How to set lifting goals?

lizaiza79 Posts: 45 Member
I would like to have something in mind to work towards other than just weight loss. How have you New Rules ladies set goals in lifting? For instance, is there a certain % of body weight to shoot for for deadlifts, squats, etc? I want to be able to know how well I am doing by some kind of standard.


  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    as i got going in the program, i started setting goals like, i want to DL 100 lbs before the end of stage 1. once i hit that goal, i wanted to get up to my body weight (125-130). haha hasn't happened yet. i finished stage 1 and i'm about to start stage 2 on monday. the first few times i want to just work on getting good form and knowing the routine. then i will start focusing on strength goals as i move on. my mini goals will come around that time.

    i think it's good and fun to set goals along the way. another of my goals was to try to be able to do more than my husband in a certain lift. i told him what i was currently doing and he didn't believe me since i was only about 5 lbs less than what he was doing. it made him step it up a notch!

    i basically decided to throw a weight loss goal out the window. i do still weigh myself, but i work very hard mentally to not let it influence me too much. i initially gained about 6 pounds when i started following the caloric/macro suggestions in the book. it's been about 6 weeks and i've gone down about 1 pound from the initial 6 gained. but i feel stronger, i am seeing muscle definition, and my clothes fit just fine.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    My main goals for now are I guess "mini-goals" and that is to increase my weight some each lifting session. I have done on all except dumbell press, which I will increase in tomorrow's workout. I also want to be able to do a regular frigging push-up for all sets! Right now I am doing modified (girly knee push-ups nose to floor), and haven't done regular push-ups since high school, so that will be a huge goal for me! I am NOT focusing on the scale anymore, but on how my clothes fit, my measurements, strength gains, etc... my ultimate lifting able to do a pull-up!