Cholesterol worry



  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    edited June 2015
    Dragonwolf wrote: »

    Ain't that the truth?! LOL! :smiley: My Dr. still seems skeptical about it.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @Dragonwolf, lol! You are on a roll this morning! Love it!

    Haha, yeah, I'm in a bit of a punchy mood today. I finally got a bug fixed that I'd been fighting with for three days straight, and it still took until nearly 11pm last night to wrap it up. I'm finally back into "now, back to our regularly scheduled broken stuff" mode and a bit giddy as a result. Plus, it's Friday.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Dragonwolf, Yes, it's FRIDAY!! Great for most of you job working folks! When you don't work it's a job to remember what day it is, lol! Thanks for the laughs this morning/today!
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    My total has dropped from just over 220 to 127 in two years.

    I did add a teaspoon of coconut oil per day every day a year or so ago for the benefits of the medium chain triglycerides. I ate much more fibrous veggies content and started lifting weights a bit

    I refused statins

    My Dr and I argued on that.

    It may help you or not. I'm no Dr but I know what cleaned my veins out!

    Good luck!