Leslie Sansone June 2015 Walk Challenge



  • lreutner
    lreutner Posts: 64 Member
    edited June 2015
    June is off to a great start! I just need to get in more outdoor miles while the weather is beautiful. I'm having fun choosing my workout with the Ultimate 5 Day Plan dvd.
    6-1 Ultimate 5 Day Plan; Yellow and Red miles. 2/55
    6-2 Yellow and Green miles 4/55
    6-3 Blue and Purple miles 6/55
    6-4 Burn 30 + ½ mile outside 8.5/55
    6-6 Ultimate 5 Day Red and Green miles 10.5/55
    Happy walking everyone.
  • jillamina13
    jillamina13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, I would like to join this group please! I have been using WaH for 9 years... Lost 40 pounds (4 years ago) but have gained 20 back (still while walking at least 3 miles per day). Being in my mid forties has played with my metabolism. I need some solid motivation to get myself back on track. So glad to have found this group!
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    6/2 - 3 miles with Leslie; 10100 steps
    6/3 - 2.5 miles with Leslie; 10300 steps
    6/4 - 2 miles with Leslie, 10100 steps
    6/5 - rest
    6/6 - 1 express mile w/ Leslie; 15400 steps(!!)
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member

    6/1 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=3.1 miles total
    6/2 Vivofit Tracked 2.9 miles=6.0 miles total
    6/3 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=9.1 miles total
    6/4 Vivofit Tracked 2.6miles :-1: =11.8 miles total
    6/5 Vivofit Tracked 2.5 miles=14.3 miles total
    6/6 Vivofit Tracked 1.6 miles=15.9 miles total
    6/7 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk! OK I had to back down to 3lb weights, but I kept up with Mary Kay!!!! :laugh: =18.9 miles total!

    Dawn I am feeling OK. I am a bit surprised at how tired I still get 4 weeks out, but most of the pinches and pulls are intermittent now. I have learned that a lower abdominal C-section at 28 is much easier to recover from than upper abdominal surgery at 62!!! :wink: I did the 3 Mile Power Walk today with 3 pound weights and I am not ready to fall asleep yet, so that is progress, right! Thanks for checking up on me. I appreciate it and it keeps me from overdoing it. :smile:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    Thanks, Brenda :) My brother has worked up to being able to walk 6o minutes in the early morning while he has his energy, although it is very slow. I'm working on his endurance of being able to move for longer periods of time. I stop occasionally and have him go up and down off curbs of different heights trying to strengthen his leg muscles and have him avoid debris and obstacles like mud etc that can play havoc with his cane. It has been interesting seeing the neighborhood's streets from the prospective of one with walking challenges. yes, his whole recovery has been nothing short of miraculous in so many ways.

    Mary Isn't it amazing how differently we view the world when we work with someone who has a physical or mental challenge? Stairs, curbs, narrow door ways and halls all become obstacles to over come. I have become more more sensitive to all kinds of obstacles working with college students. It is amazing the things we do not even notice when we are able bodied. I'll bet your brother is also seeing the world through new eyes and an odd as it sounds, that will help his recovery as well! He is amazing that is for sure. :drinker: I raise my cup to him for sure! :smile:
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    It was beautiful outside, took a nice walk with my husband. Total of 5 miles
    Total 16 miles
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    6/2 - 3 miles with Leslie; 10100 steps
    6/3 - 2.5 miles with Leslie; 10300 steps
    6/4 - 2 miles with Leslie, 10100 steps
    6/5 - rest
    6/6 - 1 express mile w/ Leslie; 15400 steps(!!)
    6/7 - 3 miles w/ Leslie, 10100 steps
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    36.5/100 I forgot to log yesterday's 1.5 miles until now. With that said I completed The 2 Mile Walk This Way and 2 Mile Silver Walk this morning.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    I walked outside about 1 1/4 miles.

    Total 17 1/4
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    Over the weekend I was only able to do 2 miles. 6/8 1 mile. Keep walking strong folks.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    43/100 I enjoyed a long walk at the park this morning. I managed 6.5 miles.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    6/1 2 miles (Miles 2 and 3 of the 5 Day Slim Down)
    6/2 3 miles with Debbie Roc
    6/4 2 miles of the 4 Mile Super Challenge and strength
    6/5 2 mile of the 5 Day Slim Down
    6/6 1 mile of the 4 Mile Super Challenge
    6/8 2 miles using 3 Walk Blaster miles

    Great work everyone!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member

    6/1 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=3.1 miles total
    6/2 Vivofit Tracked 2.9 miles=6.0 miles total
    6/3 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=9.1 miles total
    6/4 Vivofit Tracked 2.6miles :-1: =11.8 miles total
    6/5 Vivofit Tracked 2.5 miles=14.3 miles total
    6/6 Vivofit Tracked 1.6 miles=15.9 miles total
    6/7 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk! OK I had to back down to 3lb weights, but I kept up with Mary Kay!!!! =18.9 miles total!
    6/7 Vivofit Tracked 1.7 miles=20.6 miles total
    6/8 Vivofit Tracked 3.2 miles=23.8 miles total
    6/8 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk! 5lb weights, but I could not do all the reps :grumble:=26.8 miles total

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Walked 1 1/2 miles
    Total of 19 miles rounded up. Keep on walking
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    edited June 2015
    49/50 Another beautiful day and walk at the park. I walk 6 miles this morning.
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    6/10 2.3 miles outside great walk for get out the frustration
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Well didn't get any walking in today, I needed to clean spare room for son to move back home. That was a workout.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member

    6/1 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=3.1 miles total
    6/2 Vivofit Tracked 2.9 miles=6.0 miles total
    6/3 Vivofit Tracked 3.1 miles=9.1 miles total
    6/4 Vivofit Tracked 2.6miles :-1: =11.8 miles total
    6/5 Vivofit Tracked 2.5 miles=14.3 miles total
    6/6 Vivofit Tracked 1.6 miles=15.9 miles total
    6/7 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk! OK I had to back down to 3lb weights, but I kept up with Mary Kay!!!! =18.9 miles total!
    6/7 Vivofit Tracked 1.7 miles=20.6 miles total
    6/8 Vivofit Tracked 3.2 miles=23.8 miles total
    6/9WAH 3 Mile Power Walk! 5lb weights, but I could not do all the reps :grumble:=26.8 miles total
    6/9 Vivofit Tracked 1.3 miles=28.1 miles total

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    Chiming in for the week :D
    6/30 miles completed
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    49/50 Another beautiful day and walk at the park. I walk 6 miles this morning.

    Oops!!! that is 49/100 LOL