Vegetarian keto. Help me figure out !

Break fast : Post workout smoothie
few pieces of any fruit + full fat home made curd(1/2 cup) + fresh cream (1/2 cup) + Ground flax seeds/ walnuts
Snack 1 : few pieces of almond/ peanut/ cashew nut fried in clarified butter.
Lunch : vegetables fried in butter + half a cup curd ( keeps me cool )
Snack 2 : Green tea with coconut oil ( 2 tbs spoon) + 1/2 ounce of peanuts fried in clarified butter
Dinner : double egg omlette with vegetables and cheddar cheese
sweet dish : heavy cream with stevia .

But this food is leaving me hungry at end of the day. And, i have developed weird love handles all of a sudden ! Feels pathetic and demotivated


  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Never thought much of vegetarian keto. Interesting. I'll have to do some research.

    But in the mean time... This site has a ton of recipes that might fancy you or give you ideas to make a new dish that meets your lifestyle.

    Linda's Low Carb Recipes & Menus
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    What are your macros set at?
    Perhaps you need more fat. When you reduce carbs, you should increase your fat intake.

    I'm doing keto, and I aim for 70% or more of my daily calories to come from fat.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Doesn't the smoothies and fruit kick you out of ketosis?
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Sorry for the late reply... Been caught up with work, but now that I work in a dining facility I started thinking about how a vegetarian keto diet would work.

    First off ketogenic diet favors thoughs who eat meats. So my first question is whether or not you eat eggs on your diet?

    Eggs can make or break your keto diet depending on your diet. If not Tofu will be your main center.

    -Tofu seems to average about 100 calories, 10 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 2~3 Carbs with about 1 being fiber depending on brand. Needs to visit store to determine this...

    - Natural peanut butter. PB2 if possible.

    - whey protein shakes (lowest carb count you can find)

    - higj fiberous veggie salads with added tofu ( broccoli, spinich, lettuce, cauliflower). Can add high fat dressing such as ranch, or blue cheese (preferably home made to avoid added preservatives)

    - almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts

    - evoo, fish oil, flax oils, soy moderation, mayo, mustard, Dijon mustard

    - flax meal

    - Full fat cheeses &cottage cheese in moderation

    - heavy cream/redi-whip in moderation

    Found this meal idea from

    -tofu fried in olive oil with asparagus
    -cheese cubes and almonds (snack)
    -egg salad (whole eggs mixed with mustard and mayo)
    -salad with lettuce, asparagus, brocolli, ranch dressing and eggs, but you can add walnuts or raw tofu.
    -cottage cheese with a handful of walnuts.
    -stir fry with tofu or eggs
    -veggie burgers with 1 ounce full fat cheese and 1 tbsp mayo

    Tracking Carbs will be your biggest issues. I would aim for less than 40 grams to start.

    Hopefully this helps you out a bit.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Have you checked out the Vegetarian keto subreddit?

    The sidebar has a few resources.

    Good Luck!
  • amanda1005
    amanda1005 Posts: 31 Member
    A little late, but Ive been doing veg keto since February. Feel free to add me if you like! I would think all that fruit is going to knock you out of ketosis, so I would stay away from that. You need to make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet. I have plenty of heavy cream, coconut oil, butter, cheese, and almonds. There are tons of recipes out there that I have adapted to a veggie version. You just gotta learn what you can and cannot eat and take it from there.