Paleo Websites/I hate fish

Trying Paleo, just started this week
I was wondering if anyone has any good websites to recommend to me for recipes/meal plans? I read the Paleo diet book and it came with some recipes.
However I am cautious to buy a meal plan because
as does my boyfriend, as does my sort of kid, And literally so many of the meal plans/recipes are based on fish. I can lie to myself and choke it down for a few meals but I can't force the others to and I know I'm just setting myself up for failure by forcing things I don't like. Help?


  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    Added: I can eat seafood like lobster/crab and shrimp. Just not a fish person. Salmon is literally the most disgusting thing in my eyes
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just wondering ifyou hate ALL fish--there's a big difference between salmon, mahi mahi, and haddock, for example.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    I never really noticed a bias toward fish with paleo recipes. Then again I never have bought a meal plan before. I know red meat (and bacon) are the staples of many adherents of the paleo ways, myself among them.

    Anyway, I know is a popular place. I've gleaned a few ideas from there but I guess I'm not really the best person to answer this thread anyway. Most of what I cook is simple two- or three-ingredient, single-skillet stuff. Throw some meat in a shallow pool of fat. Spice to preference. Cook for a few minutes. Throw in some veg or whatever. Cook for a few more minutes. Then eat.
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    I like tuna,, and Ive never had haddock or talapia but I hate every other fish I've tried. and I've never tried fresh tuna, I've just had the canned stuff and even then I have to mix it with mayo to reduce the fishy taste.
    By the way has anyone made tuna salad with the paleo mayo recipe
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I usually just google for recipes. I have a handful of cookbooks such as Practical Paleo, Paleo Comfort Foods, and Well Fed but I don't actively use any of them. I usually google the ingredient and the keyword Paleo when I search (ie; "beets Paleo"). Lots of users on here also have Pinterest boards full of recipes (mine is

    The only application I use occasionally on my phone is myKitchen (also known as The Food Lover's Kitchen) because it's Paleo-based.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I never thought there was any bias towards fish recipes, either. And I'm allergic to shellfish, so I can't help you there.

    I tend to just make a meat/egg + veggies for all my meals, add some fat if it's a leaner meat (avocado, nuts). Same as I ate before mostly, just no grain/bread with it. For something specific, I just google paleo/primal+*insert name of recipe I want*. Really the only recipes I've had to google were for biscuits and chocolate chip cookies, which are not normal things in my diet, they were treats that I wanted to keep grain-free (I'm gluten sensitive).
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I like tuna,, and Ive never had haddock or talapia but I hate every other fish I've tried. and I've never tried fresh tuna, I've just had the canned stuff and even then I have to mix it with mayo to reduce the fishy taste.
    By the way has anyone made tuna salad with the paleo mayo recipe

    yuck gross canned tuna! get yourself some fresh stuff, much better.

    also be open to changing your taste buds. for example i didn't use to like vegetables, but i kept eating them because they're good for me, and now I LOOOVE bell peppers, spinach, carrots, etc. What you like or don't like isn't set in stone =)
  • AMC72
    AMC72 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat EXCEPT I don't eat pork or shellfish. I'm not a big fan of fish either. Just google or bing 'paleo' and improvise as best you can. You'll find there are still many many MANY ways to eat paleo without boredom :drinker:
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't like fish in general either. But I do love haddock and cod. It doesn't taste fishy. I tend to stay with the white fishes and get my omega-3s elsewhere. BTW- I eat canned tuna also. I really dislike fresh tuna, too much like salmon. You could try NomNomPaleo. There are a lot of non-fish recipes there.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    yuck gross canned tuna! get yourself some fresh stuff, much better.

    also be open to changing your taste buds. for example i didn't use to like vegetables, but i kept eating them because they're good for me, and now I LOOOVE bell peppers, spinach, carrots, etc. What you like or don't like isn't set in stone =)


    While we all have our taste preferences, there's no getting around the fact that our nutritional needs are best served by a hunter/gatherer diet (like paleo/primal), and that means 'eating what comes along'. I also had many veggies I avoided before I started this lifestyle - now (even if they still aren't my faves) I eat all of them. I've always loved seafood, tho.

    Seafood, as a whole, is probably the best protein source - find the best wild caught, flash frozen. The fresher the fish, the less 'fishy' the smell.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I use Pinterest for most of my recipe needs, and I have the nomnom paleo app, as well as way too many cookbooks.

    For fish, maybe try Halibut. It's soooo good, and doesn't have a strong fishy taste like salmon does.
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    I hate fish too. Not even tuna or any of the other stuff you listed. I also don't eat lobster, shrimp, pretty much no seafood or fresh water food.

    That being said, I've always cooked without fish/seafood, so it's not been a problem at all. I cook my own meals though and don't do a meal plan thing. Eat all of the yummy meat that you used to (potentially) avoid because the SAD diet told you to. You can eat bacon, red meat, dark meat poultry, etc now without having to feel "guilty." I think Paleo opens up a lot more doors with food and cooking since you don't have to limit animal fats and fatty meats and stuff like that. That means FLAVOR. The hardest thing for me was not cooking with rice or pasta anymore, but I've found alternatives (for rice at least) that are completely satisfying.

    Anyway, I hate fish too. Yay. :)
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    For the people who keep recommending I just eat fish because it's good for me and I'll get used to it
    I have tried to force myself to eat many times because its good for me. And again I have others to cook for who hate fish and I'm not going to fight my boyfriend and his 4 year old to eat fish even though we all hate it. That seems pointless. And when I continually force myself to eat foods I don't enjoy I almost always end up going crazy and binge eating ( I have a binge eating disorder/makes it hard to commit to very restrictive diets as binge eating is more common when I don't enjoy the food I'm forcing myself to eat)

    Thank you everyone else for the suggestions I am just a little confused. The Paleo book I was given and read had an entire list of animal meats I wasn't allowed to eat because they were too fatty. Like bacon and all cuts of lamb. Am I just reading a weird book or...??

    I would add everyone as friends but I am taking a hiatus from calorie counting as it was having a very negative effect on me so I'm not on here often except to check out forums/recipes/groups
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    Oh and the reason I would like a meal plan is I have been trying paleo almost a week and I don't think I am getting the right ratios because I am always hungry or nauseous so I want an outline just until I get accustomed to the lifestyle
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    The Paleo book I was given and read had an entire list of animal meats I wasn't allowed to eat because they were too fatty. Like bacon and all cuts of lamb. Am I just reading a weird book or...??

    I would add everyone as friends but I am taking a hiatus from calorie counting as it was having a very negative effect on me so I'm not on here often except to check out forums/recipes/groups

    The general idea is that animal fat is to be avoided if it's not from a grass-fed, pastured source. If you can get that sort of meat, you can, and should, eat it. Especially the fat, I say. If standard, CAFO, sort of meat, is the best you can get, get the leanest cuts you can, and cook in healthy fat (coconut oil is popular).

    I've been at this three years but I still don't get too worried about all of these details too much. I don't even try with bacon. I just get the best tasting stuff I can find and call it good. Even eating the less-than-ideal animal fat is better than eating SAD, that's for damn sure.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Google "paleo meal plans". Tons of stuff comes up: recipes too

    There's no right ratio for everyone, we all eat different amounts of carbs, fats, proteins, so it might take some trial and error to find what works for you. It's more about what we don't eat - grains, legumes, vegetable oils, etc. You can even see the variations in what we all eat, fish/no fish, etc. Some eat fruit, some not as much. A lot of us have public diaries also, you don't need to friend us - then you can see variations, meals, etc.

    Why aren't you allowed to eat fatty meats? Most of us probably get the majority of our calories from fat.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I dislike most fish too, and I still adhere to a keto/Primal lifestyle regardless. I do, however, keep an open mind and keep trying fish. I live where wild Arctic char is available, so even though I'm not crazy about it, I eat it occasionally (I like a chowder) anyway. Lots of people are green with envy that I have daily access to wild Arctic char, so I try to appreciate my blessings.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Oh and the reason I would like a meal plan is I have been trying paleo almost a week and I don't think I am getting the right ratios because I am always hungry or nauseous so I want an outline just until I get accustomed to the lifestyle


    And strychnine7 said it right - if it's CAFO (ie - it doesn't say "pastured", and/or "grass fed and finished"), then you want to get lean cuts. If you can get your hands on pastured or grass fed (AND finished), have at the fat!
  • Katieweso
    Katieweso Posts: 6 Member
    Google "paleo meal plans". Tons of stuff comes up: recipes too

    There's no right ratio for everyone, we all eat different amounts of carbs, fats, proteins, so it might take some trial and error to find what works for you. It's more about what we don't eat - grains, legumes, vegetable oils, etc. You can even see the variations in what we all eat, fish/no fish, etc. Some eat fruit, some not as much. A lot of us have public diaries also, you don't need to friend us - then you can see variations, meals, etc.

    Why aren't you allowed to eat fatty meats? Most of us probably get the majority of our calories from fat.
    For the people who keep recommending I just eat fish because it's good for me and I'll get used to it
    I have tried to force myself to eat many times because its good for me. And again I have others to cook for who hate fish and I'm not going to fight my boyfriend and his 4 year old to eat fish even though we all hate it. That seems pointless. And when I continually force myself to eat foods I don't enjoy I almost always end up going crazy and binge eating ( I have a binge eating disorder/makes it hard to commit to very restrictive diets as binge eating is more common when I don't enjoy the food I'm forcing myself to eat)

    Thank you everyone else for the suggestions I am just a little confused. The Paleo book I was given and read had an entire list of animal meats I wasn't allowed to eat because they were too fatty. Like bacon and all cuts of lamb. Am I just reading a weird book or...??

    I would add everyone as friends but I am taking a hiatus from calorie counting as it was having a very negative effect on me so I'm not on here often except to check out forums/recipes/groups

    I'm sorry if I missed it but what book are you reading? Check out the websites listed by shar140. Or since you are feeding a picky 4 year old try googling paleo parenting. Their are tons of helpful blogs that may be more helpful than this community. You may not be able to find a perfectly laid out meal plan that suits everybody in your house but maybe one of the blogs will give you ideas on how to swap things out and get the right macros for you.
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    Not sure what Paleo book says no fatty meats, I thrive on the stuff.

    I promise no one is going to make you eat fish!


    Personal preference and personal ideology differ from person to person and website to website. Adjust to what you like, keeping it low carb.

    I eat bacon almost everyday. Some of these sites will add white rice or white potatoes, this is widely considered more Primal leaning.
    I personally don't touch bread, pasta or rice in my normal day to day eating. But some people can.

    Good luck!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    OP: is the book you have "The Paleo Diet" by Loren Cordain? It was unfortunate for me that his book was my introduction to Paleo, too. Low fat does NOT work for me at all. All info must be taken with a grain of salt. Dr. Cordain was writing for the majority of people who are buying all their meat in a super market. I have heard that in recent years he has changed his tune about low fat. I think there is valuable information in the book, but it should not be your only resource. There are a number of things that I don't think he was completely right about but that doesn't mean it isn't useful. Learn all you can, from different sources, but, most importantly, pay attention to how your body responds to the food you eat. Trust your body.

    The second book I found was the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and while it took me some time to get to changing my lifestyle, his book rang more true to me. There are now so many excellent resouces, I can't even list them all. Google.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    OP: I was hungry a lot the first two weeks. My mom said she went through the same thing when she became a vegetarian. We figure it is just your body adjusting to the change in food. Also, I lost 5 pounds the first two weeks, but I think that was from all the grain, legumes, etc. passing out of my system. In general, meat and veggies don't hang around as long. One way to combat the nauseus/hungry feeling is to change your diet more slowly. I know a lot of vegetarian books suggest changing your diet slowly so you don't give up because the change is hard on your body. This is contrary to what a lot of the Paleo/Primal sites say but it might be easier on your system if it is more sensitive to the change.
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    I am in the SAME boat. Hate fish. All seafood, actually. Have tried many sorts, but you know what? I cannot do it. I get sick.

    So, to answer your question................. sub chicken for fish recipes. A lot of the recipes I have seen in the books are just about the seasoning and sauce associated. Just put that on a chicken breast, and voila!

    Hope that helps!