What do all of you eat?

sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
I'm just now getting into the whole idea of heavy lifting and don't even know if I can start yet I'm almost 4 months pregnant so I'll check with my ob before starting and may have to wait until I have this baby but, this is mostly for after baby anyway, what do all of you eat?

Sometimes I don't have the most wonderful diet I do pretty much cook every meal at home other than the occasional going out to eat which is very rare but I do also make boxed foods sometimes money is tight in the food budget and feeding 5 is no easy task sometimes so what do you guys eat all fresh stuff or do some of you eat like me and still get good bodies from doing the right workouts and lifting?


  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    wow wow, no, you can _not_ start lifting whille pregnant! if you were a lifter already and got pregnant thats a different story but wait with starting it after you had your bubba!
    and dont forget, you can not out-exercise a bad diet. but you do have 5+ months to research and work on that :)
    good luck and congratulation on the new arrival!
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Thank you :-) glad to know before I started and I guess I'm just going to have to try and add in tons of fresh healthy stuff to my diet and go from there