Cheat Days



  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I have been experimenting with having planned excursions away from my normal routine, planned around family special occasions, but have not gone over 60g carbs while doing it. So I try not to go overboard and stray too far. So far I have been able to get back on track easily. In fact I think that the last carb excursion resulted in kick starting my most recent weight loss. My weight went up about 3 pounds artificially, and the change to ZC immediately afterwards yielded an 11 pound loss or 8 pounds net in 2 weeks. This was after losing only 2 pounds in 2 months doing keto aiming for under 20g carbs. This is something I can see myself fitting into my routine in the long run.

    That's a wonderful result. Maybe if i dont see the scale moving again in the next few weeks i'll give this a go.

  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I actually had a beer last night! First time in 4 months. Although I don't fixate on the scale I was up 4 lbs this morning! Back to the program today. I'm confident there are no long term effects.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ashar33 wrote: »
    Spent some time with my sister yesterday, she's also doing low carb, and we got on the subject of cheat days. Sounds like she does one like every two months. I've been really hesitant to even think about cheating, but sooner or later I'm sure I'll want one. What do you guys do? I have a list on my phone of things to eat on my cheat day lol.

    I have a different spin. Have your planned cheat day. Do a water only fast the next day. You don't eat on the next day at all.

    I don't do this, but that should resolve the carbage issue rather quickly.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Cheat is a subjective term depending on where one is the cheating spouse or the cheated one. :)

    For me to go and eat an extra 3000 calories and it be ice cream would be cheating. If I at an extra 3000 calories and it be macadamia nuts that would not be cheating. On CICO it was ice cream but on LCHF it is macadamia nuts.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Dan's fasting and seeing colours before his eyes....
  • Astharteea
    Astharteea Posts: 105 Member
    Ahhahaha @Kitnthecat, you made me laugh out loud. Btw of cheat days, I never plan one but I had days when I had social obligations and I couldn't help myself and had drinks and fries and what not so I went way way over carb wise. It is true... It takes a lot to lose the lbs gained. Today I had a whole chocolate, full of sugar and I'm horrified to go on the scale tomorrow so I'm going to follow @DittoDan 's advice and fast until tomorrow night.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I figure that this will be the way I will teach myself to maintain this woe for life. If I can't learn how to deal with special occasions without falling too far off the wagon, then I will set myself up for failure, and if I can't get right back at it and continue with my mission without getting so discouraged that I ensure that I fail by giving up, then I might as well quit right now. But I am committed to getting rid of the rest of my excess weight and I am in this to win it. And win it I will.

    Everything is a learning experience. I now have the ability to gauge by how I feel when I have a treat. If I find that I don't enjoy the "treat", it is no longer desirable and I don't do that again. If I enjoy it and I feel it is worth it, I will plan for it, then make up for it afterwards. It usually motivates a period of time for me when I will be extra diligent with my eating plan, so for me that makes it worth it. It entirely depends on the situation.

    Fasting is good too.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I happily go off plan whenever the occasion calls for it without any negative consequences to date. I'm extremely mindful when I do, take steps not to relapse and ensure it remains a truly occasional thing but cheat days are a positive experience for me -- I think it's because I'm choosing to indulge. It's not a matter of "giving in" and eating food I'd rather not eat because I feel compelled to and I can't help myself.

    That makes all of the difference I think.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Astharteea wrote: »
    Ahhahaha @Kitnthecat, you made me laugh out loud. Btw of cheat days, I never plan one but I had days when I had social obligations and I couldn't help myself and had drinks and fries and what not so I went way way over carb wise. It is true... It takes a lot to lose the lbs gained. Today I had a whole chocolate, full of sugar and I'm horrified to go on the scale tomorrow so I'm going to follow @DittoDan 's advice and fast until tomorrow night.

    If you want a 'cheat' chocolate have a few pieces of a Lindt 90% 100g bar. 11g fat, 3g net carb, 2g protein for 2 squares. So rich and delicious, you cannot eat it fast like a sugary crap chocolate bar. Unfortunately it goes really well with a smooth but bold red wine, lol.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I love dark chocolate with red wine ! Ooops, more fasting to follow....
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Not interested, unless it's something I truly want. Like some Christmas cookies. Then it's totally worth deviating. But otherwise I have to say I'm not interested.
    I don't consider alcohol and dark chocolate cheats though, as I regularly have them.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Dan's fasting and seeing colours before his eyes....


    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
  • mamichula1173
    mamichula1173 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been on keto for about six weeks. I recently spent 48 glorious hours in NYC. You better believe I indulged in the famous pizza, etc. I also walked about 15 miles in that time and I didn't feel too terrible. I can tell I am retaining water but I'm not sure if it was all of the walking or the food. Regardless, I made the decision that if I wanted to eat carbs, I would. I savored each bite, and I have no regrets. That said, I'm right back to keto this AM. I don't consider it cheating.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    That dark dark chocolate is so yummy. And surprisingly low carb!

    My Dr actually mentioned a little daily is good for the heart. I google searched and found lots of confirmation

    So I get 10-20g every morning.

    I have some of that Lindt 90% too. Goes great in coffee too and dipped in black cherry Greek 80 calorie yogurt.