Jumpin' Jack June!

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I couldn't help it. I couldn't think of anything better lol. As I mentioned in the end of the May thread, I know several people who went to the Stones concert last night and Jumpin' Jack June is stuck in my head now!
Goals for the month: keep on keepin' on. I'm doing much better as far as consistency, still working out doing the walk away the pounds videos I found on youtube. I still have my starchy carb frenzies, but they are getting less frequent. I feel like I made some progress in May though. There are several parties in June and I'm sure I will indulge in some wine here and there, but going to keep it limited to those occasions. And I'm going to start doing some jumping jacks every day, just so the topic will make more sense!
Looking forward to another month with you all, you make this whole thing fun!
Goals for the month: keep on keepin' on. I'm doing much better as far as consistency, still working out doing the walk away the pounds videos I found on youtube. I still have my starchy carb frenzies, but they are getting less frequent. I feel like I made some progress in May though. There are several parties in June and I'm sure I will indulge in some wine here and there, but going to keep it limited to those occasions. And I'm going to start doing some jumping jacks every day, just so the topic will make more sense!
Looking forward to another month with you all, you make this whole thing fun!

Morning all!! Love the name of the new thread Mihani - very clever! I really like your goals for the month. They seem manageable and achievable.
This weekend was the first weekend in a very long time that felt like a true weekend! Friday evening we spent some time on our deck reading and just enjoying the weather and followed that up with our first fire in our fire pit. It was so peaceful to just sit back, watch the fire, the kids and the lightning bugs in the woods behind our house. Saturday morning we all went to my grandparents and worked on their yard (mulching, pruning and weeding) and by the time we got home we were all totally exhausted. Spent the rest of the day (which became a rainy day) just relaxing. We watched some movies, got out left overs for dinner it was a much needed low key evening. At one point I looked at my hubby and said "the best part of this moment right now is realizing today is only Saturday and there is a whole other day of the weekend tomorrow...." I haven't felt that way in a really long time. Sunday I went to the grocery store and filled the cart with a ton of vegetables. Literally, we can't fit another single item in our fridge until some of the stuff is eaten at this point. I told the kids I wasn't buying any more "snack" packages that from now on if they were hungry between meals they could have some fruit or veggies. Mixed reactions on that one, but, I have to stop keeping some of that stuff around the house for my own success. I spent the afternoon chopping and cooking. We have pre-chopped broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, onions, sliced carrots, celery and a bunch more. I made a batch of lentil soup and a batch of quinoa salad. After some talks with my husband he said he wouldn't mind having a few meals a week that were closer to what I could eat, which, is a huge success! So, have a couple meals planned for the family that I can eat too. Need to start expanding my recipes at this point if this will be the new norm. My daughter has decided to be my little health buddy as well. So, working together to make healthier choices and being sure we get in some sort of activity. I think this will be really good as it is always good to have a partner in crime. After everything was prepped I got to go down into my craft room for a while and work on one of quilt projects. Overall, I think it was the best weekend ever. :-)
Back to work today. Interviewed for a new job at the same company last week. Fingers crossed that it works out. The work sounds really exciting and the culture is way better than where I am currently working.
Hope everyone is well!0 -
Hahaha! When we were in San Diego there were Stones posters up everywhere..they were playing a couple of days after we left, and at the stadium we could almost see into from our room...we COULD see into it from the hotel's rooftop bar! It was tempting to try to stay, but they were well sold out anyway, but I just think it would've been an experience to be in the neighborhood, lol!
I worked Friday and Saturday and had yesterday off, got SOOOOO much done, but it doesn't seem like the list is shorter, lol. I always come up with more.
I hope Lia's party went well and that she is not still hungover, hahaha!
I felt pretty bingey in May. Not binge eater, sit down and eat 40,000 calories at a sitting, but enough. Too many treats. But usually for me that goes along with fatigue, so my goal for June is to clean up my sleep habits, and work on getting rested. We continue to work on getting my hypothyroid meds adjusted, and did just increase them again, so I have labs at the end of June. It is hard to fight that fatigue, but I think I can at least do better with better sleep habits.
Happy 1st day of June!0 -
Good morning & happy June!!
My half marathon was a big challenge; bit harder than I had hoped.
First, my son spent the night between midnight and 2 am throwing up in our hotel room - so that's always fun. He tends to throw up whenever he has a sinus cold, because as he sleeps, the snot just builds up, I guess - and then he's gotta get rid of it. Fortunately, my hubby took care of him so I could stay in bed, but of course I was awake every time... I was so worried about sleeping in after all that, that I woke up at 4am and then at 5am, but my alarm wasn't set until 5:30, so I was a little tired going into the race (unfortunately).
Then, I hadn't really anticipated that the run gets a bit hilly in the last 6km; I hadn't done any hill training...
I did manage to run the first 15.5km nonstop - even better than I had hoped because I did it a good 15 minutes faster than last weekend - but at that point I started to really feel fatigued, and that's when I started taking walking breaks. I tried to keep my walking breaks short; at first I only allowed myself 90 seconds, but as I got more into the hilly section, my walking breaks became longer and longer.
So it might have been a case of going out too fast in the beginning and burning myself out too quickly.
I did manage to run the last km in full - but only because I could see the finish line and I wanted to be done.
My official finish time is 2:46:55. Much slower than I had hoped for, but I did it!! It's been 7.5 years since my last half marathon, and I really only started running 5-6 weeks ago...
Got pretty stiff in the car ride home yesterday, and then when we did get home, I flopped into my bed and passed out for a good 2 hours. I was worn out!!
Skipped my workout this morning; I'm still a bit too stiff to even attempt it. I'll start again on Wednesday.
My goals for June are to reduce my carbs and stay consistent with my exercise. Walk and jog more and continue with the strength training, of course!
My next big event is my Tough Mudder in September. Gotta drop a good 25+ lbs and get much faster and stronger before that event - so those are my summertime goals!!0 -
Karrie, that is awesome! You did great, you finished, you ran most of it, despite not having a long lead-in on training, and a sick little guy to worry about the night before. I would say that was working under adverse conditions and you came out of it a winner! Woohoo!
Laura, so glad you had a nice weekend off and enjoyed it. You'll probably be surprised how much more you get done. Keeping my fingers crossed for your new job opportunity! That is very cool that your daughter is joining you in your healthy lifestyle.
Jean, I heard it was a great concert. The people I know who went said that Mick still struts like he's 30. Must have been all that clean living haha! So with you on sleep. I can't stick to anything when I'm tired.
I had my appointment with the hand surgeon today, he seems to feel that I should try wrist braces first, so that's where I'm going for now. I didn't connect with him at all and didn't answer his questions very well, so I don't know if he really got how much pain I have been in, but he had all my test results and if I don't have to have surgery I'm quite okay with that. I tried to explain to him, I don't spend a lot of time sitting around thinking about where and how the pain occurs, I just try to ignore it and push through because I have work to do! The doctor who did the EMG spent a lot more time and did a lot more with me, and he seemed to feel I was going to need surgery, so who knows. Oh well, if the braces help I'll be delighted.0 -
Morning all!
I have a couple of june goals that I hope you'll humor me with:
-50 miles of running (did that most months last year and the year before, but have been slacking a bit)
-some sort of weights 3-4 days a week (going fine)
-less snacking!
Mihani: i hope the braces work for you. A friend had the surgery, on both hands, and felt she should have just done the braces. here's hoping!
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Hi guys! I'm late to the party but Happy June!! Thanks for starting the thread with a fun title, Mihani.
I had my shower and mini bachelorette on Saturday and they were both so much fun! I didn't sleep on Thursday or Friday though. I was so overwhelmed having everyone there that I definitely cried a few times (happy cries!) at the shower. Not sure if I mentioned but it was a wine shower! We don't need much for household stuff and we didn't want people to break their banks, so now I have 42 bottles of wine and some gorgeous wine glasses and wine charms! hehe. Saturday night we went out and definitely had a few too many drinks, but I felt pretty good on Sunday. Again, only 4-5 hours of sleep though so I was carb binge-ing all over the place on Sunday, mostly from the sleep I think. I'm starting a strict ETL regime today though! I'm actually sick of sugar for once.
Karrie, congrats on finishing that beastly run!! Wow, you are our hero. That is a very long distance and a huge amount of running. Hope you are feeling super proud of yourself! Hills are so awful....
Mihani, happy to hear you saw someone about your hands. When do you start wiht the braces? I do hate that though - when you're with a health professional and you don't think they really "get" you or hear you properly. I hope the braces are sufficient for awhile though!
Sabine, great goals! I'm with you on less snacking!!
Jean, binges were my major problem in May too. Mostly stress related. I have never eaten in the patterns that I did in May before! I am hoping strict ETL will help me at least get through my reliance on crappy foods to make me feel better. Hope you can get some more sleep!
Laura, awesome weekend! Glad you got some legitimate down time and some productive days as well. I hope that really started your week off well
Okay - meals for the day:
B - banana (maybe smoothie if I feel hungrier)
L - Swiss chard, tomatoes, black beans, onions, spices; orange and nectarine
D - greek salad, homemade!0 -
Thank you guys for the kind words and cheerleading!
Today is day 2 of recovery. Not doing a darn thing today! I will be going to my strength training class tomorrow morning - can't sit around on my butt forever (as much as I might really enjoy that right now...) My heel has been really stiff and painful the last 2 mornings, so much so that I can barely move when I get out of bed. But once I do get moving, it's really okay - I can still feel some stiffness, but not really any pain at all. So if that's the worst of it, then I'm doing pretty awesome!!
Lia, your parties sound like a lot of fun - and like you are surrounded by a lot of love. ENJOY THESE MOMENTS!!! Your wine shower is a fantastic idea - I will have keep it in mind!!!
Mihani, my neice has had great success with the braces. She avoided surgery that way, and I think now she only wears them at night. Her hands were so bad that she couldn't hold a cup - it would just slip right out of her grasp. she couldn't hang on if she didn't have a thumb/finger hooked through a handle... So I hope it works for you just as well!! And I am all about avoiding surgery whenever possible!!!
I'm reducing carbs this week - but in order to avoid the headaches and overall crabiness, I'm trying to do it gradually. No more toast for breakfast (boo!!!!) the last 2 days, and today I'm just going to have some starchy carbs at supper. Tomorrow I'm just going to have 1 serving of carbs at lunch - maybe some mashed potatoes or some rice - I haven't decided yet. Then after that, I'm going to go the rest of the week with no starchy carbs at all. Watch out, people - stay outta my way!!!! lol...0 -
Hi everyone,
I have been MIA for a bit due to continuously dealing with my dad who is in Hospice for those that don't know. My mom doesn't drive as of last fall due to macular degeneration so I am chauffeur, errand runner, caregiver, etc... along with taking care of my own brood. Lots of work and immense stress.
I also love the new thread name and it inspires me to do this jumping jack challenge for the month:
I am also adding daily stairs at home and gearing up to try Super Shred along with a couple of friends. I can modify it to fit my diabetes and it will be easy since it is all whole, real food that I already eat and have in the house.
We got our new garage refrigerator delivered Sunday so now I finally have a home for the overflow of produce in my kitchen. It is going to be such a great help and is something we have been meaning to do for years. I got caught out in a tornado warning the other day and had to leave all of my lovely produce sitting on the conveyer belt at the grocery store so I will get that back on my normal shopping schedule this week. I still have plenty but just not as much variety.
NewMe- sounds like you had a great weekend and you could always make "snack packages" with snack ziplocs at first until the kids get used to the new rules. Sometimes just packaging things in a fun way helps with acceptance. Mine are at home college kids and I get more resistance from them than I would have if they were younger. For them it is the ages old trap of "convenience" and then they tell me that we have nothing to eat (read, no junk food). Well, they are adults and have to make their own choices and they are well informed of familial health history and what to do about it. I can lead the horse to water...It is great that your DH is now on board; that made a tremendous difference in my life when mine followed me. It took him 6 months but now he is 100% on board and loves it. He will always remain Flexitarian which is just fine. I am now working on getting him to reduce the animal portions and fill up on the veggies first. It will come. I have to remember that he is always behind me on this journey. I too have to keep searching and experimenting with recipes but what I run into is that the kids think that if one recipe is "bad" then they are all summarily dismissed. That is frustrating and I continue to remind them that the old family favorites took decades to amass. It is yet another excuse on their part not to participate and I see that. I just keep plugging away because what I have to do will never change. I will get them in the end *rubs hands*. Best of luck on your job opportunity!
Utah-ah, the old thyroid medication tweaking. I am finally where I need to be I think after more than a year with my latest number being a .95. I feel best around 1.0 and so does my DH. I tried Synthroid and switched off to natural WP Thyroid which I like much better. My mom is trying that now and I think DH is going to do it, too. I have also been reading up about iodine supplementation- veeery interesting stuff. I hope you feel back to a normal energetic self very soon!
WHN/Karrie-grats on the half-marathon! I have never done one...
Mihani- My mom and I both have small wrists and carpal tunnel. She is now 86 1/2 and wears braces nightly but still has issues. Everyone is unique, however. I had open method bilateral surgery for carpal tunnel myself about 12 years ago after years of wearing braces. Endoscopic was not widely available then yet I have small scars since I had mine done by a plastic surgeon who was mindful of appearances while getting the job done. My CT finally started to go up my arms with pain and the braces just stopped being enough. Surgery was such a great decision for me and my mom says she regrets not doing it but at her age now it doesn't matter much. Zero pain and numbness were my results. I learned years ago that carpal tunnel also has a distinct connection to pregnancy, diabetes and hypothyroidism. I have done all of those. My surgery took about 15-20 minutes per hand. She did one hand, recovery, other hand. The only thing is to work on regaining your grip strength after the surgery.
Mine was this type:
This is my 3/4" long scar on my left hand which she blended into my hand creases on purpose:
One thing that I found helped me a lot during the day was a pair of these neoprene supports which come in many styles. They kept my wrist supported and warm while I could still do 90% of whatever I needed to do. I wore those at night many times, too. They are inexpensive and more flexible to wear than traditional braces with metal support bars but it all depends on the amount of support you need, too.
Liapr- your wine shower sounds like a lot of fun! I think I need one of those just because...lol.
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Quick hi this morning, had a hair appointment last night and oh man did I need it. My hair was really long and scraggly. Got it back up to just above my shoulders.
Zoot, love that jumping jack challenge idea. Going to start that today! I did get two wrist supports after seeing the doctor, but forgot to take them to the office yesterday. Will remember today.
I'll catch up more tonight. Y'all have a great day!0 -
Hi all. Popping through. Busy day at work today as we are in the midst of the last month of our fiscal year. Translation for non finance people = total craziness as people run around like they are wild zombies looking for any and every way to spend every dime they have in their budget (if they still have any left). Pretty much going to be several weeks of being the bad guy, telling people no and jumping from one fire to the next. This is my 7th year doing this stuff and I just spend most days shaking my head. Hence the need to start looking for other opportunities. When I start to feel this burnt out it is time for something else. Hopefully I will know something about the other job next week and all your wishes of good luck work wonders!
I have been contemplating some serious changes in my career - even beyond my current pursuit of a new job in my current company. My true passion is teaching. I LOVE training people at work, love teaching people new things. I have always wanted to be a teacher and just figured that opportunity had long since past. I was talking to a friend a while back and was having a similar conversation and her response was "well, why don't you teach then?" It stuck with me and I found out recently that you don't necessarily have to have a Bachelors in teaching in order to teach. Anyhow, long story short - I think the door to this dream opened the other day. Not sure if I can figure out how to make it pan out or not, but worth a try.
Karrie - loved reading about your run. Congratulations! I bet you just beam with happiness knowing you came, you saw and you kicked its butt! (couldn't avoid that quote from Ghostbusters!) Quite an accomplishment to tackle that and finish what you started. One day I would love to do the Tough Mudder. Looks like a lot of fun! I have a ways to go before I get there, but, definitely on my bucket list.
Liapr - what a great idea for a shower! I have never heard of that, but, would be great for folks that aren't just starting out. I think I am going to tuck that one into my pocket and save it for later use. Sounds like you had a great time.
Zoot - I was cracking up when you talked about "getting them in the end" haha. It really feels that way. Like we have to have some sort of evil plan to convert everyone to eating healthier. My husband made it one whole day. I find this abundantly frustrating. Yesterday I came home and thought about starting dinner, however, had no idea how long he was going to be at the dentist with the two youngest kiddos. So, instead I opted for a walk. I didn't finish until everyone was home and that put us at around 6:30 with a very hungry husband focused on Chinese. Sigh...I rattled off a million quick and easy things only knowing it would be a battle. And frankly, it gets exhausting. So, we wound up with Chinese - I ordered steamed vegetables as my main dish, which was great, but, all those other things that get ordered always do me in - steamed dumplings, egg rolls and crab ragoons. I ate fewer of those things, but, felt disappointed at not fully sticking to my plan. This is wayyyyy better than what I used to eat, but, I know if I don't stick to this things aren't going to change. I just need to find the resolve to dig in my heels and continue to push myself to make better choices. It is immensely frustrating to me that I didn't just listen to my gut and start dinner right away. Learning for next time I suppose.
Mihani - my hair can easily get that way too. I have fine straight hair. It makes it real easy to let it go and not notice when it gets long. I tend to always have some kind of hair style that fluctuates between the "just above the shoulders" to several inches below my shoulders. Glad you were able to find some time for you. I love getting my hair done. Hope the wrist braces go ok for you!
Gotta get back to work! Have great days!0 -
Wine shower???!!! That sounds like a terrific idea for a party theme, may have to bust that out sometime! A friend and I from work were always talking about a "Bottles and Blocks" theme...have everyone bring a bottle of wine and block of cheese, but I no longer work with him all that much and I don't think it is going to happen. He is one of those people who talks a lot...lol! But I do have several other friends who would be into that, so, maybe we should make it a go!
I had horrid habits in May, mostly due to stress...I had so many work related things happening and was not getting my horse time, and that doesn't help at all. The past few nights I have been sleeping well, the mornings are still getting me a bit...puppy does NOT see why we can't be up playing RIGHT.NOW. And if she hears the other dog in the house it is all over....
Karrie I am wildly jealous of your half. I have been aiming for that distance, but that stress fracture I had last summer/fall has really thrown things off. My build right now has to be sooooo slow....I am now at 2 miles run, and starting to add on mile 3 as a walk/run, Galloway method, til I get to 3 miles of running, then I can go for mile four. It is going to take all summer/fall to make it to half of a half, lol! But I guess what counts is doing it at all! Speaking of, I need to change clothes and get out there...then it is time for work.
Have a great day!0 -
Karrie, a stiff ankle sounds like a miracle!! I feel like my body would have been in a body cast after a half, haha. Great job
Did you get a souvenir medal? I love getting those!
Mihani, yay for a haircut! I desperately need one. Going next Tuesday. I feel like as soon as the wedding is over, I want to chop my hair off! It's way down my back and I feel like shoulder length sounds pretty free-ing.
Laura, argh about the Chinese. I hear you, I hate those moments because I find I can hardly enjoy the food, I'm too busy kicking myself. Sounds like you made good choices though! Plus a healthy long walk
Zooty, love the jumping jack challenge! I feel like that's something I could actually do. You can really do jumping jacks anywhere! Sounds like you are being superwoman at home.
I had my first good day in a long while, yay! And I woke up feeling good. I miss that feeling of feeling great with lots of veggies and healthy stuff. I got in lots of walking too actually.
B - green smoothie, navel orange
L - swiss chard, tomatoes, black beans, onions, spices; strawberries + yogurt
D - another salad I am thinking!0 -
NewMe- you could also consider teaching at a local college or community college as a guest instructor. We have friends who have done that for years. Consulting is another way to teach besides in a formal classroom and is something you could experiment with while holding down your current position. Where I live you only have to have an Associates Degree to be a substitute teacher which can also get your feet wet and see if you like it as much as you think you will. Call your local school system and inquire! I think it sounds like an exciting idea no matter how you slice it!
In regards to familial food cravings; you are right about learning for the next time and definitely on track. I found out early that waiting too long to prepare food results in a chorus from the peanut gallery of "let's just buy something" which translates into "you waited toooo long and now we are hangry!" and so I polled the troops about preferences when they were happily full then bought them and fix them before they can object. If they know that I have already prepared the food then they argue less and that is simple psychology I can apply against them. I often throw in an "experimental" recipe or food for them to "give me your opinions". It helps. Last night it was balsamic roasted gold and regular beets. Some liked them, others not so much but I learned something (and got a bite or two inside them, lol). Whatever it takes is my motto now.
Utah- ahhh, horse time. I have to admit I envy you that!
Gosh, I am in the needing a haircut crowd, too. My hair is halfway down my back, thick and wavy (and at 52 still 99% my color-yippee!). I usually have to have it thinned or it is just too heavy and my layers have grown out so yep, it is time. I don't know why I am procrastinating about an appointment unless it is because of the parental care stress. I should do it because it always makes me feel great to get it done.
Lia- how interesting that you say that after the wedding you just want to chop off all of your hair- apparently that is quite common, who knew?! Actress Kaley Cuoco (Big Bang Theory) did that right after her wedding.
I started the Super Shred 30 day challenge with some ladies in my Over 50 Women's Club group this morning. It will be very easy to stick to ETL or flexitarian guidelines for the brood. Just curious what it will do with my blood glucose and weight especially since I have been eating the whole foods he promotes for 18 months. I suspect that a lot of the people who lose "an average of 20 lbs in the month" do so because they were eating junky processed foods but hey, it shakes things up for a month. Off to do day 1 on the JJ challenge (beginner level)!
Have a fantabulous day and here is a funny for all of you:
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Zooty, love the comic! That is funny, I didn't think about Kaley Cuoco. I guess there's something freeing about making it through the wedding and planning! Haha. Keep us up to date on the Super Shred too!
Laura, I forgot to mention, I think it's never too late to teach either, especially if you've found something you liked! I dated a man once who had become a mechanic right out of high school and hated it. He had two kids and found he loved both kids and teaching them so he actually went to teacher's college! He didn't have a bachelors but had some life experience and I think it probably helps having teachers that are well-rounded!
Am feeling really out of sorts this week, not sure why. I have had a good and healthy week and of course, the scale goes up! Oh well. Keeping on today....0 -
So far today my day 2 on SS (Super Shred) has been a bit blown thanks to my old nemesis "diabeetus". I had the "pancake" option for breakfast and made them diabetic safe with plain almond meal, water, baking soda and an egg and that is it. The recipe made exactly two CD size pancakes as prescribed. I had one super thin slice of bacon in the refrigerator so I made little burritos out of the pancakes using Smucker's sugar free breakfast syrup instead of real maple syrup. With that I had a lovely fresh medium size peach, my coffee and a bit of matcha green tea powder plus the 1/2 lemon squeezed in water. I added my glucomannan fiber for some sugar control assistance. All was according to plan.
Rant warning: Well, here I was feeling all great and completely ecstatic that I got to thoroughly enjoy a fresh peach after more than a year and at 90 minutes my blood glucose reading was 189
It should have been under 140 at 1 hour
. So, now I have to confirm that it was just the peach and not the lemon water or anything else (99% sure it was the beautiful peach). A person finally does everything right and eats healthy whole food and then gets shot down anyway- sooo frustrating at times. You really start to feel like someone has it out for you personally and you just want to rip your hair out. I did some stairs and skipped the two morning snacks not feeling comfortable with that number nor wanting to send my blood glucose any higher with yet more "enemy" food. And for me food is indeed the enemy is so many ways. So, even though you folks also have lots of issues with food, etc...it can be worse. I have those exact same issues plus the endless frustration of how diabetes complicates everything I do. I really do envy any program that everyone else can do "as is" because you actually do have it much easier by not having to work around this mess in addition to trying to do the program. So I want to say that the next time things are hard for you (and they will be) just try to imagine for a minute the 24/7, for the rest of your life, day in and day out mess of dealing with this added frustration and complicating factor and maybe you will not feel quite so bad
. Many a time I have wished I could turn back time and known then what I know now. Okay, rant over
Atm I am sipping on my shake concoction for lunch:
1 cup Silk Vanilla Soy milk
1 cup water
1 cup ice cubes
3 Tbsp Nutiva Hemp Protein Powder With Fiber
1 Tbsp Dutch process cocoa powder, organic
Sweet Leaf Stevia drops, chocolate flavor
1/2 tsp. Now Glucomannan powder
Testing this to see how it does. My preprandial is still 105, wish me luck!0 -
I have SO much catching up to do! Work has been a bit crazy as usual. Went out tonight with some friends and had a good time. I will catch up on all your posts this weekend. Now I have to eat a late (light) dinner and get to bed.0
hey all,
thought I would share this bit of deliciousness I made last night. Our big safeway is going out of business (thanks walmart). Everything is half off, so I have gone multiple times and loaded the shopping cart full of beans and canned tomatoes and baked/dehydrated apples/mangos and tons of frozen fruit. So anyway, I don't have cupboard space for all I bought, so making things that use up the canned food.
zucchini noodles with canned tomatoes, fresh oregano and kale from my friends garden, spinach, onions, purple cabbage, nutritional yeast, green onions, and chickpeas. basil and garlic for seasoning. Wow, this was spectacular. So happy with. The canned tomatoes were organic and tasted super fresh. I have gotten so tired of how much sugar is in commercial jarred pasta sauce, so I bought the canned tomatoes to make my own conveniently. worked out great.
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Hi, all!
So apparently it's been so long that I entirely missed the May thread, lol. Typical ADHD distractedness and inconsistency in action.
Karrie, congrats on the half marathon, that is absolutely amazing! You must feel great. And all respect for training for Tough Mudder in September. I haven't run it, but I watched a friend do it - wow, that's some bada$$ stuff right there.
Mihani, hope your wrist braces help. You may have mentioned this earlier (during my extended absence *looks down sheepishly*), but are you seeing a physical therapist? I have DeQuervain's in my wrist and my first doctor basically told me my choices were cortisone shots for symptom relief or surgery to fix it. When my US doctor refused to give me the cortisone injections until I tried PT I was skeptical but I think it took literally less than 6 weeks to get rid of 90% of the pain and range of motion issues.
Sabine, great goals. 50 miles of running is impressive. All the more so that it seems like par for the course for you!
Liapr, I'm glad I haven't been gone so long that I missed your wedding. )Or more to the point, your wedding pictures) . It must be soon now. So exciting
NewMe, It's always great to pursue your dream (especially when it involves getting out of the finance industry, lol. I can't say I've ever regretted it.) Making a living while doing what you love is about as good as it gets.
Zoot, I don't know what Super Shred 30 is, but it sounds pretty hardcore! The jumping jacks alone are making me tired just reading the chart!
Utah, good luck finding the medication regime that works for you. Fatigue makes everything so much harder. Keep trying and I'm sure they'll figure it out. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
Coueswhitetail, those pictures look great, and the recipe sounds tasty. If your dinners all look that good, you should consider starting a food blog, lol. I'd subscribe
Not too much happening here. I did finally "harvest" my first strawberry last week, and it was worth the wait. Honestly after 3 of the 6 seedlings didn't make it past the first week, I didn't think I was going to get any. I have one more growing, still white, but it's getting there. I suppose a better wife would let the husband have this one, but that's unlikely to happen.
I've kind of been drifting away from my good habits lately, and this weekend was a write-off due to stress eating, but at least I've managed to keep to my commitment to eat 100% vegan. Now I just need to work on not being a "junk food vegan", lol. I think spending more of my MFP time here instead of the main forums is probably helpful - all the IIFYM stuff is not a good influence on me, because it helps me rationalize pretty much anything. But no more denial - I know I can't live on takeout and Trader Joe's frozen curries and expect to feel my best. I'm probably not quite ready for full on ETL yet, but I will definitely be getting back to my smoothie breakfasts and salad lunches this week.
Hope everybody has an awesome week
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Here are pics of my lunch today and dinner since it was so tasty! This is from fuhrman....chickpea tuno salad......my husband couldn't believe it didn't have tuna in it......I modified the recipe by adding grapes, tomato, purple cabbage, dill and turmeric......we liked the additions
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Great to see you Peas and Coues! (Which made me think of mind your P's and Q's lol)
Work is super busy, putting out fires all over the place and our secretary is leaving for vacation Thursday so I'll be on my own covering for her from Thursday through the following week. So my check ins may be a bit random this week, but I have read all your posts! Still lots of work to do tonight before bed, and I really want to get in a workout so I gotta keep moving.
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I just wanted to check in to say hi - I, too, am reading all the posts, but I've been pretty busy lately. Might have a new business venture, still doing my morning strength training class - only 2 more weeks to go. And at the end of the month, I'm going to be building my kids a new treehouse at the lake - the one that's there now is falling down and needs to be replaced. My dad is teaching me and I'm building it with him. Just the 2 of us.
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I wasn't sure if I would be able to get in still... I've been away for so long! All of the items in this discussion look so good! I decided to post my picture of what I looked like last year after being with you all - so, I am trying to get back to that weight and then continue on again like I never left! So glad to like minded ladies close by to share info with! Hope you all are having a great day!0
Angie, great to see you!
It has been a while.
I am still swamped with work and a big work-related event tomorrow, plus secretary left for 10 days vacation, so things are going to stay pretty crazy the rest of the week. I have some serious catching up to do here! I'm full on smoothies this week, tired of making decisions and thinking about things, not to mention buying groceries then not having time to cook and letting everything rot. It is going really well with the smoothies though.0 -
Welcome back Angie!
Sitting here munching a plate of berries. I got some "gentler" lettuce for lunch today...some of those kale and greens mixes are too much for the state of my "new" gut, I think, and boy do I pay for them. So I bought a box of spring mix and will see how that goes.
I am hoping to beat the rain out running today, but I do need to leave a little time for digestions. I have such issues in the morning, lol! First take the levothyroxine, then wait 30-60 minutes to eat, then I have to eat or I run out of gas trying to run, so I have to eat at least something, wait for that to settle in, then run. We are supposed to have just a ton of rain coming, between today, tonight, and tomorrow. Building that ark later, I guess.
Our contractor is here trying to beat the rain, too. He brought his little tractor and is moving the stone block that will be our new wall on the new patio area. Our older dog, Maggie, is hanging in the patio doorway watching him, but my puppy said the heck with it and has climbed up on her pillow and gone back to sleep. I can't wait until she can just sleep an hour later in the mornings, lol! I can't complain toooo much, as we are no longer up multiple times a night, and she has gone from 5 am to 6 am....but when I have to try for rest and...I took Benedryl last night because of allergies, it would be nice if she'd give me a little more time, lol! I am scheduled to work a pm shift tonight as well, which is also why I wanted to sleep later. Maybe a nap later....0 -
Hi everyone! Welcome back, Angie, Peas and Coues!! So nice to see you guys. I love hearing the updates!
Sounds like everyone is going through a crazy period. Two weeks til my rehearsal dinner, two weeks two days til wedding, and I am feeling super anxious! But I'm on the no sugar train until my wedding, not really for weight loss but just to feel better and not junky on my day. Also, I stupidly picked a wedding date during our busiest time of year, so with work, I don't have much time to worry about other stuff during the day!
Thinking of you guys!! Have a happy and healthy day0 -
PS Peas I find the forums and "eat more 2 weigh less" and "IIFYM" also toys with me. Not that they are bad strategies, but I don't know how to do them properly without eating alllll the foods! lol.0
Sooo excited for your wedding - I am anxiously awaiting pictures too!
A coworker brought me as her guest to a lunch-hour fitness class yesterday - it was SO much fun!! It was a hula-hoop class!!!! I am going to do it as a drop-in for the next 2 weeks and I've already given her my contact information for registration in the fall. How fun is that!?!? I get to relive my childhood and burn calories - I did work up a pretty good sweat, too - it's no joke!! And I did way better than I thought I would - I went from the big hoop to the medium hoop in about 10 minutes, and my friend said "HEY, it took me 3 weeks to be able to use that hoop!" The instructor was impressed with my mad skillz...I'm gonna purchase 2 sizes of hoops from her next week so I can play throughout the summer. My daughter will be thrilled!
Sounds like it's the busy season all around - I hope everyone can find some time this weekend to relax. I KNOW I WILL!!!0 -
Almost through one crazy week, but secretary left for vacation yesterday so I'm going to be swamped through next week covering phones and all that while she's gone but I'll try to catch up this weekend. I do read everything y'all post, and have many comments in my head!0
Mihani, you work so hard, I thought things might have eased up for you, Utah, it has been super humid here in Phoenix, AZ and hot today, miss the "dry heat", glad to hear you are doing well, those greens can be harsh on the tummy! I would love to see pictures of the wedding, so exciting! I don't think I could do hula-hoop - sounds like fun though! I did an hour ab workout my first day back to working out and couldn't laugh without my stomach killing me. Today was a bad day, I didn't get up to work out. Tomorrow should be good with spinning. This weekend we are headed to New Mexico to work on my dad's house to prepare to either live in it or rent it out. (My father passed away last fall from a heart attack) DH's father is recovering from being in the hospital for yet another heart attack, we need to find a doctor who thinks 77 isn't too old to find a solution to his heart failure issues. Here is to beating heart disease! Looking forward to a fun and healthy retirement one day.0
I have decided to take tomorrow "off", I brought some things home to work on, but I need to regroup before I face next week. And my house needs some attention, and I need to catch up with y'all here! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.0
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