45 Day Transformation Challenge - 6/14/15 to 8/1/15 (And beyond)

CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
Post your starting stats here, as well as your goals and your intended methods of weight loss.


  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    SW: 360lbs, Waist 53in, Chest 55in, Biceps 20in, Calves 20in, Neck 22in.
    GW: 330lbs, Waist 46in, Chest 52in, Biceps 21in, Calves 21in, Neck 19in

    I moved into my first house with my wife recently, and the chaos drove our eating habits out the window, resulting in some serious weight gain. Already lost the 1st 15 lbs, the next 30 lbs should be rank and file.

    We just joined a new gym by our new house, and have been going 3-4 times a week. I am going to step that up to 5 times a week minimum, for at least 2 hours per session including heavy weight lifting and cardio. We resolved to cook our own meals at least 6 days a week, allowing for one sensible meal out if the situation calls for it.

    I downloaded the Jefit app which has plenty of free workout plans that include rest timers, so your whole gym session can be timed out, and you're not wasting time or energy wondering what to do next. I have made good muscle gain over the last 2 years, and now just need to get the belly fat off to reach my goal weight of 265. 100 lbs to go! The first 30 starts now!
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    SW 295 - GW 289
    289 would put me at my all time low (as an adult), previous best was 290 in November 2014. I've re-established all the old parameters that got me from 380 to where i am now, i need to keep the intensity up.

    I've upped the intensity on my 10 minute warm up. I changed my lifting plan so that on a warm muscle I start with the most weight I want to do, not the least and work up. I've amped up my AM jogging pace, and make sure my heart rate stays in the 155 or greater range. I bike more. I move more. Giddy up!

    I find accountability is key. I've made acquaintances with more people at the gym (YMCA), including the front desk folks. They are not shy to say "where you been?" I try and return the favor.
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    CW 298.8. The plant shutdown for the week of the 4th was not good for my weight. This in conjunction with tweaking my ankle during a jog last week. Some of the extra weight is from the swelling. Need to regroup, get the leg checked out, and focus hard on bike, weights, and eating right.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    You got this! I have been sleeping terribly the last few nights, can't understand why. I have been missing the gym to try and not be miserably tired for work, and then I just feel worse. I haven't gained or lost a single pound. Gah. Need to fix my sleep and my gym schedules. Either way, I didn't pig out on the 4th, only had one plate at the BBQ and said "no more". I didn't do my usual "graze at the food table for 2 hours" so that to me was a victory in and of itself. It's just you and me now, let's crush these goals!
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks man. Personally I have determined that my gym schedule determines my sleep schedule, and when I'm not sleeping well it is because I didn't get up and go to the gym. Granted to (re)start the schedule I'm tired on the first day, but when I'm on gym routine I sleep like a rock.

    I hit a monster bike ride yesterday with my son in tow on his trailer. 11.6 miles / 80 ft max elevation change / 8.5 mph / 1450 calories. Would have been faster but we had to find nemo at every river crossing. I enjoyed it.

    Not gaining a pound during any time frame is a victory in my book. Just taking the effort to log it is step one, keep up the good work.
  • bads1
    bads1 Posts: 39 Member
    FW 297.0 The weight I was losing last year was more fat than muscle, as determined by the amount I could lift and if the amount I could lift went up or down. I determined that June's weight loss was more muscle than fat, as my chest / back muscles must have shrunk some, because the amount I could lift went down.

    This puts me in a new spot I need to figure out. Option 1 I think is to skip / reduce jogging (Cardio) and go full on weight lifter again, increase my calories to gain muscle. Baby 2 is due in November, so this might be futile, and short attempt. Option 2 I think I will work on a home fitness and jogging option to prep for no gym days, switch to maintenance calories, and try and hold steady / slight loss for 6 months or so.