Introduction: WAHM/home workouts/@#$# tired of being chubby

MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
edited June 2015 in Social Groups
Hi, all! This is my intro. AND THAT <--- is my before picture. It will not be my picture in six months. It will not be my picture in one month.

I've mostly been in REASONABLE shape my adult life--not great, like I was most of college, but reasonable.

Having baby #3 + starting my own company made that all fly out the window.

I was about 165 when I gave birth the third time. I was heavy when I got pregnant at 135 because I was recovering from a shoulder injury that had me holding as still as possible for weeks, so that didn't help! And this baby made me VERY VERY VERYVERYVERY hungry while I was breastfeeding. We'd go to buffets, and I'd eat absolutely everyone under the table.

Anyway, I dropped to 147...then started my company, which was a whole lot of butt-sitting...increased to 155 again. UGH. Eating slightly better and getting a treadmill desk got my weight back down to 144-147 range. And it stuck there.

Now I'm just DONE. I'm DONE having no clothes that fit me. I'm DONE being shocked by my photos. I'm just DONE looking like someone's flabby, chubby mom.

I want to look like me again. And I want to STAY looking like me.

This is my before picture. It WILL not stay that way.

I have a few...interesting difficulties that others don't. I suffer from exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and I also have a genetic muscle disorder that makes allllllll kinds of things interesting. I have a warm-up effect with my muscles but also certain levels of exercise intolerance--I'm very prone to rhabdo, for instance. And I'm really, really easily fatigued by steady-state cardio. (That also sets off the anaphylaxis.) I don't get "runner's high" EVER, as well. :pensive:

I also hate gyms. HATE them. I can't stand the noise and the crowds. I have kids. They're more than enough noise for me. Going somewhere louder? NO. I also don't have the time. I really don't. If I can get a workout in in the time it takes to drive to the gym and back, I'm cool. But I just won't go there consistently.

Anyway, I SLOWLY worked my way up to being able to walk 10,000 steps a day. The length of time it took me to get there--three months--was pretty humiliating. If I over do it, I'm trashed for the next several days, so it was VERY slow. But I made it.

And then with SWORKIT I SLOWLY worked my way up to being able to do 8 minutes "on"/30 seconds "off" of their cardio warm up interval training. Also humiliating, BTW, to have your workout called a "warm up" because that's all you can do.

And then I started doing 8 min full body cardio 2 days a week and 8 min full body strength interval training 3 days a week (15 minutes in all--:30 on/:30 off). I'm now shortening my recovery periods. I'm at :25 this week. Next week, I'll up my total "on" time to 9 minutes and do :30 on/:20 recovery. Week after that, 10 minutes, :30 on/:15 recovery. Meanwhile, I'm trying to increase the number of real push ups and other exercises I can do. At the moment, I'm usually only good for 10 seconds full strength. Then I start running out of juice. 10 push ups and I switch to girly ones.

But I'm FINALLY at an exertion level where it actually impacts my weight and where I have some slightly non-humiliating level of conditioning back. :P

I just decided that I REALLY have to count my calories (after a weekend binge I'm not proud of--the workouts made me really hungry) and joined MFP, which claims I should be eating 1220 calories a day to lose a pound a week. Um. Ugh.

Anyway, after I've gotten to the point where I'm doing 13 minutes "on" with SWORKIT with :30 on/:15 off, I'm going to try Nice thing about intervals/circuit-type training is that they're actually perfect for folks with exercise-induced anaphylaxis if you're doing at-home workouts with a pause button. :) I also ordered a set of adjustable-weight dumb bells.

At initial weigh-in, to reach my "high" goal of 125lbs, I had 22lbs to lose. I have 5 inches on my waist and 4 inches on my hips to lose, as well.


  • goodchapman
    goodchapman Posts: 26 Member
    Dang. That's a lot to take in. But I have a similar weight loss goal as you and just had my third baby, too. I'm sitting at 160 with a GW of 135, so 25 lbs to lose. But I'm nursing my baby so I add 500 calories to MFPs suggested intake of 1350 calories. I swear I'd be starving if I had to eat 1,350, so I'm hoping to hit my goal before baby weans!
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    I am reluctant to recommend anything given your complex medical issues. But some sources to checkout for short workouts are: and blogilates on YouTube. As I said, I don't know if they will meet your health criteria, but they often short little workouts that are varied and free :)

    Best of luck on your journey.