First Fast Tomorrow

StacyT_UK Posts: 4 Member
Ive never done the 5:2 diet before but have been planning to in a couple weeks. Well... I pigged out today big time and have decided no time like the present! Mondays and Thursday will be my fast days normally I think with an oddball Saturday thrown in as I feel I need it. Been doing all my research and feel ready :) you guys here have helped loads for info. Will be doing along side SW on "off days" and Tuesdays not counting at all.

Wish me luck and feel free to add me on here! And I'll update here as I go as well if that's ok.


  • naxeea
    naxeea Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Stacy,welcome aboard:).i have just finished my week 4 of 5:2.First week was challenging but got easier and easier with passing weeks.Now I hardly feel hungry.I have done 5:2 before and has worked for.This time my target is to go for 13 weeks.Will definitely add you.Good luck.
  • StacyT_UK
    StacyT_UK Posts: 4 Member
    thankyou! I've done other things before similar to this so I think I'll be ok. when I want to I have some very strong willpower! lol

    I plan to do this for 6 weeks. then I'm starting another detox so will break from it until that detox is over after a month. then I'll more then likely come back again! got a total of 50 more lbs to lose and want to get healthier!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Good luck with your fast. Remember to drink lots of water, green tea, etc. I've also found that if I get hungry a cup of hot black coffee helps -
  • flinx1241
    flinx1241 Posts: 2,168 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!