Can I have more keto friends??

I counted calories when I first started using MFP, but I'm going back to Keto! It's the only thing that truly worked for me. And I've already gotten 2 or 3 PMs from people on my friends list saying I don't need to count carbs! Woah, dude, let me do my own thing, ok, thanks for the concern.

But I'd really like more low carb friends. It would be super nice knowing someone on my friends list will totally get why I'm so stoked to be completely full from fatty foods or can sympathize when I mess up and have to go through keto flu again. Please note, my little wagon is still really shaky! I fall off every now and again, but I get right back on with just as much enthusiasm as the first time. I think I'll really get into the groove of the diet in a few weeks.

You don't have to add a note to the friend request, I'll just accept it. But little notes are nice to read sometimes. C:
Also, my diary is open! And I've still got about 90lbs to lose.

Also, sorry if there's a thread for this... I looked but couldn't find one.


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sent a request. If there's anyone on here looking for more friends (who doesn't already have me on their list), feel free to send a request my way as well.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    You can add me anytime! :)
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I added you.

    It's funny because until I joined MFP I didn't know there was such a thing as keto. I always said I did low carb but I do more extreme low carb than most (<20g a day). So I guess I've been keto all this time and didn't know it.

    I ignore those who say you don't need to count carbs. I often find myself getting irritated in the main lobby when people say it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're in a caloric deficit. I am proof that such blanket statements don't work for everyone.
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    Sent a request. All friends are welcome!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Hello! I have fallen off the wagon a little lately, but getting back into it today. I will send you a request :-)
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I'm always up for more friends. I MOST of the time stick to 20 net carbs a day but some days I'm a bit over. No higher than 30 though :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You can friend me too! Welcome!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Btw: I'm as close to zero carbs as I can get! Good luck to you!
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello!! Feel free to add me:)
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    Ho, you can add me, too
  • penash
    penash Posts: 35 Member
    Request sent.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    Ho, you can add me, too

    That was actually supposed to say "Hi". lol
  • fattybattyy
    fattybattyy Posts: 31 Member
    I need to add people. I have no friends on here and definitely need the support this time around. I'll binge add people!
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Totally need more keto friends too - all are welcome to add me :smile:
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want more keto/LCHF friends. I can't add folk when I'm on mobile, hence being passive about it!
  • 35in90
    35in90 Posts: 98 Member
    me too! anyone can add me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm keto but not tracking, and I don't count calories, either... Anyone feel free to add me. Please put LCHF/Keto or something in the message so I know why. :)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Snarky me wants to say, "Nope, once you hit 3, you've hit your allotment and are not permitted to hog any more keto friends. Leave some for the rest of us." Then I remember that I'm supposed to be nice and all. *sigh*

  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Snarky me wants to say, "Nope, once you hit 3, you've hit your allotment and are not permitted to hog any more keto friends. Leave some for the rest of us." Then I remember that I'm supposed to be nice and all. *sigh*


  • suprangela79
    suprangela79 Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me as well. I'm always on the lookout for other low carbers on MFP.