being his first Grand Mal seizure. It's evident from looking at him that he is developing a solid case of metabolic syndrome.

    My family has been pretty supportive of my WOE as they see the results and I've discussed it a bit, so I explained to her that ketogenic diets were developed to reduce the incidence of seizures in children. She was very receptive, which is reinforced by all the studies and articles out there on the subject. My nephew is pretty high functioning and when my sister discussed it with him, he told her that he wanted to get in shape like I did. (That was pretty awesome to hear.)

    I am so excited to see what results she gets. He is a wonderful man and a great father too. I really wish for him to be around to see his grandchildren. I try not to preach keto yet I don't miss a chance to talk about it to anyone that is receptive. The main forums here don't seem to be receptive in general.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    My nephew has Cerebral Palsy, he's about 30 and his specialist has been telling my sister that his prognosis is getting worse. One of his symptoms is seizures. They have pretty much controlled by medication until this past year. He was averaging 1 or 2 petit mal seizures a year, however he has experienced 7 in the past year one of them being his first Grand Mal seizure. It's evident from looking at him that he is developing a solid case of metabolic syndrome.

    My family has been pretty supportive of my WOE as they see the results and I've discussed it a bit, so I explained to her that ketogenic diets were developed to reduce the incidence of seizures in children. She was very receptive, which is reinforced by all the studies and articles out there on the subject. My nephew is pretty high functioning and when my sister discussed it with him, he told her that he wanted to get in shape like I did. (That was pretty awesome to hear.)

    I am so excited to see what results she gets. He is a wonderful man and a great father too. I really wish for him to be around to see his grandchildren. I try not to preach keto yet I don't miss a chance to talk about it to anyone that is receptive. The main forums here don't seem to be receptive in general.

    That is so awesome, I got chills reading this!!! I've actually had people here ask me about it, the logistics and all, and I've brought a few people over to the dark side, but generally only because I talk about what it is doing for me and I don't PUSH it... I answer questions, and have my own blood work and scientific studies to back it up, but the biggest thing is I do what I expect of others - if it isn't for them, I don't judge and I do my best to support them in the track they're on, as long as they aren't starving themselves or anything else equally unhealthy, etc....

    I wish the absolute best for your nephew!! I look forward to updates. :)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    My nephew has Cerebral Palsy, he's about 30 and his specialist has been telling my sister that his prognosis is getting worse. One of his symptoms is seizures. They have pretty much controlled by medication until this past year. He was averaging 1 or 2 petit mal seizures a year, however he has experienced 7 in the past year one of them being his first Grand Mal seizure. It's evident from looking at him that he is developing a solid case of metabolic syndrome.

    My family has been pretty supportive of my WOE as they see the results and I've discussed it a bit, so I explained to her that ketogenic diets were developed to reduce the incidence of seizures in children. She was very receptive, which is reinforced by all the studies and articles out there on the subject. My nephew is pretty high functioning and when my sister discussed it with him, he told her that he wanted to get in shape like I did. (That was pretty awesome to hear.)

    I am so excited to see what results she gets. He is a wonderful man and a great father too. I really wish for him to be around to see his grandchildren. I try not to preach keto yet I don't miss a chance to talk about it to anyone that is receptive. The main forums here don't seem to be receptive in general.

    If you haven't seen it before, there is a free movie on YouTube, that shows exactly what you said. It was a normal Hollywood movie years ago, but they felt so strongly about getting the word out, that they put on YouTube so anyone could watch it.

    First Do No Harm, A video that shows how the Ketogenic diet cures epilepsy. Meryl Streep


    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Thanks Dan! and KetoGirl! Will definitely be checking it out and letting my sister see it!