how do you handle commentary from folks?



  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    If anyone was to criticize my foods, I'd probably say something like: YOU don't have to eat what works for ME. So no need to get worked up over this. Then smile :)

    Oooh, I really like that one...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I haven't been doing it long enough to get a lot of comments, but we did go out to dinner with friends and I could see the skepticism on their faces. But I'm losing weight and she's not, so..... I'm not letting it bother me. lol.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I draw a lot of negative comments with the way I eat. My typical response is to drag the conversation right over the edge.

    If they comment on the amount of fat I am eating: "Once I melted a whole stick of butter and drank it because I thought it would taste good. I was right." [True story]

    If they comment about how I am going to get fat: "I am trying my best to gain 400 pounds."

    If they tell me I am going to have a heart attack: "That's impossible. I never eat any fruits or vegetables and those are the things that will kill you."

    If they comment on my cholesterol: "My doctor was very concerned about my diet as well. She encouraged me to drink less coffee." [No, it doesn't make sense. And, I could use my very good Trigs/HDL numbers as a response but they will just say it is only a matter of time until it gets worse.]

    If they tell me that one little treat won't hurt me: "Neither will one cigarette or just a little crack cocaine. I'm not going to have those either."

    People don't like arguing with me very much. :lol: The ones who have known me for 2+ years have seen the results and know that I've been doing this the whole time. They know better than to try and argue with me.

    Hah, that's awesome. I especially love the butter one.

    I think my husband secretly thinks I'm insane for doing what I'm doing right now (went completely carnivore) and is probably a little worried about the long term, but he's also seen that I've been losing weight that he's seen me struggle for years to deal with and knows better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. (He's also finally starting to learn to listen to me and trust me on this type of stuff. I've shown him too many off-the-wall things that have worked better than the conventional stuff that it's finally starting to sink in.)
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    My family understands and has been witness to how much better I feel, so no issues there. I haven't really had to deal with others yet, but ones who know me probably wouldn't say anything cause they know my sarcastic nature. LOL Everyone else will depend on the mood aura and end up with a wisecrack or a condensed low carb education.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Not well. Lol. I usually get mad at them (they don't know this, I don't react). Then I make it a point of almost preaching low carb, high fat anywhere they might see or hear it. Pinterest. Facebook. I HATE misinformation!!!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »

    Hah, that's awesome. I especially love the butter one.

    I think my husband secretly thinks I'm insane for doing what I'm doing right now (went completely carnivore) and is probably a little worried about the long term, but he's also seen that I've been losing weight that he's seen me struggle for years to deal with and knows better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. (He's also finally starting to learn to listen to me and trust me on this type of stuff. I've shown him too many off-the-wall things that have worked better than the conventional stuff that it's finally starting to sink in.)
    Been there, done that. My husband is a nurse. He thot I was nuts but he also had doubts because he had cardiac surgeon friends who were always telling him their patients were 50/50 fat and not fat and that many of their patients are low fat diets. We watched the free youtube movie "Fathead" (HIGHLY recommend, it's long but it's funny), and he was won over. We both have lost about sixty pounds combined and I, a diabetic, am off my meds. I had a low sugar incident cause I wasn't eating carbs! So my doc took me off them and my last a1c was normal. Anyway. I digress. Watch Fathead. It's great.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    A lot of my friends think this is some kind of a fad / desperation type "diet". They ask a few questions and I can tell they pretty much pity me for even bothering with this. I have to admit there are a few of them researching it and a tiny bit interested. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks for me and I am down about worrying about calories and I am eating bacon and avocados and cheeseburgers! So when I have comments now, I either just smile and try to ignore it or I tell them nothing feels so good as pants that are now too big.....and then I smile :smiley:

    That is awesome progress!

    I have lost enough and do enough that people don't make comments. They ask how I did it. People from out of the area visit on occasion and some I have not seen in 100 pounds.

    I eat a pretty normal looking diet. Lots of veggies and meat. Just minus rice, pasta, starchy stuff, and of course sugar.

    Low carb does not look funny to me. It looks healthy.

    And who actually does not like bacon? I can heat bacon in the microwave in the morning at work and heads turn!


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    If they tell me that one little treat won't hurt me: "Neither will one cigarette or just a little crack cocaine. I'm not going to have those either."

    Some people on the main boards think it's fine to suggest moderation to people in 12 step programs for substance abuse O_o

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    If they tell me that one little treat won't hurt me: "Neither will one cigarette or just a little crack cocaine. I'm not going to have those either."

    Some people on the main boards think it's fine to suggest moderation to people in 12 step programs for substance abuse O_o

    I haven't, personally, ever seen such a thing. If it happens, you should report it to the mods and have them deal with it. We can't discuss any issues or problems regarding the main forums in here.

    I will say, some people don't do well with being told to moderate foods they have control issues with. I happen to be one of those people.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Haha some great responses! I think it's difficult for me right now because I'm only 2 weeks in. I basically have to pick my battles--do I choose to educate, ignore, or be snarky? I suppose it depends on the day! :)

    After you learn more about Low carb, successfully practice it ~ and if someone asks you = educate them
    If they mean well, but are ignorant (friends & family that follow crowds) = ignore
    If they're arrogant or know-it-all or have a bad attitude = be snarky (and be sure to laugh at their ideas)

    Be confident, this way of eating is here to stay.... it will be mainstream in a few years, and YOU'LL be on the cutting edge...

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
    Low Carb Discussion Group on MFP (LCD)
    Ketogenic Diet Discussion Group on MFP

  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    So far, only a very small handful of people have "questioned" my diet change, but haven't really criticized it. My skin is clear, my sclera is bright white, my hair is strong and shiny and I have lost a good bit of weight. How can they argue the results that are staring them in the face?
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 207 Member
    I don't bring it up, they do. Then they get upset when I answer them with facts. I am just going to start ignoring them .
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I just don't get why people care so much about what other people eat? Unless you are trying to steal my bacon/almonds/butter/cream etc I don't care what you eat lol.

    I've had people ask me why I eat the way I do and luckily I have an easy way out because my doctor told me to get eliminating grains, sugar, soy, and processed food to help wean off antidepressants. So I just say its a doctor prescribed diet to help with medical issues. :) I've successfully been able to wean from 15 mg to 2.5 mg currently with no relapse of panic disorser so its working! :)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I just don't get why people care so much about what other people eat? Unless you are trying to steal my bacon/almonds/butter/cream etc I don't care what you eat lol.

    I don't get it either. While we were camping, my MIL, (Momma Carb-a-Lot who constantly tosses back sodas, and candy and chips and bread and has gained 60lb in the last year) who has seen me eat this way for over a year, was giving me the 3rd degree and staring at me watching me eat. Back off, woman! She's just mad because she was diagnosed with NAFLD and is going to have to cut her carbs after she visits a dietician. Apparently it's my fault or something.

    "So all you eat is meat."
    "No, I eat some veggies, dairy, and nuts, too."
    "And you don't eat eggs either."
    "Actually I usually eat eggs every morning. With some cheese or bits of bacon or sausage. I'm just a little bored with them right now."
    "So you can't eat corn? Or potatoes. Or bread."
    "I could but I'd rather eat more of things with less sugar. I just try to keep the total sugar down."
    "Well you got to eat SOMETHING!!!"
    "I eat all kinds of things. All kinds of meats, healthy fat, dairy, green veggies, some nuts." (And proceed to eat the hell out of a rack of ribs. And smile while she glares at me.)

    That was part of an actual conversation. She proceeded to watch every bite I put in my mouth. I really tried to ignore her. But it was creeping me out. I didn't want to be openly rude back or I'd be in trouble with DH. But I was moody from PMS. It was a near thing. lol!

    DH and I have been together for 17 years. I get along with her pretty well, but she's started getting hostile about my food. It is NONE of her biz what I eat. I have never made a single comment about a bite she has ever put in her mouth. I'm not interested. She's a grown woman. And so am I. If she were to ask me to help her, I would. I've never offered unsolicited advice, or any advice, about her eating habits. It would be nice if she's quit projecting her unhappiness about the looming diet change onto me. Me eating really isn't that interesting.
  • Meeezonajourney
    Meeezonajourney Posts: 101 Member
    Sounds like my MIL. "I could never give up carbs" as she stuffs down pizza and breadsticks. She also is Type 2 diabetic and her response to having high blood sugar after eating too much sugar is to take more insulin. I really feel bad for her, it's sad really.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Gnulie wrote: »
    Sounds like my MIL. "I could never give up carbs" as she stuffs down pizza and breadsticks. She also is Type 2 diabetic and her response to having high blood sugar after eating too much sugar is to take more insulin. I really feel bad for her, it's sad really.

    Could be my in-laws, too, though minus the third degree (both sides of hubby's family are too passive-aggressive for such approaches, gotta love the old-fashioned country families!). It's heartbreaking to watch, since both my in-laws and MIL's mom are all insulin-dependent. MIL just recently got put on insulin and it scared her, but apparently not enough to actually make changes despite me sending her a bunch of information showing the Diabetes is reversible, along with a bunch of recipes (the recipes, at least, were solicited, but I tossed in one of Dr. Fung's videos and a mention of the Primal Blueprint book I loaned her mother that she still has). GMIL is currently in the hospital with arteries so blocked it's a wonder she's still alive (they couldn't even get a stint in, they were so blocked) and awaiting a triple bypass. :'(
  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    morbidly obese all my life. lost 80lbs in 10 months. everyone has indeed STFU..tbf, no one was giving me grief in the first place. most were skeptical in the beginning. not any more... :)
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Gnulie wrote: »
    Sounds like my MIL. "I could never give up carbs" as she stuffs down pizza and breadsticks. She also is Type 2 diabetic and her response to having high blood sugar after eating too much sugar is to take more insulin. I really feel bad for her, it's sad really.

    I have seen that progression. It is sad.

    Few people keep the weight off. It is tough.

    I want to be one of them
  • Meeezonajourney
    Meeezonajourney Posts: 101 Member
    Gnulie wrote: »
    Sounds like my MIL. "I could never give up carbs" as she stuffs down pizza and breadsticks. She also is Type 2 diabetic and her response to having high blood sugar after eating too much sugar is to take more insulin. I really feel bad for her, it's sad really.

    I have seen that progression. It is sad.

    Few people keep the weight off. It is tough.

    I want to be one of them

    Me too