Had my RNY today!



    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I agree. My abdomen is beginning to heal a week out. I can sleep on my side pretty well with a couple of pillows front and back (once my inside organs settle which is painful). Last night was the first night I stayed in bed all night. The first 6 nights I would get up around 2am and sit up in the recliner for 2 hours. Even with a pain pill before bed I couldn't lay there or sleep all night. I stopped the pain med and switched to liquid Tylenol which is working ok for me.

    I also returned to work today. It was ok. I've very tired right now and thankfully heading home after an 8-5day but I will listen to my body and rest all evening. Heck knows we're not going home to cook!! :)

    Glad to hear you're doing ok.
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 2015
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    I agree. My abdomen is beginning to heal a week out. I can sleep on my side pretty well with a couple of pillows front and back (once my inside organs settle which is painful). Last night was the first night I stayed in bed all night. The first 6 nights I would get up around 2am and sit up in the recliner for 2 hours. Even with a pain pill before bed I couldn't lay there or sleep all night. I stopped the pain med and switched to liquid Tylenol which is working ok for me.

    I also returned to work today. It was ok. I've very tired right now and thankfully heading home after an 8-5day but I will listen to my body and rest all evening. Heck knows we're not going home to cook!! :)

    Glad to hear you're doing ok.

    The first few nights I woke up like clock work when my meds were due. Now I'm just needing pain medicine at bedtime. I might even skip it tonight. The liquid tylenol did not sit well with me at all. Which is weird because the tylenol/narcotic liquid they gave me I was fine with. Maybe it's because it's a smaller dose? I don't know.

    I tried sleeping on my side the past 2 nights, the internal shifting is weird! I still have to be propped up a bit or getting out of bed hurts like you know what! I still need my afternoon nap lol. I couldn't imagine going back to work yet. You're brave!

    My protein shakes are sitting fine and I'm getting my water in ok, but I feel like I should be getting more calories in during a day. Not sure how yet! My plan has me on clear liquids for 2 weeks. They told me to try to just do 2 protein shakes a day, no more than 3. Since they are only 150 calories a piece that's not much. I'm looking forward to full liquids next week:)

  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Congratulations to you both! Keep up the good work!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    My doctor told me to focus first on 48-64 oz of fluids so I won't dehydrate, then on protein and calories will come at some point but not to worry about that yet. I've had a couple of moments when I feel like dehydration is lurking up on me (especially first thing in the morning), but I take time to get 8 or more oz in and it passes. It definitely is a full time job trying to get 60grams of protein down at this point. Looking forward to my follow up appt tomorrow so I can move onto some pureed foods. Not looking forward to having 20 staples removed though. Did you have staples or did they use glue?

    The lack of calories is starting to play with my emotions and mood. Even with the strong support of my husband and 2 teenage daughters I have moments of feeling so alone with this. They are there for me but they're also going about their day, preparing meals etc and it's tough to not feel isolated. I know it will pass. Hoping to get in enough protein today to withstand a nice walk at noon. I think some fresh air and sunshine will help.

    I hope you have a good day!!
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Renae and Min you guys are doing fantastic! I remember it well those early days wondering if you were doing everything right, if were hurting yourself by not hitting the calories or protein - be gentle with yourself you are doing just fine :) I know it doesn't seem it now but you will be amazed at how quickly you will be rejoining meal times and eating (much smaller portions) but still enjoying the company and time spent around the table. I'm 12 weeks and its just been the last four I have consistently hit 600 calories - liquids first as your doctor says <3 Keep it going your doing fabulous! Glad to hear the meds aren't as necessary and the sleeping is getting easier too!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Joysie1970 - THANK YOU!! I'm making a calendar tonight with some goal dates on it for each of these phases. So many summer events make me nervous and I a planner. I need to know what phase I'll be in so I can plan for it.

    YUP - 4th of July might be tough. B)
  • rnin02
    rnin02 Posts: 20 Member
    I had glue...I'm not sure if that's better or worse! The incisions look ok, not infected or anything, but they almost look the same as the day after surgery still. And the glue is hard and itchy. I think I'm just impatient:)

    I started adding peanut butter powder to my shakes the past couple a days, it adds about 45 extra calories a shake plus some extra protein and makes them taste fantastic, so that's been helpful.

    I know how you feel about isolation...every time they eat something really good or that I used to love I'm practically drooling on them lol. I'm not hungry just missing the feel of real good in mouth! I just finished my 3 week of liquids and have 2 more to go, it's getting super old.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I have some PB2 but hadn't tried it yet. Do you just add it to any flavor shake? I think I'll give that a try tonight. Thanks for the tip.