
KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Oooops, didn't start a dated thread today!

Not much to say. Busy eating my lean cuisine chicken broccoli Alfredo, a real bargain at 240 calories! Heading into the lake for aquasize in a minute ( yeah, procrastinator extraordinaire today). I sent out a lot of challenge invites, so hopefully we'll have a good group.

TEN DAYS OF SERIOUS BUSINESS! I'm really jazzed up for this one for some reason. Thinking of it as my summer boot camp start. Honestly, if I give my absolute best effort, I bet I can lose 60 pounds by September 19. That would put me at 329 and well on my way to being in the terrible 200's by my one year surgiversary on December 9. I can remember distinctly when I was last in the 200's... I was in college at the Univ. of NH, 26 years old. I worked night shift at a convenience store, waited tables on the weekends, and went to school full time. I never slept, danced and drank every night off, gained 50 pounds eating snacks at my job, and graduated magna cum laude somehow!

Today the cat was poking around in my closet, and I made a decision to get in there and clean things out when I reach 370. I honestly haven't used it since I stopped working. I just keep my clean clothes in a pile on a laundry basket or on top of my dresser. All my "fancy" clothes were for work, and once my weight went over 400, they didn't fit anyway. I think what I'll do is sell or give away anything that's too big, leave in the closet only those that fit, and get some storage bags to label for the next sizes down. I have most sizes from 34W (at my highest weight) to 24W-26W (at my current weight) to 18W (my smallest size as an adult). I'm pretty sure I'll be in an 18W at 300---the awesome advantage of being very tall!

Hahaha... nothing much to say just turned into a ramble! And Skippy McGrape just banged on my door to ask me to swim with him, so off to the lake we go!



  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Sounds like a super plan with the closet Karen...but why wait until you are 370....do it NOW!!! You can do it....you WANT to do it...so go for it!!! Hope you had a great time at the lake!! You have a wonderful motivator living net to you!! Hope he comes over to your place DAILY!!!!

    Just reading your message has motivated me....I am heading for one of the bedrooms and giving it a clean out. Separating stuff to sell, give away and pack up and take with me. With the outrageous cost of moving a 'household full of personal belongings' back to the USA....I am really going thru my stuff ...so I start round 2 of my "cleaning out and getting rid of stuff" frenzy! I have given myself..THREE rounds....round 1 done :) Now for round 2 !

    I am starting the challenge now Karen...will be tough, as this is my day off...but I need to Log in my food!

    Catch you all later!!