Hello everyone!

BritBoogaloo Posts: 67 Member
Hello all!

I've been on MFP for about 7 weeks and have been weight training with my personal trainer for about 4 weeks.

It's the first time I have weight trained in my entire life. Prior to this, I have always tried to lose weight by doing cardio only and with very restricted calorie plans of about 1200 calories a day. I am a tall woman of 5'9 and this was simply unsustainable for me. In about 2007 I actually did lose about 15 kg this way, but I suffered the whole way through and gradually put all the weight back on again in the coming years, and then some.

Recently, my PT has been saying thing like she wants me to INCREASE my calories. I was incredulous- I'm already on 1600 calories a day and she was saying this was too low? But she started explaining everything to me and it started to make sense.

I read your FAQ and it is identical to everything she has been saying. I've finally found the group for me. Hello everyone!


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'd suggest too you found one of the rare trainers who happens to speak about the diet side and actually gets it right.

    Many trainers, unless certified in nutrition, rightfully don't discuss it, or spout or handout some very common things given to everyone.

    Great job, you should be shocked how well your workouts improve you now.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Sounds like you have a PT that does a bit of research and cares about the nutrition side. Listen to her, but check everything for yourself. Work hard and good luck!