Introducing myself

sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm Jessica and today is my 2 month VGS anniversary. I'm a stay at home mom who is trying to navigate life post sleeve while managing a husband and twin 5 year olds, so stopping cooking has not been an option. I'd love to meet other parents who are doing this journey with small kids, as it adds a dimension that my mom and uncle who have both had bypasses don't fully understand.


  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    I have a 14 month old and a husband who loves to eat!! It has been challenging but I try to cook meals that focus on a tasty protein and add carbs for the boys. I am 6 weeks out and down 31 lbs. though the last two weeks have been slow to lose. How much have you lost so far?
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    heathergshea- I'm down exactly 40lbs as of this morning, and stalled from 3-5 weeks post op. It has finally started coming off again the last 2 weeks. I'm still not handling all proteins well (beef and pork are still no-go for me), so if I'm making something for them that won't work for me, my saving grace has been frozen uncooked shrimp that I can saute up in about 5 minutes for me to have while they eat what I made for them.
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    @sinderstorm, welcome! I'm a working mom with a SAH husband and we have a 6-year-old son. I try to make my meals match as closely as possible to theirs (with much smaller portions, of course) to minimize my husband's tendencies to reach for junk like pizza. I make my substitutes ahead of time and store them in the fridge so I can heat them up as needed throughout the week.

    For instance, if they're having spaghetti, I make spaghetti squash and just share the sauce and parmesan. Or if they're having chicken, I'll have a portion of that and whatever green veggie we've made with it and I'll skip the potatoes they also have in favor of mashed cauliflower. For anything we previously used rice to accompany, we switched over to orzo and I'll have a TINY portion of it from time to time. If I can get my husband to try it (he's very meat and potatoes with his tastes), we may be incorporating in some quinoa to substitute for the more starchy stuff.

    I've found that doesn't make my husband or any company we have feel as self-conscious about what they're eating around me, and the bonus is that since my son is fearless with trying new food, he likes a lot of the healthier stuff, too. Now if I can just get my husband on board... :smile:
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have just started my journey towards weight loss surgery, but I have two kiddos as well, ages, 5 and 8. I've been trying to transition my eating habits from being relatively carb-heavy to very little carbs, which doesn't work well for kids. I have just been making up my own meals so far and kept doing their own meals for the kids and my husband. My bariatric team wants me to lose 30-50 lbs prior to surgery, so that's my focus right now. Re-training my brain on what real hunger is and how to eat for fuel and not for taste/fullness.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Welcome! I don't have kids but I have a fiance' with big kid tastes and we entertain quite often - I love to cook and my surgery date was 4/7 (we are very close), since surgery my cooking has only increased just in much smaller quantities (since fi' and I both are post op). I have tons of bari-friendly recipes saved on Pinterest that are super yummy super healthy and that can be served to the whole family - you can just supplement with a carb side or a salad. I think part of this journey is learning how to normalize into the everyday with our new lifestyle in healthy way - if you want to check out some of the recipes I am (Joy Altemose on Pinterest). Good Luck! Twins (oy!) my bff had twins girls a year what a crazy year it's been but my goodness do I love those little peas!
  • heathergshea
    heathergshea Posts: 38 Member
    I love to have an ounce of mozzarella with ham and tomato and basil with some balsamic vinegar. I made guy fieri Ryder's turkey chili and portioned it out and froze it. Love it! I found Krave jerky and it is great for helping to hit my protein goals. I eat a lot of shrimp too.
  • Cronniss
    Cronniss Posts: 108 Member
    Hi @sinderstorm !

    While I have a daughter (that's 24-years-old), I live with my best friends that have two boys 8 & 14 years old. And I do nearly all of the cooking in the house. I had the sleeve 9 months ago. (The mother of the boy had the RnY about 7 months ago.)

    So I know how you feel about having to eat differently than what you're making for the family. We still aren't eating anything made from flour or grains, so no pasta or rice for us - but the boys and their father get it all the time. :p

    Just take it easy on the proteins for a while, they'll come around. I was on shrimp & chicken for a bit, myself.

    (Quote from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams.)