Introductions :)

irunforpizza Posts: 52 Member
Hey guys!!
I thought it would be nice if we could learn a little bit about one another ("personal" details), our fitness goals, and maybe some "tricks" that we do.

I'll start: My name is Kali and I am an exchange student in Germany but I fly home to Ohio in about two weeks. I am a runner and would like to start lifting soon. My favorite foods are bread, ice cream, bananas (honestly, all fruit), tuna, and well-made salads. I am currently out of commission from a biking accident (doctor said no working out for at least ten days) so I'm trying to focus just on eating. I'm nervous I'll get out of shape or gain weight in the next two weeks. I know that's absurd but I still am.

I started to lose weight in the middle of December (not the first time I've tried) at 167 pounds. I now weigh (last weigh in was on June 2) 142 pounds. My first goal weight is 130 pounds but I think I'll be more comfortable around 120-122. I also would like to run a mile in less than 8 minutes and a 5k in less than 30.

My "tricks:"
1) Breakfast is my favorite part of the day.
2) I don't drink pop.
3) I drink 8-12 cups of water and tea (normally green) per day. I also drink coffee (milk, no sugar) but don't count it under fluids.
4) I don't eat back exercise calories.
5) I'm ALWAYS hungry so I eat every 2-3 hours (I get cold and irritable otherwise). I think this helps my metabolism stay up but I could be wrong.
6) I eat full-fat milk products because they taste better and fat isn't the devil!

Hope to get some replies!


  • tiffbeckett336
    tiffbeckett336 Posts: 139 Member
    I am Tiffany I have two baby girls one 7 years old and one 5 months old. I started exercising and eating right when she turned three months old but I fell off the wagon a month later and gaine half of the twenty pounds da I lost back! But I am starting again and hopefully will stay motivated!
  • debramguittar
    debramguittar Posts: 66 Member
    Just joined the group today. I am 42. Mother of 3 - a 20 year old son and twin 18 year old daughters. I work a full time job, and when I come home, I tend to my garden, 7 dogs and 5 chickens. I love to run but haven't managed to get back where I was (running wise) a year and a half ago. I have gained about 10 pounds in the past year (YAY Divorce- LOL). Ready to get back on track, lose 20 pounds and train for a full marathon that I intend to run in November. Glad to see another runner in the group.
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! I'm Cyn. I too am a mom, and my love bug is 6 1/2. She is my absolute world! Like everyone else I'm super busy. Full time job, wife, mother, friend, Girl Scout leader. I am super geeky. I love gaming (board, and rpg, with some video), Dr. Who, Sci Fi, and reading. I am also crafty, and love to quilt, cross-stitch, make scarp books and cards. I have 134 lbs to lose to get to my ultimate goal weight (165), but in general just want to get more fit.

    Other than being fat, I am healthy - not diabetic or pre-diabetic, good cholesterol, great blood pressure, etc. but the extra weight isn't good for my joints and such, and I want to avoid further health complications in the future.

    I really want to get to a weight where I'm health enough to do treetop adventure courses, go zip lining, and try rock climbing - though my lifelong lack of upper body strength is kind of a hindrance there. :smile: I also want to do a fun 5K, though I am by no means a runner, unlike some of the previous ladies. :smiley:
  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Anu. I am also a mom of a 3 year old and I work full time. I have never really been super thin and have struggled with weight problems my entire adult life. However, I was not too overweight until I had my baby. I was always toward the top end of the "healthy weight range" so I didn't looks skinny but wasn't fat. That changed when I put on 50 lbs between being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and having a baby. It's been 3 years since the baby and my thyroid levels are in control (thanks for daily medications), so it's high time I get back in shape and hopefully this time get toward the middle or lower half of the healthy weight range. Let's see.

    I have been on MFP since January and have lost 12 lbs so far, but I didn't have great couple of months and my weight loss stalled. But I am getting serious again. My biggest problems is that I am vegetarian and like many fellow vegetarians, I am a carb junkie. I'm trying to change that too, but it's hard.

    A couple of tricks that have worked for me are eating good breakfast, logging very diligently (even when I mess up!). However, with only 12 lbs lost in 4-5 months, I am hardly a success story! :)

    I'm glad we have the group up and running. I hope we can support one another and reach our goals.
  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm Samantha, I'm 23, and I am also a mom. I have a 5 year old son and two daughters, 22 months and 5 months. I also am a full time student majoring in Nursing and Spanish, although I may drop to part time this semester because my schedule will have me at school until 5:00 pm on three nights and 7:00 pm on the two others and I don't want to get a babysitter that long since my husband usually works all day and some nights. Also, my son starts kindergarten this fall and I want to be involved in the PTO/PTA and be able to help him with homework every night.

    I've been overweight since I was little and was in a size 18 adult jeans in 5th and 6th grade. I dropped some weight to 160 pounds and was in a size 11 jeans after 6th grade and stayed that size all through high school but gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant with my son when I was 18. I think it was a mixture of getting married, settling down, making my own food in our own place, and being pregnant all mixed together but either way, I gained a lot. I joined MFP and lost 20 pounds after that but I was in college full time so I stopped tracking because I didn't have enough time. I stayed around 240 until I had my older daughter where I got to 230-235 and then stayed there until I decided to try losing again in April of this year. Since then, I have lost just under 20 pounds. I am aiming for 140 because 147 is the beginning of the "healthy" BMI for me (5'4). I might change my goal once I get closer but that's what it is currently.

    My trick is just waiting to eat as long as possible and not eating until I am actually hungry. For some reason, eating food makes me hungry quicker than if I don't eat. I don't have breakfast because I'm not hungry until the afternoon around 1 or so, but if I eat breakfast I'll be hungry again around 10am. I have lunch and dinner like normal though.
  • hnm921
    hnm921 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather, 35, and Mom to an almost 2 year old little boy. I have been "chubby" all my life, but ballooned up to the 200 club in college and pretty much kept the weight on over the course of 11 years since I graduated. I was depressed and living in a difficult marriage. After going through a divorce, I lost about 30 pounds and kept it off until I fell in love and got pregnant. I stayed at my heaviest weight up until January of this year when I decided enough was enough. I was having horrible lower back pain and knee pain and it was about that time to kick in gear and lose this "baby" weight on top of the weight I had already been carrying around. Since January I have lost 20 pounds. 20 pounds was my first goal so I'm so excited to have reached it this past week! I know I have a long way to go, but I'm proud to say that I am no longer experiencing any back pain and no longer look like an old lady walking around hunched over!

    I am a snacker and I've noticed that I was getting in way too many calories through snacks. So a tip that has helped me is waiting as long as possible to eat breakfast. I used to eat around 6 am before work. Now I bring it with me (oatmeal) and I eat it around 9 am and it keeps me full til lunch. I don't find myself snacking in between bfast and lunch anymore. I have my lunch then I will usually have a snack right before I leave work so that when I get home, I'm not running to the pantry to stuff my face before dinner.
  • mustloseweight2015
    mustloseweight2015 Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome to the group Heather! I'm Anu and my story is similar to yours. I was not exactly obese or too overweight, but not thin either and then after I got married and especially after the baby I reached my highest weight. Put on 50 lbs. Have lost 12 so far, but some 40+ to go.

    I was (and at times still am) a snacker. I also began bringing oatmeal to work. I still have a problem with snacking when I get home from work. I like your idea of eating a snack right before leaving work. I might try that....thanks for a great tip!
  • hnm921
    hnm921 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to the group Heather! I'm Anu and my story is similar to yours. I was not exactly obese or too overweight, but not thin either and then after I got married and especially after the baby I reached my highest weight. Put on 50 lbs. Have lost 12 so far, but some 40+ to go.

    I was (and at times still am) a snacker. I also began bringing oatmeal to work. I still have a problem with snacking when I get home from work. I like your idea of eating a snack right before leaving work. I might try that....thanks for a great tip!

    Great I hope the snack idea works for you. I know it helps me alot.

  • jamie_maddox
    jamie_maddox Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! My name is Jamie. I am a mom to a beautiful 7-year-old girl and a handsome 6-year-old boy. :-) I work full time outside of the home.

    I have lost a ton of weight before and gained it all back (plus a few pounds). I know I can do this! I currently have 102 lbs. to lose, which seems daunting, but I am taking it 10 lbs. at a time!