Shall we begin?!

SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
Whew. Day one complete. Which day are you on, and how are you doing?


  • azeilarose
    azeilarose Posts: 7 Member
    This is day two for me. Getting ready to work out this evening after work!
    My diet today has been water-based protein drinks with flaxseed and turmeric mixed in.
    Also had 1 cup of milk.
    Nearly 1 quart of water, but my goal is to get a gallon in a day. So three more to go in that aspect.
    What did you do today?
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Worked out, ate, and rested. lol I'm pooped! Are you not gonna anything solid??
  • bananna30
    bananna30 Posts: 149 Member
    Did day 1 today after doing a 5 1/2 mile hike, pretty burned out. Looking forward to these next 30 days!
  • azeilarose
    azeilarose Posts: 7 Member
    I'll eat solids, just not a lot of them. :lol:
  • WannaBeCroft
    WannaBeCroft Posts: 94 Member
    Completed day 1. :)
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I'm game. :)
  • ledamaliga
    ledamaliga Posts: 3 Member
    ok what's the plan? I'm trying to eat 1200 calories. But seems like I'll have to lose the avocado's and olive oil!
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    ledamaliga wrote: »
    ok what's the plan? I'm trying to eat 1200 calories. But seems like I'll have to lose the avocado's and olive oil!

    I'm not an expert, but here's my thoughts: 1200 definitely works for losing weight, but I learned during the 3 years I've been on MFP, 1200 is EXTREMELY strenuous. I don't know your starting weight or goal weight and height, but unless you're pretty small from the get-go and don't require a lot of food to keep going, 1200 might be too low to function without headaches, and later starvation sensations. I recommend upping the calories even just a little. If you're looking to lose weight fast, essentially this is the way to do it, but the body won't like it. Depending on your activity level, of course. I've got mine up to around 1700 for now. Anything lower, I get headaches constantly regardless of how much water I drink.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I just did my first day. Couldn't do everything (I'm REALLY out of shape), but according to my HRM, I burned 258 calories.
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    I've done the 30 Day Shred twice. (not in a row) the 2nd time around I was able to do all the advanced moves. Right now, I'm back to where I was where I can barely do real push-ups. That's what I hate about strength training. Unless you do it constantly, you don't stay strong. I let my strength go soft again. >_< But at least I know I can do it again.
  • WannaBeCroft
    WannaBeCroft Posts: 94 Member
    I try and stay at 1200 net calories, meaning that I eat back the calories I exercise (at least most of them). I find that to be a manageable solution. If I try for 1200 total, I find it unsustainable with any level of strenuous exercise.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I never want to get soft again!!! I hate being weak. (6 months in bed will do that....)
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Starting Day 1 today. This will be my second time through this year and I'm going to try to do what I can with 10 lb weights.
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Starting Day 1 today. This will be my second time through this year and I'm going to try to do what I can with 10 lb weights.

    That's pretty badass! But, eesh. I know if I upped my weights past 5, I'd be about done half-way through! I'm not strong like I used to be. lol I'm using 3 to be safe.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Starting Day 1 today. This will be my second time through this year and I'm going to try to do what I can with 10 lb weights.

    Better woman than I! Mine are 2lb 12oz. :P
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Aww man I remember when I'd use up to 6 pounders!! lol I hope to get that strong again.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    edited June 2015
    SunBunzz wrote: »
    Starting Day 1 today. This will be my second time through this year and I'm going to try to do what I can with 10 lb weights.

    That's pretty badass! But, eesh. I know if I upped my weights past 5, I'd be about done half-way through! I'm not strong like I used to be. lol I'm using 3 to be safe.

    I've done Level 1 with 10 lb weights before, I don't know how well that will go in level 2, though. Those squat/v-fly things get me every time. I have my 5-lb weights ready just in case :smile:
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Aaaaaand I injured my hinky shoulder slightly. (This is what happens when you have a muscular disease.) I THINK it was on the lunges with weights--it isn't that it's heavy, it's that my joints are crap. Will have to regroup tomorrow. Took prescription NSAIDs and will force the hubs to give me a shoulder/back massage there.
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Aaaaaand I injured my hinky shoulder slightly. (This is what happens when you have a muscular disease.) I THINK it was on the lunges with weights--it isn't that it's heavy, it's that my joints are crap. Will have to regroup tomorrow. Took prescription NSAIDs and will force the hubs to give me a shoulder/back massage there.

    Aww, you poor thing. I'm sorry. I also have to take prescription-strength ibuprofen when the pain gets pretty intense. Make sure to get rest too. I don't have distinct injuries, but I can understand. The one thing I suffer from that makes it hard to do plank moves, etc. is my carpal tunnel on my right wrist. OMG it kills when it's acting up.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I threw ibuprofen and oxy on top of it. It seems to be way better now. It's something that will never REALLY get better--need to modify some things. Surgery's really risky for me!