Starting Strength

skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
Hello. New to the group. Lame question...but a bit of info first.

At the beginning of June I decided to get back into lifting. I have a gym at my work that has dumbbells and a weight machine type thing. No bar, or weight bench to do compound type lifting.

I found an app that shows different dumbbell movements I can use and have been using. Last night my husband bought a used (almost new) weight machine-it has a leg press, butterfly, lat pull down and bars to use to do curls and tricep work. Pretty nice. I know, I know, free weights are best (or at least that's the song I hear everyone singing), but being our youngest is just getting into lifting my husband didn't want him doing any bench pressing alone without spotters..and figured this would be good alternative for awhile. For me this will be nice for when I can't get down to the gym at work, or during the winter- having this at home. I also hope to incorporate some body weight type exercise with it, (Push ups, planks, squats, etc.) and we do have a few dumbbells at home too that I can use.

My goal is weight loss, fat loss and strength. I would like to make as much use out of the machine my hubz just bought. Do I have the right resources? Just looking for some reassurance I think. :smile:

