My body must like to be fat

mclgo Posts: 147 Member
Hi all,
This weight is taking it's sweet time going away. I've only lost 2lbs so far, and I've been good as gold since early May. My clothes fit differently, but the scale won't budge. And yes, I've read the article "Why the Scale Lies" - great information!

I have been doing VERY WELL watching my calories and making good healthy choices - most days I'm under my goal. I like to leave some there in case I counted something wrong. I try to stick to real, whole foods and not use chemical-y substitutes.
Also I've been walking 2-3 miles at least 4 times a week since late April.
I've also been wheat-free for 11 days. My doctor has advised me to try it for 30 days.

So why is the blubber still sticking to all parts of me????
Maybe I just needed to vent?
Well, off to the grocery store. I've been on Pinterest and found some fun recipes!


  • celestep2k1
    celestep2k1 Posts: 55 Member
    I just looked at your food diary. One itty bitty hint I have is to make your own salad dressing from Greek Yogurt and Ranch Mix. I buy Frontier Herb Ranch mix when I don't make it myself. It's good for you and totally guilt-free. Pack baby carrots for the day and dip away!
    I am staying away from food in boxes, carbs and sugar. I'm counting every bit of food that goes into my face, even if I overdo it one day (I figure once a week I need a day to eat what I crave, within reason). I make my own cookies and fat bombs for treats now too. When I went to the doc this week, I found out that I had shed 10-lbs in 25-days...I was shocked, considering I haven't really jumped on the exercise like I should.
    Please let me know if you come up with some killer dishes. I love to cook and share recipes!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I know what you mean about sometimes it taking forever to drop the pounds...but sounds like you're doing well on meals and walking a lot. Eventually it will give up and go away! So hang in there. It seems to drop in chunks sometimes but just the fact that your clothes are letting you know things are shifting, that's good. I pretty much was at the same weight, give or take 2-3 lbs., for 8 months and figured that was my "set weight". Then I came to MFP and read about some exercise programs and thought I'd give them a try. It jump started my losses again and I dropped another 14 lbs., much to my surprise. So just keep on doing what you know is good for you and your health will increase and your weight will decrease. The important thing is that you're working on it!
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    Dropped a chunk over the weekend!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Dropped a chunk over the weekend!

    So glad to hear that...and it has to give you that much needed lift. Carry on! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • celestep2k1
    celestep2k1 Posts: 55 Member
    Right on!!!:bigsmile: