June Morning Coffee and Gratitude List



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Grateful for my wonderful family. Not so grateful to come back to work today...

    I am grateful for my challenge team at work though. We came in first out of about 25 teams/agencies in the Live Out Loud Challenge. Points for working out and points for doing something enjoyable over six weeks. We will each get a $25 gift card as we averaged over 3,000 points and the ability to say my agency is the best!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    We came in first out of about 25 teams/agencies in the Live Out Loud Challenge... We will each get a $25 gift card as we averaged over 3,000 points and the ability to say my agency is the best!

    Kudos! That's a nice perk and of course bragging rights are always good. number-one-043.gif
    ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    GMCharlie, what a nice way to return back to work, with a reward :) Congrats to your whole team as well.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Grateful I got a message from Californiagirl, she is returning. I am so happy to hear that, hasn't been the same without her.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Congrats Charlie! It's always good to have sometime positive going on at work! (though admittedly I do prefer retirement lol)

    Grateful today that I have dhs computer to borrow so that I do not have to mess up my journaling goal!

    Also grateful today that I was able to make my "shopping" trip yesterday. When I retired I knew that one of the prices of that decision would be a serious drop in buying nice clothes. Therefore, I kept quite a few things, and kept them in a couple of smaller sizes! Yesterday I went "shopping" in my closet and looked at have a dozen really nice items that I will be able to wear in 20 lbs! It's nice to know they are there waiting for me, they are not things that will go out of style, and they certainly are not wearing out! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited June 2015
    Grateful the morning had clouds and DH and I got in over 8K steps in our neighborhood before the temp started to rise, should hit mid 90s today. Also I tried GMCharlie's idea about half tea/coffee, see the recipe thread for details of how easy it was :)

    DreamOn it is fun shopping at home isn't it, o:)
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Yea but it will be a lot MORE fun when I can actually fit into those clothes! lol
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    The barista said he has also made it with half black coffee, half chai tea, and vanilla.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, I wanted to share my gratitude for safe travel for my family. Husband drove home form GA over nite, made it in 13 hours. DD drove home with a friend from North Carolina and made it in 11 hours. I flew home yesterday and despite two delay flights i made it home safely as well. Now for a full body "REALITY CHECK " !!!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I am grateful for my health and my independence! Last evening was beautiful, so after Tai Chi I went and grabbed a light dinner as I had decided to go back uptown and walk (it is a lovely walk with lots of people on our small town street). Decided to treat myself to some pie and coffee on the patio of a diner. I pull up in my convertible with my top down. Go in. Take a seat on the patio. Order pie and decaf. Take out my Kindle. A few minutes later, I hear, "Excuse me." I turn and a man and his wife (about my age) were sitting with their grandson. The guy says, "Could my wife join you?" I looked surprised. He said that when I drove up his wife admired the car and then when I sat down alone with pie and a Kindle on a beautiful summer evening, she told him, "Now that woman knows how to live!" I told her that if it were another day of the week, I knew even better how to live as I would be at the wine bar rather than a diner! He said, "I don't think it is as much the pie, as it is she wants to get away from me!" :laugh:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited June 2015
    Funny story and glad you feel like you can treat yourself to pie! I love spending time alone with my Kindle, too.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Wanda, thats great that everyone made the safe trips. I gave up those long drives years ago! I used to drive from Raleigh to upstate NY to my hometown when I was younger (10-11 hours) and in the last few years I was there, I split the drive into two days and checked out some bed and breafast inns in PA lol

    Charlie that is cute! lol I forgot where you live. Having put up with city traffic for 12 years, it was such a relief to me to move to Panama City where the population is 55k and everything here is so relaxed and slow paced, but several of you live in those little towns like the one I grew up in and I think that would be just a lovely place to be retired!

    Well I am grateful today for my exercise bike! I have not used it in months, but I have an ancient problem with plantar fasciitis in my right heel that has decided to rear its ugly head. I have a strong inkling that the 3 mile Leslie Sansone tape has contributed to it. I have been alternating days with that, but still having problems. So I believe I will go back to the interval bursts on the bike for a bit. I'm grateful that I have the bike and grateful that, at this age, when life throws us a curve ball we have the have the wisdom to just roll with it and not complain. There are a whole lot worse things than a sore heel! lol
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Stupid heels. I found that wearing good tennis shoes for the Sansone and Greatest Loser walks has helped. It seems to be the impact on the hard floor. Anything to avoid the cortisone shot.
    Your plan to switch exercise sounds like a good one.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Charlie that is cute! lol I forgot where you live. Having put up with city traffic for 12 years, it was such a relief to me to move to Panama City where the population is 55k and everything here is so relaxed and slow paced, but several of you live in those little towns like the one I grew up in and I think that would be just a lovely place to be retired!

    Westerville, Ohio. It is now a suburb, or rather now surrounded, of Columbus, but has maintained it's small town charm. It is home of Otterbein University. A small university with a great theater, music and dance department. Westerville, Ohio, was home of the Women's Temperance Movement and until 7 years ago, it was our claim to fame and there was no alcohol in Westerville. We had a DQ and 2 take out pizza shops. Consequently, there were no sitdown restaurants and the uptown area was cute, but not very busy!

    After alcohol was permitted, we now have: 2 ice cream shops. 6 restaurants/bars (one a craft brew place called: Temperance Row Brewing!). 2 wine bars. 2 coffee shops. We are waiting for 3 more restaurants and another ice cream shop to open! Uptown has a monthly festival. Lot's of people always on the sidewalks in nice weather. Restaurant Patios. Lots of live music venues and art galleries. And the retail shops have benches and chairs outside their buildings for people to just sit and enjoy an evening. All in 7 years! It is a favorite place for me to just take a walk in the evening or stop for a glass of wine or dinner.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited July 2015
    After plantar fasciitis for over a year, I never go a day without doing Achilles stretches several times a day. I do Achilles tendon stretches against the wall everytime I go to the restroom at work and at home. (Most sights and doctors show you this exercise wrong. It is important that the leg you are stretching points a little inward/pigeon-toed rather than a pointing outward. This change when shown to me by my orthopedic foot surgeon made all the difference in a week as everyone else (the internet, foot doctors, PT therapists -- including my own dil) had me pointing a little out rather than in and for a year the exercise didn't help at all that way. On my way up to the gym, I lower my heels on the steps 10 times. I disagree about a lot worse things than a sore heel. Granted it isn't cancer or terminal, but that pain just wears on you day after day. When your job requires you be on your feet much of the day on hard surfaces (as yours probably did as a nurse), you never want to go through that pain again. Good luck getting rid of it!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Great tip Charlie on the stretching. Also the town sounds lovely and a lot more fun in the last 7 years.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Grateful for my dear husband, he is such a good lifemate. He put a hitch on the car so we can now take our bikes out to other areas more suited to our level of biking. He keeps gently reminding me to eat slower. He even took me to get peaches and apricots at the Farmers Market without me having to remind him they would be open today even if it is a holiday. And I am grateful the peaches and apricots from Western Colorado.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Wow Charlie! Thanks so much on the stretching tip. I will implement that immediately.

    I swear, its just one thing after another with me. I sat here this morning looking at one of those good news/bad news things. I have been having on again/off again problems with my hands for quite a while. After I quit work and did very little computer work, it kind of went away. But in recent months I have had flare ups and if I use my hands much (as I did this morning, I am secretly cleaning the garage that never got organized when we moved back home in January so my husband can have his parking garage back on his birthday) I have quite a bit of discomfort. Well, it was painful enough that when I was at the MD the other day I asked him to do blood work. So the good news this morning is that I do NOT have rheumatoid arthritis. It does occur in my family and both my grandmother and one aunt had it. Knowing that makes it easier to live with the fact that its probably the osteoarthritis that my mother had such a time with. So I am starting tart cherry juice and have found someone online who has done DVDs on yoga for people with arthritis. I am going to look her up on Youtube before ordering. One does specifically have exercises for hands and wrists.

    I agree that we have to play the cards we are dealt. Aging is not for the faint of heart and that certainly includes everyone in this group!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Please post in the July chat now. Thanks!