It's been a long week...

Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
We've been crazy slammed at work this week, so I (regrettably) have not been to the gym even once! But I did manage to keep my head and eat healthy foods all week, so I still managed to lose a bit of weight - I'm going to call that a success!

I keep telling myself to make working out a priority, but my actual priorities tend to get in the way haha.

I need to step up my game ;)

How was everyone else's week?


  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Priorities suck. Always get in the way of living. I need to make myself a priority.

    Ridiculously busy week planning for the weekend events. Plus tech issues all week. Major web server crash caused no end of trouble yesterday and today as well. Hopefully get it all squared away today so I can ignore it all weekend (and forever more if lucky).