The Daily Accountability Thread

phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
edited June 2015 in Social Groups
Hello, new here. Nice to meet you all.

I have found that one of my biggest problems in my weight loss journey is not having accountability to anyone but myself. That's a problem because it becomes easy to convince yourself that you can just start over tomorrow (or the famous Monday) and it'll all be okay. Only it's not okay because you keep doing this over and over and over again. So I'd like to see if there are any guys out there who feel the same way and would like to join me in posting daily (or however your schedule permits) to at least put your progress out there. I feel if I (we) make this public that it will be encourage me not to get off track. If you are with me, let's do this! If not, hopefully no one minds, but I will post my progress here. At the very least maybe it will inspire someone to get on track and do it too!

What I will post:

Day #
Starting weight:
Goal weight:
Current weight:
On track today: (yes or no)
Days on track: (consecutive days on track - set to 0 if you get off track)

What is on track? Stayed within your daily goals, whatever YOU set them to be; calories, exercise, etc. There are no rules but YOUR rules.

Good luck, gentlemen!


  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    I'll start.

    Day 1
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 185
    On track today: No
    Days on track: 0
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    I find adding active friends on here reading/watching your daily status updates to be good for accountability. The forums get a little stagnant at times (some of them) and you do not get alerts of replies (at least I do not).

    I won't have updated stats to use until July 1, but will do my best to contribute to keep this active.

    Day: 160
    Starting weight: 305
    Goal weight: 222 (ish)
    Current weight: 275 (June 1)
    On track today: Too early to tell.
    Days on track: 22 (I think)
  • Tripaway
    Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
    This sounds like a cool idea - do you plan to post daily to this group page, or simply on your own wall?

    Day: 171
    Starting weight: 186.6
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 166.0 (I weigh weekly on Friday, so this number won't change too often...)
    On track today: so far...
    Days on track: who knows??
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    I find adding active friends on here reading/watching your daily status updates to be good for accountability. The forums get a little stagnant at times (some of them) and you do not get alerts of replies (at least I do not).

    I won't have updated stats to use until July 1, but will do my best to contribute to keep this active.

    Day: 160
    Starting weight: 305
    Goal weight: 222 (ish)
    Current weight: 275 (June 1)
    On track today: Too early to tell.
    Days on track: 22 (I think)

    Thanks Plundering, appreciate the contribution!
    Tripaway wrote: »
    This sounds like a cool idea - do you plan to post daily to this group page, or simply on your own wall?

    Day: 171
    Starting weight: 186.6
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 166.0 (I weigh weekly on Friday, so this number won't change too often...)
    On track today: so far...
    Days on track: who knows??

    Thanks for joining! I plan to post daily here, and on my wall too (especially as I add more friends).
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    For accountability, open your food diary. Helps keep it real.
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    For accountability, open your food diary. Helps keep it real.

    Problem for me became that the food diary on its own lost the effectiveness. I've been calorie counting for years and keeping a log of the foods I eat. Sometimes it gets a little stagnant, unfortunately.
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    This was for yesterday, since I wanted to wait to see if any binges occurred.

    Day 2
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 182.5
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 1
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Day 161
    Current weight: dunno
    On track today: damn close
    Days on track: 22.874295
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Day 3
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 180
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 2
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Day 4
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 180
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 3
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Day 162 (Yesterday)
    Current weight: Dunno
    On track today: Totally!
    Days on track: 24
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Day 163 (Yesterday)
    Current weight: Dunno
    On track today: Yeah but food choices were not ideal.
    Days on track: 25
  • Tripaway
    Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
    Day 175
    Starting weight: 186.6
    Current weight: 166.2 (10.9% original body weight loss! - I've met my quarterly goal!)
    Goal weight: 150
    On track today: thus far...

    Hopefully will be able to get back into my gym routine next week...this week has been INSANELY busy at work, and I haven't been leaving until like 6pm or so...much too late to work out when I'm the one responsible for feeding the family...

    But hey, healthy food has seemed to be working for now!
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Way to go on your loss Trip!
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats Trip, keep it going!

    Day 5
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 179.5
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 4
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Day 6
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 179
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 5
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Day 7
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 180
    On track today: No
    Days on track: 5
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Day: 163 & 164
    Weight: TBD
    On track: booyah
    Days on track: 27ish
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Day: 165 (yesterday)
    Weight: TBD
    On track: Yep
    Days on track: 28 me thinks.
  • phantomdb
    phantomdb Posts: 20 Member
    Day 8
    Starting weight: 185
    Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 177.5
    On track today: Yes
    Days on track: 6