Day 36 and I've kicked the scale to the curb



  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Well done!! you look happy :p
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    Just Awesome!!! They say to measure instead of weighing. I haven't measured yet and need to do first thing in the morning. I'm not going to weigh but once a week. You have done a fantastic job and have given me incentive to move on and get it done! Thanks for posting the fabulous pics!!!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Far out, you look like a million bucks! I had to lose a good 50lbs before I saw myself change as much as that.

  • mommy2boysaz
    mommy2boysaz Posts: 42 Member
    Great progress pics! Keep it up because it is DEFINITELY working! And I know how you feel about that nasty scale. My 11 year old (normal size) daughter started crying half the time when she would come out of the bathroom and that was why. She would step on the scale, see it increasing (she's growing!), and hate herself. So ridiculous. I have it now safely hidden away. She's been much happier!